Beiyang 1917

Chapter 942

() Although Zinoviev did not go to university, he is a self-taught intellectual, and he can be regarded as an intellectual who knows astronomy, geography, and planting melons and harvesting vegetables. This guy speaks amazingly, this The vision and vision of the deputy editor-in-chief of "Pravda" are obviously better than that of Bukharin, the People's Committee of the Soviet Russian People's Committee (Soviet Russian zheng fu), the People's Commissar of News, the Central Yang Committee of Soviet Russia (Bolshevik Party Central Yang) Propaganda People's Commissar and "Pravda". The editor-in-chief must stand tall and see far!

"Zinoviev is right. If the Germans win the king of China, it would make sense for us to use the excuse to beat the dog in the water. Now that the Germans are throwing away their helmets and armor in Ukraine, how can we be rash? Abandoning neutrality and wading into this muddy water? This is unscientific, and the risk is too great..." Bubnov stood up to Zinoviev. ..

The little leader, Ulyanov, exchanged glances with Trotsky, and the atmosphere in the meeting room was a little dull. Here, Sverdlov asked the non-grumbling People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chechech. Lin Dao, "Georgy Vasilyevich, don't just sit there with sweat on your forehead, you are responsible for and mastering the diplomatic front. Comrade Joffe has brought us so much in Berlin." Dry goods? What do the Germans think about the Eastern Front and the Ukrainian battlefield? The Zhongyang Committee would like to get a letter from you!"

Chicherin, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Russian People's Committee, took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said hesitantly, "Comrade Yue Fei, the diplomatic representative, has not obtained enough information for us to make a new judgment in Berlin. The Cheka information We must listen to Comrade Dzerzhinsky's report..."


This guy directly played Taijiquan and kicked the ball to Cheka Chairman Dzerzhinsky. The thin All-Russian Cheka Supreme Leader snorted when he heard this. The Internet is basically in a state of mutual du li. Although there are many insiders developed by the Cheka in the embassy and consulate, in order to obtain high-level intelligence, it is obviously necessary to develop relations with the other party's government and the high-level internal military. On the one hand, the Cheka has no advantage over the Intelligence Department of the Soviet Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so Chicherin kicked the ball to the Cheka, which made Dzerzhinsky, who has always been taciturn, a little upset!

"Dzerzhinsky, I have emphasized many times that the Cheka is an intelligence organization first, and a security agency and counterintelligence agency second. Without intelligence, everything will be caught blind. It is absolutely impossible to toss around the country. You must claw Reach under the asses of the enemies and friends of the Soviet, dig a little, who did Ludendorff meet last night, what villa did he live in, what time did Hindenburg's lover leave the villa, these details cannot be tolerated. Let it go, it’s good now, the German guy and the Chinese king are fighting in Ukraine, and we can only rely on the battle reports from Kiev and Samara to make a judgment, have you ever thought about how unreliable and dangerous this is?”

Ulyanov is obviously a little angry. Although the collection of military intelligence has always been the main business of the Cheka, the Bolsheviks, blindfolded by hatred and fear, patronize the prosecution and dig out hidden class enemies and bourgeois sabotage. However, they failed to shift their attention to external enemies in a timely manner, such as the Volga Federation, such as the Eastern Front Allied Forces of the Allied Powers, such as the terrifying and hateful King of China who made people change their colors upon hearing it!

"Comrade Chairman, members, the Cheka has paid a lot of effort and cost, but it is very difficult to infiltrate the Volga Federation. The radio direction finding method of the coalition forces is quite superb. Our guerrillas and underground organizations are exposed and wiped out faster than ours. The speed of sending them out should be fast. Now the villages and towns Baojia system has been generally implemented in the rural areas on the border of the Volga Federation. The risk of exposure to unfamiliar faces after entering is extremely high. As for the east of the Ural Mountains, it is almost meat buns beat dogs and never return. , Although the right bank of the Volga River is better, it is limited to scattered and isolated infiltration and infiltration successes, and there is no way to send back information without radio stations... And if you don’t enter the big cities, there is no valuable information at all in the countryside!"

Dzerzhinsky groaned with his hands folded. Since Ulyanov was not assassinated at the beginning of August in this time and space, there was no such large-scale red terrorist rebellion and suppression in Wang Geng's previous life. Therefore, Cheka Chairman Dzerzhinsky, the Soviet Russian Yang Committee is far from having the title of butcher and executioner that makes people talk about it!

"It's useless to say this, Dzerzhinsky, how long has it been since the establishment of the Volga Federation? How long has it been since we evacuated from Tsaritsin, Saratov, Voronezri and Kursk? Even if the Japanese army and the Chinese army are not easy to infiltrate, it is not difficult to send a few loyal and brave Bolsheviks to the Volga Federation army? Why not?!" Trotsky did not want to It made it difficult for Dzerzhinsky, but the lack of intelligence did make Soviet Russian Zhong Yang a little passive and helpless walking at night blindfolded.

"I said comrades, intelligence is of course important, but is now the time to discuss this? The German general William Greiner in Ukraine asked us to attack the Volga Federation with us. We should discuss it now and make a decision as soon as possible. Yes. , or refuse, what will happen if you agree, and what will happen if you don’t agree? Is this the most urgent task?" The Central Yang Committee of Soviet Russia is becoming more and more marginalized, so every time I always hope to speak amazingly to attract attention. As for the position, Bukharin's current nickname in the Central Yang Committee is to stand on the sidelines and fall with the wind!

"It's difficult to agree or not. Now weapons, ammunition, artillery, and other munitions and materials have to be supplied by Berlin. The repatriation of Tsarist Russian prisoners in the prisoner-of-war camp is also being discussed. Even the food has to be transported by the Germans from Belarus and Ukraine. Come here to help, at this time, if you directly reject the Germans' request, the consequences will be unpredictable!" Sokolnikov, a member of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia who rarely appeared in the meeting room, said with a frown .

This boss is a veteran financial cadre, who is the Financial and Economic People's Commissar of the People's Committee of the Soviet Union, but it is difficult for a smart woman to cook without rice. The domestic economy of Soviet Russia is on the verge of collapse. The Austrian Allies, but the foundation of Soviet Russia has been hollowed out. The old rubles of Tsarist Russia have been rotten on the street like waste paper. The new rubles issued by Soviet Russia are not even recognized by the people in the country. Barter and hard currencies such as gold and jewelry put great pressure on the People's Commissar of Finance and Economics.

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