Beiyang 1917

Chapter 739 Young Qian Tianfu

() Qian Tianfu, the director of the war room, unconsciously played the opposing role in the debate, while the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces was smoking a cigar in his hand thoughtfully, looking at the map while listening to the discussion of the three Argument, no position for a while.

"Tian Fu, the mobility of the German army should not be underestimated. The railways in the south of Kharkov are quite developed. The main force of the German army along the railway lines can easily make a comeback and fight back to Kharkov. It must be seen that our air force is unexpected. Performance and air superiority are the fundamental reasons for the enemy to evacuate the main force from Kharkov. I don't think the Germans really care about the combat effectiveness of the ground troops of the Southwest Front Army. Of course, tonight, the 6th Infantry Regiment of the Kikuchi Brigade The team defended the position, which can be regarded as a lesson for the Germans, at least they will not continue to underestimate the combat effectiveness of the coalition ground forces!"

Jiang Fangzhen’s words are a bit earnest. Qian Tianfu is 11 years younger than Jiang Fangzhen, so he has always been treated like a younger brother by Jiang Fangzhen. Qian Tianfu’s second brother, Qian Junfu, was Jiang Fangzhen’s classmate and best friend when he was studying at Qiushi Academy (the predecessor of Zhejiang University). Friends, this Qian family is a well-known family in Zhejiang. Qian Junfu (18801969-30) was governed by a famous family.In the Hangzhou area, the Qian family is a family with considerable social prestige.It is said that they are descendants of Qian Miao, king of Wuyue, and Qian Junfu is the No.[-] second-generation grandson of Qian Liu.

Since the Southern Song Dynasty, especially in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there have been many politicians, writers and famous scholars from this family. Qian Junfu's father's generation was engaged in silk business in Hangzhou.Qian Junfu is the second son of this fallen silk merchant. Qian Junfu received a good education from his family when he was young. When he grew up, he studied at Hangzhou Qiushi College (the predecessor of Zhejiang University). He is a student with both good character and academic excellence.

In fact, when Jiang Baili was jointly funded by Fang County Magistrate, Lin Zhifu, and Chen Jianyuan (Chen Zhongshu) in 1901, when he was sent to Fusang to study abroad, Qian Junfu also pooled a lot of money for his best friend. In 3, Qian Junfu was also admitted to the Tokyo Higher Normal School in Japan, where he studied pedagogy, geography and history, so as to fulfill his ambition of "reviving education and saving the country". Be very active together in the Alumni Association.

Therefore, it is needless to say that Jiang Fangzhen and the Qian family have a close relationship. Everyone is a person who will repay their kindness. After graduating from the military academy, he followed Jiang Fangzhen into the Chinese Army to serve the country, and then came to the front line of the European War. Of course, no one knew that Qian Tianfu's nephew would become a famous nuclear physicist and aerospace scientist in the future, Jiang Fangzhen He would never have imagined that the Qian family boy would become his son-in-law in the future.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, Jiang Sang, Director Qian, in my judgment, Lieutenant General Daba's central army is still too anxious. The basic policy of the Ukrainian campaign, especially the first phase of the battle, I think should be upheld by Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief." As I have repeatedly emphasized, destroy the enemy's vital forces, not compete for the gains and losses of a city or a land!

Although Kharkiv is the new capital of Ukraine, it only ranks fourth among the major cities in Ukraine. In contrast, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, including Odessa, have the status and importance Xing is stronger than Kharkov. The first goal of the Ukrainian campaign is to destroy the enemy, and the second is to occupy the city and land. Lieutenant General Oba’s central army does not have an advantage in strength. It is better to strike first than to strike later! "

Yoshihiro Tanaka looked at Wang Geng, Jiang Fangzhen and Qian Tianfu seriously in "Chapter 1917 Nine of Beiyang 730 ([-]) Young Qian Tianfu".

"I agree with General Tanaka. Now the 4th Yonezawa Cavalry Regiment of the Central Route Army is cruising west of Kharkov. I think that if it plays the role of reconnaissance and containment of the enemy's rear flank, the Yonezawa Cavalry Regiment will be able to Well executed on this mission, Muto's 23rd Infantry Brigade jumped to the other side of the Kharkov River to outflank the east of the city. It seemed like a brilliant move, but it could easily become the enemy's preferred counterattack target!

Of course, if His Excellency Daba is throwing out the 23rd Infantry Brigade as a bait, it's not a bad idea, but the price is a bit too high, and it will weaken the main force of the Central Route Army in the north of the city a bit!Moreover, once the lone army is lured deep into the forest, 2 Ukrainian infantry divisions are enough for Major General Muto to drink a pot. If the main force of the German infantry division comes up again, the situation will not be optimistic!I suggest giving up the strategy of letting the Muto brigade cross the river and send a reconnaissance force across the river as a suspect! "

Jiang Fangzhen finished his suggestion in a concise manner, and Tanaka Yoshihiro blinked his eyes and nodded frequently, complaining in his heart why he didn't say how to send reconnaissance troops to replace Muto's brigade to cross the river, so that "Beiyang 1917" saved Udu The faces of Gong, Hata Shunroku and Oba Jiro will not completely open the eastern part of Kharkov City to allow the enemy to come in and out at will to supplement and reinforce!

"Director Qian, what do you think of the suggestions of the two chiefs of staff? Do you have any considerations and adjustments in the war room?" Wang Geng didn't rush to express his opinion, and turned to ask Qian Tianfu, the executive chief of staff, first.

"Commander-in-Chief, of course the considerations of His Excellency Tanaka and Admiral Jiang are thorough and foolproof. The result of the emergency discussion and analysis in our war room is that Lieutenant General Oba obviously hopes that the 23rd Infantry Brigade under the command of Major General Muto will be able to obtain With the strengthening of Lu Huanyan's 3rd Armored Battalion and the Du Li Artillery Battalion, they can stand alone and fight in the east of the city, which can protect the flanks of the main force of the Central Army, and sending only one reconnaissance force across the river will obviously not achieve such an effect!"

"And... and since the 18th Infantry Regiment of Masayoshi Masaki can defeat the 1st Division, the main force of the Ukrainian National Army, then...Major General Muto and Lieutenant General Oba must both believe that the 23rd Infantry Brigade should strengthen an armored battalion and A du li artillery battalion can at least deal with the two main divisions of Ukraine! Well, we analyzed that the former enemy headquarters of the Central Route Army did not "entertain" because it did not consider the enemy's attempt to besiege Muto's troops with the East Route as a breakthrough, but believed that Muto The troops are sufficient to deal with possible enemy situations!"

"If you want me to say it, I tend to agree with Lieutenant General Daba's new strategy of sending only a small group of reconnaissance troops across the river... It won't be useful at critical moments and it will delay the fighters... But in order to strengthen the main force and reserve team in the north of the city, you can The 14th Federal Infantry Division of the Voronezhri Group Army was transferred to the front line as a reserve in advance, and it should be more than enough to leave only one guard of the 15th Federal Infantry Division from Voronjeri to Belgorod!"

The young director of the war room, Qian Tianfu, was obviously very enterprising. Under the watchful eyes of Wang Geng, Jiang Fangzhen and Qian Tianfu, he boldly expressed more positive suggestions and tactics.

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