Beiyang 1917

Chapter 767 Deliberately exposed flaws

() Of course, the result of the night attack by the German infantry regiment out of the city last night was publicized as a big victory in the city of Kharkov and the Ukrainian National Army. Countless enemies were wiped out, and at least 2 artillery brigades and at least one infantry brigade were eliminated. The Artillery Regiment of the 3rd Infantry Division played a huge role in the night attack, providing firepower support for the smooth attack and retreat of the 139th Infantry Regiment of the German Army!

步兵第3师的炮兵团长舍夫楚科上校没敢直接跟师长报告自己的炮兵团损失了2个75mm克虏伯野炮营,这一场哈尔科夫城北夜袭和炮战,完全是在德军指挥官的全权指挥下进行,乌克兰步兵第3师布置在北城区的2个75mm野炮营被ri本人后发制人的150mm重型野战榴弹炮联队的5分钟火力奇袭彻底歼灭…… . .

Shevchuko, the commander of the artillery, escaped a catastrophe because he was with the 105mm light field howitzer battalion. In order to avoid shaking the morale of the army, the former enemy command of the German-Ukrainian coalition ordered that any battle damage in the city of Kharkov should not be sent outside the city. The troops revealed that this also made the soldiers of the 3rd Ukrainian Infantry Division only know that the artillery regiment played a good role in the artillery battle after the reinforcements entered the city of Kharkov or won a big victory. Shenwei wiped out countless Japanese troops, and retreated to the city smoothly.

Speaking of which, in the second half of the night last night, whether it was in the city of Kharkov or on the banks of the Kharkov River in the east, it was calm and quiet. Koval, the commander of the 3rd Ukrainian Infantry Division, had a good sleep to replenish a lot of energy. After a tiring day and night, I finally fell asleep with peace of mind. Since Koval's scouting cavalry battalion was sent out on the right bank of the Kharkov River as a security force, this guy is not worried about being suddenly crossed by the coalition forces. Stolen camp night attack. . .

"What's going on! Didn't the former enemy headquarters say that the Japanese attack on the German army and our artillery last night had severely damaged the Japanese devils, and even wiped out several brigades of the other side? How could the Allied forces prepare to cross the river this morning?! In the end How many troops?!" Division commander Koval simply grabbed the collar of the chief of staff and almost roared.

"The reconnaissance battalion reported that the Japanese devils on the other side of the river who were preparing to cross the river were at least one infantry brigade, and there were an unknown number of Chinese armored units. The position where the opponent is building a pontoon bridge is about five kilometers northeast of Kharkov. It is less than [-] kilometers away from us...Commander, the enemy is going to outflank Kharkov, what should our division do?" Chief of Staff Nazarenko repeated the enemy's situation while struggling.

"Hurry up and report the enemy's situation to the former enemy headquarters in Kharkov! Ask the 4th Infantry Division for emergency support! At least return my artillery regiment first! Otherwise, how will I fight? How will I hold the position?" Commander of the 3rd Infantry Division Scratching his forehead and turning around in the tent, he yelled anxiously.

"Division Commander... The task assigned to our division by the former enemy headquarters last night is to protect Kharkov's flanks, and at the same time pay attention to air defense, so as not to be dampened by the air strikes and sweeps of the coalition air force's morale and strength. Milevsky and Kravshenko's 1st Infantry Division was defeated by a Japanese infantry unit from the coalition forces...

How can one of our divisions block the opponent's infantry brigade?This is unstoppable no matter what, let me tell you, let the front enemy headquarters quickly transfer the 4th Infantry Division in the southeast direction!Our two divisions coordinated to attack this infantry brigade that blocked the opponent! "Nazarenko, chief of staff of the division, is obviously not too confused, although he, like the division commander, finds it a bit difficult to figure out the order of the former enemy headquarters.

Kharkov City belongs to a dense water network area where several large rivers meet. The Kharkov River in the east of the city rushes from the northeast in the forest, and sticks to the east of the city in the northeast direction of Kharkov City until it reaches the middle of the city. The location of the city merges with the Lopan River and the Yudi River rushing from the west, and then rushes southward, while the northwest of the city is the Yudi River, a tributary of the North Donets River, rushing from northwest to southeast. The southwest direction of the city flows into the Lopan River.

Strictly speaking, in this time and space in 1918, the city of Kharkov looked like an octopus. The Yudi River, a tributary of the North Donets River in the northwest of the city, the Lopan River in the west of the city, and Kharkov in the northeast of the city The three rivers flow from the west, northwest and northeast to the central part of Kharkov city, then rush southeast, and finally join the lower reaches of the North Donets River.

The Kharkov northern ring defense line of the German-Ukrainian coalition relies on the northern city of Kharkov and the Yudi River, a tributary of the North Donets River, and the Kharkov River. If you advance southward along the left bank of the Kharkov River, you will bump into the northeast position of the northern circular defense line of Kharkov City. Therefore, if you want to detour to the east of Kharkov City, the coalition forces must cross the river upstream and enter the forest. Go south after the strip.

The only bridge on the Kharkov River in the east of the city is now close to the position of the East City and is in the hands of the German-Ukrainian coalition forces. Strictly speaking, it is the 2rd Division of the 3nd Division of Ukrainian Volunteers who guards the East City of Kharkov. The brigade, not the 3rd Ukrainian Infantry Division who crossed the river and set up a position fifteen kilometers east of the city to guard the forest road.

The reason why the German-Ukrainian Allied Forces Command arranged the 3rd and 4th Ukrainian Infantry Divisions 47 kilometers away from the city was not only for the purpose of hiding in the dense forest to avoid the attack of the Allied Air Force, but also because the German-Ukrainian Allied Forces General von François, the former commander in chief of the enemy, and his deputy chief of staff, major general von Neuhaus, commander of the [-]th Division of the Reserve Infantry, deliberately exposed flaws after discussing...

However, if one of the two warring parties reveals a flaw, it is either insufficient troops, or luring the enemy deep, or incomplete thinking, luring the Allied forces into the forest area east of Kharkov to fight, it is the German-Ukrainian coalition forces in the short term. It is a helpless move after losing air supremacy in China. The forest water network zone can minimize the threat of the coalition air force, and the Chinese armored forces will also be hindered.

This is why the 4th Ukrainian Infantry Division is arranged on the southeast flank of the 3rd Infantry Division, not behind it. The eastern defense line of Kharkov City will form a single formation with the position of the 3rd Ukrainian Infantry Division in the forest. The two pincers of the crab, once the Allied forces are lured in, the real counterattack of Kharkov's defensive battle will start in the forest in the east of the city. Of course, the protagonists may not be the 3rd and 4th Divisions of the Ukrainian Infantry .

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