Beiyang 1917

Chapter 919 Isn't it empty?

() "Commander-in-Chief, do you need to prepare a mobile force in advance to join the Ukrainian battlefield? According to the previous war game deduction, if the main force of the German army attacks Kharkov, our troops and firepower will not have an advantage. Is it possible to fight a stalemate? Are you done?" Jiang Fangzhen, the deputy chief of staff of the coalition forces, put forward his own thoughts in a deep thought.

As soon as Tian Zhongyi heard the words, his eyes lit up again, and he patted his chest and said, "Commander-in-Chief, Chief of Staff Jiang's suggestion is very good. I think how about transferring the 8th Mechanized Army?"

Wang Geng was surprised when he heard this, Jiang Hongyu and Jiang Fangzhen laughed, and Jiang Hongyu teased, "It's about the same to transfer five Chinese mixed brigades to cross the river to the west, General Tanaka, your Mechanized Eighth Army Tanks and armored vehicles are still on the Trans-Siberian Railway, how could they go into battle?!"..

August 1918, 8 at 1:11, Kursk Oblast, Volga Federation, Relsk, Allied Southwest Front Army West Route Army Headquarters

"Your Excellency, division commander...what's going on here! Why does Samara want to dismantle our division-level organization??!" The atmosphere in the meeting room of the train station building was quite dignified, and all the people present were the Seventh Division of Japan The general of the regiment, the former enemy commander-in-chief of the West Route Army, and the seventh division division, Fujii Yukatsuki, sat on the side with a livid face. Standing in the middle was Watanabe Jotaro, the chief of staff of the seventh division, the rank officer, and Rimoto Riku Graduated from the 17th class of the university. He was originally a military attache at the embassy in the Netherlands. When the Seventh Division marched into Siberia, he was asked by Fujii Yukizuki to serve as the chief of staff of the division. He is only 44 years old this year.

The position of chief of staff Watanabe is as embarrassing as the chief of staff of the third division, Hisashikari Takashi. Although the two are the chiefs of staff of the seventh and third divisions respectively, they are the former chiefs of staff of the West Route Army and the Central Route Army. However, it was Colonel Ishihara Waner and Major General Hata Toshiro who were airborne from the headquarters of the coalition forces, especially Junro Hata, who even served as the chief of staff of the Southwest Front Army of the coalition forces... Samara and the Japanese Third Army attached great importance to the entire Ukrainian campaign The extent can be seen! ..

Of course, it can also be considered that this is the need for the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces or General Utsunomiya to directly control the two divisions below. It can also be considered that the southwest front army coordinates the relationship between the Japanese division, the Federal Army, and the Chinese armored forces. need.

The telegram was sent directly from the headquarters of the Samara coalition forces to the various armies of the Southwest Front Army, and copied to the headquarters of the Southwest Front Army. And it ceased to exist. Of course, the Allied Army Headquarters did not interfere with Utsunomiya Taro's power to appoint personnel. The chief officer and establishment of the mixed brigade were still determined by the Southwest Front Army Command and reported to the record...

The mood of the two infantry brigade leaders present here is much more complicated. In peacetime, the generals at the brigade level in Japan are actually quite leisurely, because the basic combat unit of the Japanese Army is the division, while the regiment is the division. The backbone of the battle, in contrast, the brigade head does not have many opportunities to be alone, and spends most of his time doing errands assigned to him. Now that the first phase of the Ukrainian campaign has just started a few days ago, as soon as Kharkov is occupied, The coalition headquarters is about to reorganize the troops... This caught everyone off guard...

"Chief of Staff Watanabe... Tell me... Is it possible that Daba and the others are playing tricks here? Because we refused to hand over the command of the West Route Army, this guy simply suggested that the Allied Army Headquarters break up the first-level organization of the division. Form a mixed brigade to take you and me apart?!" The head of the Fujii division said with a gloomy face.

"Uh... this... it's hard to say... but the two brigades of Dating's third division have been disabled. No matter how they are reorganized into a mixed brigade, his third division will replenish its troops from other places. It has no effect on the 3rd Division, but our 7th Division is fully loaded and has not yet entered the battle. This disarms the command at the division level? I think we must object to the Front Army and the Allied Army Headquarters! You guys What do you say?!"

While answering the question from his own division head, General Watanabe turned his attention to the brigade heads of the two main brigades for help. Unexpectedly, the head of the 13th Brigade of the Japanese Infantry, Guosi Wuqi, and the 14th Brigade The head of the brigade, Uchino Tatsujiro, and the two looked at each other, with awkward smiles appearing on the corners of their mouths, but they didn't express their opinions immediately!

Fujii Yukatsu let out a dissatisfied snort when he saw this, knowing well, how could the two brigade leaders object to increasing the artillery firepower of the brigade and expanding it into a mixed brigade? The generals of the Japanese army generally look forward to the opportunity to be on their own, and since the division is the organization structure with complete long-range artillery firepower, this makes Feng, the brigade commander Guosi and Uchino too happy for the treasures, how could they object?

A brigade commander who doesn't want to be a division commander is definitely not a qualified brigade commander, but a brigade commander who has not become a division commander is obviously not enough for a qualified division commander!

"They're all dumb? Kokusi, Naito, are you dumbfounded when you hear that it will be expanded into a mixed brigade? Let me tell you, the mixed brigade is the establishment of the Southwest Front Army, not the establishment of the Imperial Army, and the mixed brigade The candidate for chief officer is proposed by the division!" Fujii Yukizuki gritted his teeth.

"Hey! What is going on here, division commander, chief of staff, the 13th Infantry Brigade of course accepts the command of the division... But it is said that we will strengthen the artillery battalion of the Federal Infantry Division... Is this always a good thing? We Besides, our arms can't twist our thighs, and the Front Army Command must have coordinated with the Samara headquarters, so let me tell you, the draft telegram in the Chief of Staff's hand is not a draft for comments, but an order from the Allied Forces Command?"

Major General Wu Qi of the State Division grinned, showing his straight temper. Whether it was an infantry brigade or a newly formed mixed brigade, anyway, the main force was the Japanese brigade. The major general himself, the brigade leader, continued to serve as the commander of the mixed brigade. Of course there is no suspense about this matter... Can't the head of the Fujii division personally be the commander of the mixed brigade?This is not scientific!Therefore, the master was not intimidated by his immediate superior.

Uchino Tatsujiro, the brigade commander of the 14th Infantry Brigade, said disapprovingly at this moment, "Division Commander, I think Mr. Kunisaki is right. Now there are 7 infantry brigades in the 3th Division and the 4rd Division. Then you have to form 4 mixed brigades, which must be unified under the command of the new "Kharkov Group" command. Let me say that you and the chief of staff must go to the group headquarters to take on important positions, such as the group Commander or deputy commander or something, the mixed brigade below will definitely have to be provoked by a few brigade leaders..."

"What you said is simple... Kharkov is now the leading role of the third division of the Great Court. Our seventh division rushes over. What good position can we get in the cluster headquarters? How about the seventh division division headquarters? Didn't you just let it go?" The chief of staff of the division, Mr. Watanabe, said resentfully.

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