Beiyang 1917

Chapter 802 Must leave the battlefield

() This also makes the artillery regiment of the 4th Division of the Ukrainian Infantry the fastest Ukrainian gunner in the entire 1st Army to learn artillery technology. Under the training of German instructors, the 3mm Krupp field cannon and the 75mm The Krupp light howitzer is well-crafted. After all, it is not a rough farmer with calloused hands. The calculation speed of the operation and scale, distance, and angle of fire on the map is much more accurate than that of other Ukrainian artillery. The only one The disadvantage is that the physical fitness of the ammunition hand is slightly poor. Fortunately, there are many Ukrainians. There are half more ammunition men in Yamorlenko’s artillery regiment than other troops.

"Andrei Andropovich... What's going on? Why did the 4th Division withdraw? The Japanese Okamoto Brigade has been wiped out? How many machine guns and mortars have been seized? The Chinese machine guns equipped by Ri himself And the mortar is a good thing..." It was Mihalik, the commander of the 2nd Ukrainian Infantry Division who came in with reinforcements.

After the 2nd Infantry Division under the command of Taras Tasimovich Mihalik was defeated by the Chinese armored forces yesterday in the forest area on the upper reaches of the Kharkov River, the actual losses were the loss of the artillery and the main force of the artillery regiment. The main forces of the 4th Regiment, the team directly under the division and the 5th and 6th regiments finally withdrew without any risk...

It should be said that Mihalik's 2nd Division originally belonged to the master who lost the battle and abandoned his armor, but this guy also has his own plans, especially at noon today, his troops were blocked between the 3rd Division and the 4th Division After being attacked by an infantry brigade in Japan... this guy suddenly realized that the 2nd Division lost the battle yesterday because it was facing an entire Chinese armored battalion. ... Although the marksmanship of the [-] Dagai in Ri's own hand is good, the firepower persistence and density are incomparable with the Chinese armored forces. ..

In the time and space of 1918, in the Japanese Third Army and First Army of the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front, a standard Japanese infantry squadron (225 people + 19 people) includes: a 19-man squadron department: squadron leader, executive officer , 3 non-commissioned officers, 4 health workers, officer's orderly, bugleman, 8 correspondents), 3 squads of 75 people, each of these 75-man infantry squads has a machine gun team (two Chinese-made 7.62 Bo Browning squad with light machine gun), a mortar group (two 60mm caliber platoon mortars made in China) and three rifle groups.Each light machine gun is composed of four people (commander, shooter, two deputy shooters with ammunition), each mortar is composed of two people, and each rifle group is 21 people.

In other words, a squadron of 244 members of the Japanese army is only equipped with 6 Browning squad machine guns and 6 m60 light infantry mortars, while the Chinese armored force has an armored infantry company that dismounts from the vehicle and has 1 company headquarters Armored combat vehicles and company squads, there are three rows left, each with 3 wheeled armored combat vehicles, each carrying an infantry squad of 10 people, in addition, the fd17ii wheeled armored combat vehicle team has 4 members, the driver and the co-pilot One for each, one for the shooter and one for the vehicle-mounted M2 Browning large-caliber heavy machine gun.When getting out of the car to fight, the 10-man infantry squad carried is used as infantry.

The vehicle-mounted infantry squad of the Chinese Armored Forces is smaller than the 14-person general infantry squad of the Chinese Infantry Mixed Brigade of the Allied Forces. It is only an infantry squad of 10 people, because most of the 4-person vehicle group is accompanied by armored combat vehicles.

Such a vehicle-mounted infantry squad has 1 squad leader and 2 deputy squad leader, 6 snipers, and 1 soldiers. The squad is equipped with 7 short-barreled M1 Garand semi-automatic riding rifles, 2 M1911 Garand semi-automatic sniper rifles, and Browning M10 1917 automatic pistols, one m2bra machine gun for the squad, and the second squad in each row is additionally equipped with 60 Chinese-made 2mm platoon mortars. The main and deputy shooters of the mortar are also equipped with the M4 Garand semi-automatic riding rifle. As for the M1 Browning automatic pistol, as a self-defense weapon, it has already been equipped on every soldier of all the field troops of the Chinese participating army.


Therefore, when Mihalik's two main regiments gritted their teeth in the middle of the road and waited to withstand the attack of a Japanese infantry brigade, it was much easier than yesterday's trembling with the Chinese armored forces. There is no coalition air force in the sky. The threat of an air strike, the artillery fire from the Muto Brigade of the Japanese Army on the ground was only crackling and equal to the artillery of the 2th Division of the Yamorenko Infantry, so Mihalik was particularly regretful... If his artillery regiment hadn't been attacked by the coalition forces yesterday If it was taken away, the leading role today may not be Yamorlenko, who was born as a middle school principal, but himself, the tried and tested old guerrilla captain!

"Didn't you hear the sound of the guns? Ri's main reinforcements came troops suffered heavy losses...we must leave the battlefield!" Yamorlenko, the commander of the 4th Division, waved his hand angrily.

"Ri's main force? Where did it come from? How many troops? Are there any Chinese armored troops?" Although Mihalik heard the sound of the guns, he didn't expect that Yamorlenko was about to retreat with a grim look on his face. , this guy originally wanted to get a share of the credit for annihilating the Japanese Army Okamoto Brigade, so he led the team to ignore the 3rd Division's plea for help, but moved south for reinforcements to the 4th Infantry Division.

"The enemy's situation is unknown, but the opponent's long-range artillery has at least a battalion of 12 75mm field guns bombarding my position. The Japanese Okamoto Brigade has been completely wiped out by my division, but it is too late to clean up the battlefield and seize it... Taras · Tacimovich, you came at the right time. My troops need time to gather and rest. The 2nd Division can take over my position first! The Japanese reinforcements are far away from here. Where can there be any Chinese armor in the swampy forest? force……"

Yamorenko, the commander of the 4th Division, rolled his eyes and even coaxed and pulled the two regiments of Mihalik's 2nd Division to come up to take over his division's defense line, otherwise he was really worried that if the enemy's artillery stopped, reinforcements would come. The ground troops came to kill them... The 2th Division fought several battles today and finally fell short under the intensive killing of the opponent's long-range artillery fire. Although this breath cannot be swallowed, it really has to be swallowed first.

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