Beiyang 1917

Chapter 746 Gritting his teeth and making up his mind

() According to feedback from battlefield reconnaissance, at least one and a half divisions of the two divisions of the 10th Army of Gydis that were separated when they retreated southward have returned to their own camp. It is the strength of 2 infantry divisions, 2 divisions on the western front, and the 2th Army's western front position has shrunk to 8 divisions. The opponent's casualties are at least one brigade during the day, and another division is defeated at night.

In addition, a brigade was wiped out by Hastings' Eastern Group in the Battle of Jieqiuxi. In this way, the Soviet Russian 10th Army has 6 divisions left, and the 8th Army has 3 divisions.At this moment, the opponent has put up a tortoise shell formation. In the north, 2 divisions guard a 4-kilometer line of defense, and 25 divisions in the west guard a 2-kilometer line of defense. There are also [-] divisions in the east, which was originally empty. The divisions watched over the border of the demilitarized buffer zone, and the last division remained cruising to the south.

However, Kolchak's White Guards, in daytime battles, were at a disadvantage in artillery fire. They attacked three times in a row and suffered nearly 9000 casualties. The 8th Brigade of the 7rd Division is still cruising far north of Saransk to contain Tukhachevsky's Soviet 6st Army "", and has not yet returned to the team. Sri Lanka lost more than 3000 troops. In tonight's night attack, although Pyatov claimed to have defeated the opponent's 3th infantry division, he paid more than 5 Cossack cavalry casualties. This loss is not small.

"The Allied Forces and the Volga Federation... are too deceitful!" Kolchak couldn't help but slammed the table in front of him and shouted. The highest consul in Russia, who usually seldom gets angry, was obviously on the verge of exploding. Well, the two cavalry divisions are exhausted at the moment, and it is absolutely impossible to continue to retreat overnight, but if they continue to stay in the demilitarized buffer zone, they will be exposed to the patrol planes of the coalition air force at dawn tomorrow. The ground troops are dispatched, and just a few fighter and bomber squadrons can drive the two cavalry divisions to the sky and have nowhere to go.

A 2-legged infantry can't outrun a 4-legged cavalry, but how can a 4-legged cavalry on the ground outrun a fighter-bomber flying in the sky with open wings?No matter how slow the bomber is, its speed is n times faster than that of a war horse... How to fight this battle?Can't help Kolchak not getting angry, testing the bottom line of the coalition forces and the Volga Federation. Although it is true, this guy didn't think about it at all..." "I see, the Volga Federation doesn't care about love at all, and it will be dealt with at dawn tomorrow Cossack cavalry entering the demilitarized buffer zone.

"Send a telegram to Pyatov and Bairamov, requesting them to lead the team to withdraw from the non-military buffer zone before 6:[-] tomorrow morning, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. Under the coordinated air-ground attack of the coalition air force and ground forces, our first If you can't stand it, secondly, if you tear yourself apart and fight with the Volga Federation or the Allied Forces, the battle with the Soviet Red Army will be completely impossible to continue. Once the Allied Forces and the Volga Federation join the war, who knows if they will help? Moscow against us?"

The chief of the Cossacks and the chief of staff of the Kazan 1st Army, Roman Mikhainovich Krashilnikov, stood up anxiously and shouted that both Pyatov and Bairamov belonged to him. The confidantes and the people in their hometown, don’t look at them as close to the strength of two cavalry divisions, but the continuous march for three days has long been exhausted. Tonight’s night attack is also reluctant and at the end of their strength. When the Federal Defense Forces fight against each other, everyone knows what the result will be.

"But" Beiyang 1917, Chapter 740, Chapter 10 (30), gritted his teeth and made up his mind, "Where to withdraw? The combat effectiveness of the 4th Army of the Soviet Russian Red Army should not be underestimated. The opponent has received at least 5 artillery companies. The defense line is also relatively strong. When the opponent's firepower is superior, our 9th and [-]th cavalry divisions will turn around and fight back to the west, but it will definitely not be cheap, especially in broad daylight, sneaking into the enemy If you go in the encirclement circle of [-] infantry divisions, it is very likely that the fish will die and the net will not be broken!"

Vice Admiral Sergei Nikolaevich Timilev, chief of staff of the Kazan 2nd Army, frowned, stood up and walked to the map, bent over to look at it for a long time, shook his head and sighed, rather said in frustration.

"Can't we just surrender our guns to the Volga Federation? If we lose the two new forces of the 4th and 5th Cavalry Divisions, it will be very difficult for us to clean up the 10th and 8th Army Groups of Soviet Russia. Now every day The Kazan 3rd Army in Cheboksary on the northern front has attracted at least 12 divisions of enemies from Nizhny Novgorod, and the whereabouts of Budyonny's cavalry army is unknown, and it is likely to be lurking in the north instead of In the south, a knife may be inserted in our logistics transportation line at any time!


Hastings, chief of staff of the White Guards and the new commander of the 2nd Kazan Army, clenched his fists and said bitterly.

"If it really doesn't work, we can only start the decisive battle tomorrow... We are exhausted and need to rest. It is not the case that the Soviet Russian 10th Army retreated from Tetyushi all the way. In any case, we cannot give up these two cavalry divisions in vain. The Volga Federation, get them out before the ground troops of the Volga Federation intervene in the demilitarized buffer zone!

We can't let them fight alone with the nine infantry divisions of the Soviet Red Army, so we can only launch a decisive battle in advance. The two armies will all go into battle. In terms of strength, we have 2 divisions fighting the opponent's 13 divisions. Although the opponent's cannons are amazing. In the evening, Pyatov and the others cleared up at least 9 artillery batteries of the opponent, so tomorrow the enemy's artillery fire will not be more violent than today"" during the day..."

The Supreme Consul of the Kazan All-Russian Temporary Government, the Commander-in-Chief of the White Guards and the Commander of the Kazan 1st Army, Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak gritted his teeth and made up his mind!


"Comrades... The situation is very serious. I just received a telegram from the Supreme Military Council in Moscow. The Volga Federation announced that starting at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, all armed personnel who entered the demilitarized buffer zone on the left bank of the Volga River will be disarmed and fired. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed regardless. The Volga Federal Forces will fully take over the defense of the non-military buffer zone and maintain local law and order!

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