Beiyang 1917

Chapter 914 The Battlefield With Climaxes

() The artillery fire from the armored train artillery and the 139th artillery battalion of the German armored train plowed all the way from the Kharkov Bridge outside the east gate to the vicinity of the three-way intersection. The bombardment continued for nearly 10 minutes, hitting the entire forest within sight. It became a sea of ​​flames, but in fact there was a lot of thunder and little rain. Except for the loss of nearly a hundred people from the Nakamura Battalion of the Taisuke Mizuno Regiment on the front line, the German bombardment did not make much money near the three-way intersection...

At the same time, the German Artillery 140th Battalion's bombardment of the Muto brigade's position has achieved certain results. The two infantry squadrons guarding the front line, Domon and Kashii, lost nearly 150 people, almost one-third of the total. Casualties, but not long after the ground attack launched by the German army with the main force of the two battalions, the 11 75mm field guns and 8 105 light howitzers on the core position of the Muto Brigade roared in the rear. Accurate and targeted.....



With the misfire of the German artillery fire, the two German infantry battalions that captured the front line of the Japanese army failed to stand firm, and were driven away by the reserves of the two brigades, Domon and Kashii, with the encouragement of the two armored companies sent by Li Shang Out of the frontline positions of the Japanese army, although the German 7.6cm light infantry mortars relied on precise shooting to destroy three Allied armored vehicles, the overwhelming Allied M60s and M81s outside the range of the German mortars The counterattack of the m140 mortar caused the [-]th German Infantry Regiment to suffer...

The Chief of Staff of the 140th German Infantry Regiment, Major Fedor von Bock, led the troops back to the starting position in embarrassment and counted the number of people. Lost one-third under the force, nearly 150 people were killed, 200 were injured, and the 7.6cm light infantry mortar was almost lost during the retreat due to its bulkiness...

As for the coalition forces, the two armored companies of Li Shang lost three wheeled armored vehicles, and the armored soldiers suffered ten casualties. shelling

In this battle, relying on Wu Keren's artillery to suppress the firepower of the German long-range artillery, coupled with the attack and counterattack of the Lishan armored troops along the temporary access road opened in the forest, the Muto Brigade was in the southeast. On the battlefield, he actually won a miserable victory...

But the good luck of the Muto Brigade ended here. After the two attacking German infantry battalions withdrew, the pursuit of Domon and Kashii Battalion encountered German shelling from two directions, respectively. It was the 140th Battalion of the German Artillery, which was arranged in the north of the 139th Battalion of the German Artillery, and moved its muzzle to support the bombardment and interception of the Muto Brigade on the southeast battlefield, while the 141 12mm light howitzers of the 105st Battalion of the German Artillery far south of the Uda River came suddenly. Added to the ravages of the Muto brigade artillery positions...



After gaining an absolute advantage in long-range artillery fire, von Neuhaus joined the main infantry regiment of the 2rd Brigade of the 3nd Division of the Ukrainian Volunteers, together with the two infantry battalions commanded by Major Bock, they made an overwhelming comeback under the cover of artillery fire. Going to the first line of the Muto Brigade, the Domon Battalion and the Kashii Battalion retreated to the second position. The casualties of the two brigades exceeded one-third, and most of the casualties were from the opponent's long-range artillery fire...


The 4th Armored Company, which was deployed at the southernmost point, lost 5 wheeled armored combat vehicles. Fortunately, the mounted infantry had already dismounted to fight, so the target was not as big as the armored vehicles... But this is also the first time that the Chinese armored forces have encountered setbacks and hit hard...

When the 3rd Battalion of Lishang Armored lost more than 10 armored combat vehicles, this guy ordered the whole battalion to move northward one after another. Nobuyoshi Muto finally realized his crisis and had to order the troops to retreat to the north... It was left to the 3rd Chinese Armored Battalion... At this time, the main forces of the 4th Ukrainian Infantry Division and the 2nd Division of the Ukrainian Infantry in the east also rushed to the west. The third battalion fell into a dangerous situation surrounded on three sides by shells constantly falling overhead...

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