Beiyang 1917

Chapter 935

() "The enemy on the southern front is a German infantry division and two infantry divisions of the National Army in the direction of Donetsk. We have a certain advantage on the northern front, and the task on the southern front is even more difficult, but the armored forces are ours. Now, after the reorganization of the mixed brigades, our strength on the northern front is stronger, but should we only use the grouped mixed armored brigades to fight on the southern front? That force will be three infantry regiments thinner than the previous plan..." Itagaki Seishiro looked at the crowd and said.

"I don't think it's a big problem!" Colonel Matsuki of the 12th Cavalry Regiment stood up confidently and said. Although he regretted that he was not able to be the acting commander of the mixed armored brigade, the position of an acting chief of staff is Can't run away, the mechanized infantry regiment to be formed by the 16th Infantry Division of the Inza Infantry is just led by a federal brigade commander, and then they all have to obey the command of themselves and Zhao Yikuan? ..

In Songmu's view, this is much safer than letting the cunning Kikweize command an infantry division to follow him and the Chinese armored troops to pick up the ocean, otherwise it is very likely that the Japanese cavalry and the Chinese armored troops will be in front The casualties were huge, but the victory and the results were picked up by the 17th Federal Infantry Division followed by the second echelon.

"No, there is a problem. Does Major General Kikweize's 17th Infantry Division still need to follow up as a second echelon on the southern front? If not, the Donetsk road has a vast area, and the grouped and mixed armored brigade has no strength. There are only nearly [-] people, how to consolidate and occupy these coal mines and towns?" The acting commander of the mixed heavy artillery brigade, Colonel Fujita, who stood up against him, just now he and Itagaki were arguing with the federal generals, and now he is a bit habitual I can't hold back the posture! ..

"The coal mines and towns are there, as are the buildings and warehouses. So what if you occupy them regardless of the troops, and you can save a little food for the relief of Ukrainian refugees, as long as the direction of Kharkov is closed to Kharkov Yekaterino The German army and the Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine are entangled in the railway lines and roads between Slavs, and they can’t escape even if they want to!” Utis, the commander of the 18th Federal Infantry Division, stood up and retorted.

If Kikweize's 17th Infantry Division will also assume the task of the second-line reserve team, then the slippery Utis' 18th Infantry Division is a third-line garrison force. Basically, there is no possibility of crossing the Ukrainian border to join the battlefield. The task of the 18th Division is to defend Tsaritsyn and various important towns in the state, maintain order and security, and then serve as the third-line reserve of the Donetsk cluster.

"Well... I suggest that my 17th Infantry Division can select a brigade for the northern line reserve, and the remaining brigade will maintain the original mission and move along the railway line as the second-line troops of the grouped mixed armored brigade. The point is Guaranteeing the safety of the railway logistics transportation and the important towns along the line, is that okay? We don’t need to occupy so many places, and of course we can’t easily miss the places we may occupy!”

Kikweize is thinking in his heart, I will send a brigade to the north and south, and then you will be the ones who will fight the Germans in the front, and my troops will stay behind to grab the captured and supplies to accept the prisoners of war. , Maybe after the battle is over, I will pick and choose from the Ukrainian prisoners for a while, and expand the brigade into two divisions. This is definitely a good thing with a great chance!

"I think Kikweize's suggestion is good. Don't fight for Inza. Your main regiment has been expanded into a mechanized infantry regiment and joined with a mixed armored brigade. The number of troops on the northern front has been reduced by half. Kikweize's brigade, I can give you the unified command!" Yegorov's words made Inza's eyes light up, but Kikweize's mouth was tongue-tied and his face turned red!

August 1918, 8 at 1:12, Volga Federation, Yekhtinsky, Kamensk, Donetsk Group Command of the Allied Forces

"Then the plan for the Donetsk group to continue to maintain a two-way attack is clear. The southern line will use Novyekhtinsky as the forward base, and I will personally command Colonel Zhao's group mixed armored brigade and Major General Kikweize's. The 17rd Infantry Brigade of the 33th Infantry Division attacked, and the northern front was commanded by Commander Shiaigoro, Major General Morioka Morinari, the 12th Infantry Mixed Infantry, the 24th Infantry Brigade under the command of Major General Isomura, and the 16th Infantry Division under the command of Major General Inza The main force, plus the 17th Infantry Brigade of the 34th Division attack!"

Chief of Staff Seishiro Itagaki talked eloquently in front of the battle map. In fact, he had discussed this plan with the commander of the group, Shiaigoro, in private before, so now that the heat is almost ready, he just threw it out. Ze's two brigades of the 17th Federal Infantry Division were divided into two and used as the second echelon on the southern line and the third echelon on the northern line. The hopes of the horsemen to form a temporary cavalry regiment were dashed.

"Why did the chief of staff personally command the southern line to attack? I think that, as the chief of staff of the group, Itagaki should stay with the group headquarters at any time. Doesn't Commander Shibagoro need Itagaki to advise him? It's done." Attacking on the southern front, the plan of me serving as the commander of the former enemy has changed?"

Colonel Zhao Yikuan, the acting brigade commander of the cluster-combined armored brigade and head of the 3rd Chinese Duli Armored Regiment, finally couldn't help himself and stood up to question Itagaki's plan.

Unlike the group of federal generals who supported Zhao Yikuan and Songmu just now, the conference room was quiet at the moment, only the Chinese colonel’s dissatisfied voice echoed, and the captain of the 12th Cavalry Regiment, Colonel Matsuki, was not used to it. Itagaki, who was promoted as quickly as a rocket, but as the general of the 12th Division of Japan, this guy would not dare to blatantly help the Chinese general quarrel with his immediate superior, especially, Itagaki has won the trust of the commander Shiaigoro in the case of.

Sure enough, Itagaki did not answer, but the group commander, Lieutenant General Chai Goro, waved his hand and said, "Colonel Zhao, the group has appointed you as the acting commander of the mixed armored brigade, and Matsuki will serve as your deputy and chief of staff. The Donetsk Group’s tactical guidance to the troops on the southern front, Chief of Staff Itagaki’s personal command of the troops on the southern front is a deliberate decision, so there’s no need to argue about this!”

As a non-directed general among the first-level generals of the division and regiment of the Japanese Army, it is not easy for Chai Goro to get to the current position. After all, the generals from the Japanese Army University are the elite and direct descendants of the Japanese Army, and they are known as Chinese The so-called Chai Goro only has a degree of Lu Shi, and lacks the stepping stone of Lu Da. In addition, the Aizu Fan who was born in this guy was the sworn enemy of Changzhou Fan and Satsuma Fan during the Fallen War. The official career is much more difficult than other generals who graduated from the mainland.

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