Beiyang 1917

Chapter 776

()Different from the m2 large-caliber heavy machine gun on the coalition armored vehicles, the m191837aa high-shelf anti-tank gun is much more powerful than the pure 12.7mm heavy machine gun bullets, because this gun can use the following supporting research and development and production of ammunition :

The 37mm gun is equipped with a 37mm caliber m1918apc armor-piercing grenade and m1918hc high-explosive grenade specially developed by the arsenal at the same time.

The parameters of the m1918apc armor-piercing grenade are as follows:

1. The overall length is 337mm, the overall weight is 1.32kg, and there is a tracer tube at the tail of the warhead; . .


3. The warhead weighs 681g, of which the charge is 13g, and the composition is RDX high explosive. There is a red mark on the projectile body to indicate that it is an armor-piercing projectile;

4. The length of the cartridge is 247.65e, commonly known as nitroglycerin and nitrocellulose; both weigh 188g

The parameters of the m1918hc high-explosive grenade are as follows:

1. The overall length is 343mm, the overall weight is 1.29kg, and there is a large tracer tube at the tail of the warhead; . .




The first roar of the two m2aa high-explosive anti-tank guns turned the bridgehead on the right side of the bridge into a sea of ​​flames, and at a distance of 191837 meters, the m150hc high-explosive grenade was sent into the port of the opponent's machine gun to attack the coalition high-shelf It is not too difficult for the artillerymen. The m1918hc high-explosive grenade is not a large-caliber machine gun bullet.

The biggest reliance of the Ukrainian defenders guarding the bridge became a hell on earth with shrapnel flying in front of the two M2AA high-shelf anti-tank guns of the coalition forces. The two bridgeheads were shot into and exploded by continuous high-explosive grenades from the sheath Finally, a raging fire ignited, and the Ukrainian machine gunners who survived by chance ran out of the bridgehead crying and crawling, but became the souls of the large-caliber machine guns harvested by Chinese armored vehicles


"It's really unreasonable. When did the Japanese 3rd Division equip such sharp guns! Pass my order, the 1st Battalion temporarily abandons the Kharkov bridgehead position, and all troops withdraw to the second line of defense along the communication trench!" German major general von Neuhaus was obviously caught off guard by the sharpness of the Japanese troops attacking the bridge. The three armored vehicles on the other side resisted the hail-like 2cm mortar shells and mg3 heavy machine gun bullets on their side.

I thought that after the barbed wire and roadblocks arranged on the bridge deck blocked the opponent's armored vehicles, it was an excellent time for the heavy machine gun firepower in the bridgehead on our side to harvest the opponent's infantry. Unexpectedly, the armored vehicle was dragging behind the small-caliber gun The guns are so sharp, the shooting speed, accuracy and the power of the shells are almost as good as the German 57mm anti-aircraft guns. It was so sharp.

"Can't withdraw! General, should we give up the Kharkov Bridge? If we knew this, why would we pay such huge casualties and costs to guard the bridge? Can't we just blow up the bridge? The two companies of the 2st Battalion stationed at the bridgehead almost all fought It’s all gone, now the key is to kill the opponent’s two 37mm anti-aircraft guns! Otherwise, the opponent’s attack on our fortifications will be as unbearable as shooting turkeys in the forest!”

Kalitintsev, the commander of the 2nd Division of Ukrainian Volunteers, panicked and was a little incoherent. Of course, everyone found that the biggest threat to the Ukrainian defenders at this moment was not the coalition armored vehicles blocked by barbed wire and roadblocks, but hiding behind the tanks , Relying on the cover of the tanks, they aimed at the coalition anti-aircraft guns fired at the Hexi position from the gaps of several tanks.

"Stop talking nonsense, the two bridgeheads on the west side of the bridge have caught fire and burned like this. If you don't withdraw, all your 1st Battalion will be burned there. Pass my order, and then adjust two 2cm gates to the city wall, and try to be killed by the other side." If I destroy it, I will overturn the two anti-aircraft guns at the east end of the bridge, our mortars can't hit the opponent's armored vehicles, but the opponent's two anti-aircraft guns can always hit them!"

Von Neuhaus gritted his teeth and gave the order, scolding the Ukrainian mortar gunners for being one-sided masters. Just now, the more than 20 cannons on the city wall knew how to concentrate on intercepting and shooting the armored vehicles rushing in front of the opponent. , I didn’t pay attention to the anti-aircraft guns dragged behind the buttocks of the two armored vehicles behind the opponent... As a result, more than 2 20cm mortars on the city wall were almost destroyed by the mortar groups and field artillery of the coalition forces in the forest within a few minutes The group was beaten up, and the flesh and blood flew all over the place.

"General, the 2 mortar groups of the 4 main regiments of the 2th Brigade of the Volunteers' 24nd Volunteer Group all suffered casualties! How can my troops get any extra mortars at this moment?" Kalitintsev wept mournfully. Almost skipped a foot.

"Captain Sternberg! Drag the two mortars of your guard platoon up the city wall, no! Wait, set up the position on the west side of the city wall, and you go to the city wall to command it yourself. Be sure to take Kharkov The two anti-aircraft guns of the coalition army at the east end of the bridge made me dumb! Note, your guns should be as close to the base of the city wall as possible, so that unless the opponent's mortars are also dragged near the bridge, it will be difficult for them to hit you !"

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