Beiyang 1917

Chapter 769

() Among the cavalry regiments belonging to the three divisions of the Japanese 3rd Army, each cavalry regiment governs three cavalry brigades and one cavalry artillery brigade, each of which has four cavalry squadrons and one cavalry squadron Jurisdiction over 3 cavalry squads, one squad is 4 people!It turns out that a squadron of the Japanese cavalry only governs two cavalry squads, and the strength of the inside and outside is one-third short. Therefore, the Japanese cavalry in the coalition army is much stronger and more substantial than that in Japan.

The cavalry brigade of the 4th cavalry regiment of the Japanese cavalry, together with the brigade directly under the brigade headquarters, each brigade has about 850 troops, and the three cavalry brigades add up to 2550 people. In addition, the cavalry artillery brigade of the regiment governs 3 artillery squadrons 4 75mm 8-type mountain cannons and 75 4mm 4-type field cannons, as a member of the 999-unit pack horse division, the artillery brigade of the 720th Yonezawa Cavalry Regiment plus logistics has as many as [-] people, [-] horses horse. ..

Coupled with the reconnaissance cavalry squadron directly under the regiment headquarters, the total strength of the 4th Cavalry Regiment of Yonezawa Kogoro is around 4000. The nearly 4 cavalry troops of the 300th Regiment that were reduced in the Battle of Ufa have already been established in the Southwest Front Army of the Allied Forces Later, all of them were made up with reserve soldiers.


The 4th Yonezawa Cavalry Regiment only governs a 300-man engineering squadron, which makes his bridging speed far less than that of the 3rd Engineer Regiment and the 23rd Muto Infantry Brigade who built a bridge on the Kharkov River to cross the river. In comparison, and because the Yudi River and the Lopan River are located in plains and hills, unlike the Kharkov River that flows along the edge of the forest, the engineers of the Misawa Regiment cannot log nearby, so they are placed in the 4th Cavalry Regiment The difficulties ahead are clearly considerable. ..

"Your Excellency, Captain, I think we have to change our thinking. It is impossible to stick to the city of Kharkov. Even if we want to build a bridge, there is also a lack of materials. The day lily brought from the upstream logging is cold, and this is what we are doing now. The location is too close to the city of Kharkov. Look at the artillery battles that went back and forth all day and night yesterday. The artillery of the Germans and Ukrainians is definitely not a display. The artillery battalion of the 6th Infantry Regiment of the Kikuchi Brigade was completely destroyed. Shao Zuo Isokawa was killed in battle, this should arouse our vigilance, it is not the best policy for us to build a bridge and cross the river under the nose of the enemy like this!"

Yamashita Fufumi was also unambiguous, and straightforwardly stated his judgment on the situation. Under normal circumstances, the 4th Cavalry Regiment would either build a bridge on the Yudi River under the enemy's nose, and insert it directly under the city of Kharkov. The distance from the Di River to the northwest corner of Kharkov is less than 3 kilometers. The bridge must be within the range of the enemy's artillery fire. If the enemy really wants you to build a bridge, just use the 75mm Krupp field gun You can't stand if you can bomb.

Therefore, the original plan of the captain of the regiment, Mize, was to build a bridge on the Lopan River about 6 kilometers away from the western position of Kharkov. This place is almost beyond the maximum attack range of the defenders' cannons in Kharkov. The safety factor is Sufficient security, but the difficulty is that there are no large forests nearby, and there is a lack of on-site logging materials. The young and middle-aged Ukrainian people in several villages by the river have basically disappeared, and the rest are a small number of local old people, women and children.

"Haven't the engineers and soldiers already selected the bridge-building site on the Lopan River? You and I both went to see it for ourselves. Although the river is a little wider, the current is still gentle. There should be no problem with the bridge-building. It's just the materials. It's a bit difficult not to take advantage of it..."

The captain of the regiment, Yonezawa Kogoro, is obviously a prudent person. In fact, one of the important tasks given to the 4th Cavalry Regiment by the Central Route Army's front enemy headquarters is to create momentum through detours and outflanking, and disperse and involve the defenders in Kharkov. The attention and strength of the troops created better conditions for the main force on the northern front to attack the city.

Yonezawa Kogoro was born in Yonezawa City, Yamagata Prefecture in 1877. He is the fifth son of Yonezawa Kene, a vassal of Yonezawa. If you want to say that you can be regarded as an outstanding child of the Yonezawa clan.

Yonezawa was promoted to Captain of the Cavalry before graduating from Lu University in November 1908, and then successively served as the squadron leader of the 11th Cavalry Regiment, member of the General Staff Headquarters, deputy military attache of the Legation in the UK, and was promoted to Major Cavalry after 4 years after graduating from Lu University. Two years later, he was promoted to lieutenant commander, and when the 5rd Japanese Army formed the Siberia Expeditionary Army, he was promoted to cavalry commander and served as the captain of the 2th cavalry regiment.

To say that although the Yonezawa clan is in the Northeast, it was also the place where the Uesugi family and Naoe Kanesuke became famous and married. At the end of the Tokugawa period, the Yonezawa clan joined the Ou and Echizen Alliance to fight against the new zheng fu army. Osato Pass surrendered at the border, and troops were sent to attack Shonai Fan.The territory was reduced to only 14 shi due to the relationship against the new government.

In 1869, it merged with the Yonezawa Nitta Domain. In 1871, Yonezawa Prefecture became Yonezawa Prefecture due to the abolition of feudal feudal clans, and became part of Yamagata Prefecture after the merger of the prefectures. In 1884, the feudal lord's family became part of the Chinese clan.

Since the end of the Shogunate War ended with the victory of the fallen Choshu and Satsuma feudal clans, the Yonezawa feudal clan, which had joined the Ou Etsurei feudal alliance before, surrendered early, but it was still the opposite that was suppressed after the war. After the merger of Tian Fan and the abolition of the feudal clan, it was merged from Yonezawa Prefecture to become part of Yamagata Prefecture, all because of the wrong team when the curtain fell.

Yonezawa Kogoro, who was born in the declining Yonezawa Clan, after graduating from the 20th term of the Continental University with the seventh place, he only took ten years to complete the promotion from the captain and the second lieutenant to the captain of the cavalry. He became the 7-year-old The captain of the cavalry regiment, Yonezawa Kogoro, can be regarded as an absolutely smooth-sailing young officer. If there is no accident, even if he survives for another 41 years and enters the ranks of generals, Yonezawa Kogoro is worthy of Yonezawa's hometown elders.

Of course, due to the formation of the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Powers and the combat operations west of the Ural Mountains, the soldiers of the Japanese 3rd Army and 1st Army will have more opportunities to make contributions and be promoted than their colleagues in the domestic standing divisions. Sawa’s idol is 39-year-old Hata Toshiroku, who was promoted to major general, so he did not dare to neglect the 33-year-old Lieutenant Yamashita Hokumi, who was appointed to the wing, knowing that Yamashita is the 3rd Army Commander Utsunomiya Taro’s optimistic staff candidate , the future is limitless, and sooner or later you will have to go back to the headquarters for a promotion after being transferred to the lower levels, so at this moment, it is better to have a good relationship with each other.

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