Beiyang 1917

Chapter 93 Labor and Expeditionary Forces

Chapter 93 Labor and Expeditionary Forces—

Seeing that both Duan Qirui and Xu Shuzheng had agreed to use American-style firearms for the new troops of the Preparatory Office for Participating in the War, but found it difficult to borrow and negotiate with the United States, Wang Geng stood up and patted his chest and said,

"Prime Minister, didn't you allow me to independently negotiate with the foreign powers in the preparation of the troops to join the war? Why don't you let Brother Youzheng spend some time on the Japanese affairs, and leave it to me to negotiate with the Americans on loans, purchase of arms, and aid. !"

"Wang Geng, are you really sure? You won't create any trouble for the Prime Minister? Negotiations between countries are not as simple as fooling around in Manhattan!" Xu Shuzheng said a little worriedly.

"Well, Youzheng is right, Wang Geng, I know you have met the President of the United States, but there are many politicians in the United States who distinguish between public and private. Even if you have friendship with someone, it does not mean that the other party can make unprincipled concessions. Besides, you are a military student and lack experience in diplomacy!"

Duan Qirui was indecisive for a while. Negotiations with the United States were originally the strengths of the two diplomatic leaders, Tang Shaoyi and Wu Tingfang. After putting down the pick, the cabinet really lacks diplomatic talents who can stand alone at the moment.

"Prime Minister, diplomacy is nothing more than a game between countries for their own interests. I am talented in this area. Besides, I asked for instructions early and reported late under the noses of you and the deputy chief. We will not run away with you two at the helm. If you go sideways, you won't make any trouble!"

Wang Geng put a high hat on Duan Qirui and Xu Shuzheng casually, while using sincere and open eyes to meet the sharp eyes of the Prime Minister and the Under Secretary of the Army.

"Prime Minister, anyway, I am your diplomatic and military secretary. It is not an exaggeration to negotiate with the foreign affairs office for you. There is no gossip!" Wang Geng followed.

"Youzheng, what do you think? Or should we leave the matter of negotiating with the United States to Wang Geng? Anyway, Gu Weijun, the Minister to the United States, is his eldest brother, and he has lived and studied in the United States for seven years. Could it be that he is talking to the President in Washington? It would be a pity if we don't make good use of our friendship with the Minister of Finance!" Duan Qirui turned to Xu Shuzheng for advice.

"It's not right, it's not right, if you send a brigade commander from the mixed brigade to negotiate with the foreign office, I'm afraid it will be a joke!" Xu Shuzheng made up his mind, and planned to help Wang Geng.

"Don't talk about the brigade commander! I still participate in the preparations for the war, and I am also the prime minister's national policy advisor and foreign military secretary. I think these titles are almost enough, as long as the Americans believe that I represent the prime minister and the government. Just talk to them!" Wang Geng yelled anxiously.

"What Youzheng said makes sense. In this way, Wang Geng, I will entrust you with the title of Supervising Negotiations with the United States of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You will be fully responsible for negotiations with the United States, including coordination of participation in the war, borrowing from the United States, military and material aid, and arms transaction negotiations, etc. Waiting for matters, this is almost done, but you have to remember that there are no trivial matters between countries, if you want to mess with me, I will not be able to protect you!"

Duan Qirui was also a decisive master, so he gave Wang Geng another title of supervisor with a slap in the face.

"That's a good idea! Wang Geng, the Prime Minister trusts and supports you so much, you must not disappoint the Prime Minister! Since you have chosen to use American-style equipment for the third division and six brigades, this matter depends on you I planned it myself!"

Since Xu Shuzheng had planned not to get involved in the matter of negotiating with the United States, he simply pushed aside the responsibility of the Ministry of the Army for providing equipment and ammunition.

Of course, Wang Geng nodded in agreement, but asked in a blink of an eye, "How much is the monthly allowance for the supervision of negotiations with the United States? I can't let me pay for the expenses of diplomatic activities? Our size is also a yamen! I still have a big family." Seeing that spring is here, Chunni and Xiacao should also go to Dashilan to buy some fancy clothes for the season."

"You will be given another 500 oceans per month as a subsidy for the supervision of negotiations with the United States. You can use the funds for diplomacy from the funds of the preparatory office for participating in the war. Now that the foreign minister Wu Tingfang has resigned, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in chaos. Where can I give it to you?" Get money?" Duan Qirui said angrily and amusedly.

"Success! This matter is up to you. Don't say that I embezzled public funds at that time. By the way, Prime Minister, Deputy Minister, why did I see a notice posted in Langfang that the Allied Powers recruited our country's civil servants?" Wang Geng mentioned again I saw something new when I left Langfang in the morning.

"This matter was already being carried out at the beginning of the year. The situation in the European War in the Allied Powers was tight, and the manpower in the rear was insufficient, so we discussed with China to recruit some laborers to serve as husbands in Europe. The cabinet agreed at that time. Shandong and Hebei under the control of Beiyang , Henan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian provinces have set up recruitment stations!"

Xu Shuzheng's old face blushed. Speaking of this matter, the government owed the people, probably because the labor contract was signed for five years, and they traveled across the ocean to go to the European battlefield, but their daily wages were only 5 francs, which is equivalent to only eight anise in the ocean, and the francs are still there. Constantly depreciating.

"Prime Minister, I won't talk about this before, but now that we are going to war, that is an act of the government! How can we still use private methods to operate it. Isn't this letting Britain, France and Russia take advantage of it? It is the same as before. In the Qing Dynasty, the common people traveled across the sea to sell piglets to the United States to build railways. What is the difference?"

Wang Geng yelled anxiously.

Duan Qirui frowned, not knowing how to answer, Xu Shuzheng explained next to him,

"Didn't China join the war at the beginning of the year? We don't need to sign labor contracts in the name of private companies from the Allies. Can the Allies and Germany agree?"

"Prime Minister, it is our established policy to send troops to Europe to participate in the war. It is a loss-making business if we only send civilians to be used as slaves. I suggest that this matter be stopped first. Let's plan carefully. Since participating in the war is of course sent in the name of the participating army Going out, how much does the civilian husband pay for a day? Just as a coolie! That’s not going to work! We have to be sent to the European battlefield as an army!”

Wang Geng continued to yell unrelentingly. He planned to use the European battlefield to train an expeditionary army. He didn't know that when he returned to China, he found that many laborers had been sent out.

"Prime Minister, what Wang Geng said makes sense. Labor is also a bargaining chip in negotiations between countries. There is a big difference between sending troops and sending labor!" Xu Shuzheng felt that this loss-making business could no longer be done after Wang Geng said this. Done!

"Has the statistics from the Ministry of the Interior come out? How many laborers have been dispatched so far?" Duan Qirui asked with a frown. Let's go!Of course, our workers can also enlist in the army at home before leaving. The Prime Minister's mind is turning quickly!

"As of the end of March, the UK and France have recruited less than 3 people, and more than 1 people have arrived in Europe, mainly from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian. Russia has recruited less than 1 people in North China. About [-] out of the country!" Xu Shuzheng, who is also the Secretary-General of the State Council, thought for a while and reported a few figures.

"Then stop first, and wait for the government to formally declare war on Germany, and then absolutely support in what way to participate in the European war?" Duan Qirui looked at Wang Geng and Xu Shuzheng inquiringly.

"Prime Minister, Deputy Minister, I suggest that the work of labor recruitment should also be included in the unified management and planning of the Preparatory Office for Participating in the War. We will select the best part to form the direct line troops of the third division and six brigades that remain in the country, and the rest will be organized and trained." As the expeditionary force and the military service, we chose to act with the American Expeditionary Force when we went abroad! Yankees must be willing to accept such a big gift!"

Wang Geng expressed his thoughts while looking at the expressions of Duan Qirui and Xu Shuzheng.

"Are you busy with the preparatory office for joining the war?" Duan Qirui didn't think this idea was a good idea.

In Duan Qirui's mind, sending troops to Europe is far less important than organizing and training a direct-line army in China. How can the scale and intensity of the European war be compared to that of several warlords in China?In a battle on the Western Front in the European War, both sides could have hundreds of thousands of casualties, and Russia’s casualties on the Eastern Front have exceeded 200 million. How many troops does China have at this time?We absolutely do not have the ability to really participate in the war, and most of us will become cannon fodder.

"Our Preparatory Office for Participation in War is justified! Originally we were going to recruit troops and train troops, and now we have to negotiate with the United States, so we just happened to do it together!" Wang Geng said, patted his chest confidently.

"Youzheng, what do you think?" Duan Qirui asked Xu Shuzheng, his confidant.

"I think it's okay. Wang Geng is young and strong, and he shows his sharpness. It's better to take some burdens for the Prime Minister and me to hone. This matter should be done sooner rather than later. Otherwise, hundreds of laborers will be abducted every day!" Xu Shuzheng nodded and said.

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