Beiyang 1917

Chapter 950 Need to Reflect


The German army on the defensive side dispatched 6 German infantry divisions and 4 Ukrainian National Army infantry divisions. The number of artillery pieces was about 430, and the total strength was 13. On the front-line battlefield, the opponent's loss is roughly between 2 and 2, and the artillery loss is about 5000! ". .

"Why did General Utsunomiya leave the four federal infantry divisions on the front line from Kharkov to Belgorod instead of all of them on the front line to fight?!" Yoshiichi Tanaka stood up and questioned, while the other generals were still immersed in the battle. Can't recover from the shock caused by the huge casualties and losses!

"General Tanaka, on the one hand, because Kharkov is the base camp and base, and also the rear of the attack group, so the two infantry divisions of the Voronezri Army did not dare to move against Kharkov. On the other hand, A main division of the German 27th Army stationed in Kiev took a train through the territory of Soviet Russia and pounced on Kursk. The 8th Federal Infantry Division urgently transferred a brigade back to Kursk. The 7th Division will take the train from Belgorod to Kursk to plug the gap!"

"Why didn't these battle reports be reported in time? General Utsunomiya is too reckless?!" Tanaka Yoshimi's face was pale and white, and the generals in the meeting room also gasped. The German guy is so difficult to deal with , In the extremely bad weather, he actually hit such a beautiful combination of punches! . .

"The Germans' sneak attack on the northern front was very secretive. The opponent used battalions and company squads to pretend to move many times. In fact, Moscow and Soviet Russia had forewarned, but who would have thought that the opponent would not dispatch a regiment but a The German ace infantry division, Kursk, can't be defended at all, but fortunately...

The goal of the Germans was to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao and mobilize our deployment, so they did not storm and occupy Kursk, but the 8th Brigade of the 15th Division of the Federal Infantry, which rushed back to fill the gap, was almost wiped out, leaving only one battalion of troops to hold on to the western suburban train. Stand until the reinforcements of the 1th and 7th Divisions arrive along the railway line! "

"Utsunomiya Taro said in the battle report that he would take responsibility for this defeat. He asked the headquarters to remove him as the commander of the Southwest Front Army and the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian campaign, and the chief of staff, Shunroku Hata, took over as his acting commander!" Qian Tianfu said at the end. .

Here Jiang Fang shook his head and said, "Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, not to mention that the main force of the Donetsk cluster is still there, and Kharkov is also in our hands. How can General Utsunomiya resign lightly?!"

"Hmph, if the people below didn't stop me, I would have committed seppuku on the battlefield long ago! It's a shame for the Imperial Army. The 3rd Division of Oba is no different from the entire army? Fujii's 7rd Division The [-]th Division has also been disabled, and even the Chinese armored forces have suffered heavy losses! Your Excellency, Commander, I propose to remove General Utsunomiya from all positions, call him back to reflect on his mistakes, and let me take the Eighth Mechanized Army of the Central Yang Front Army to go there Rush to the aid of Kharkov!"


"Of course someone has to take responsibility for the defeat, and I, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, cannot escape the blame! Jiang Hongyu, Jiang Fangzhen, and you, Tanaka Yoshiichi, and you, the Kharkov group is fighting in Kharkov What were you three doing?! Just thinking about setting up the group army that you are also in command of, and ignoring the responsibility of the coalition headquarters for a game of chess? Are you throwing everything to Qian Tianfu, the director of the war room?! Or, the front line The already optimistic world is peaceful once and for all?!"

Wang Geng's voice was quite harsh. A week ago, due to the stalemate in the domestic parliamentary general election and the discussion of the constitutional amendment, Duan Qirui, the Prime Minister of the State of Beijing, and Xu Shuzheng, the Chief of the Army, sent several urgent telegrams, urging him to rush back to mediate. In other words, the final word is that at this time, the parliament has become the only position of the southern party in the country, so the competition for seats is extremely fierce, and the king of Huaxia, who has a high reputation in Asia and even the whole world, seems to have become the political power of all parties. The Poseidon needle that lowered its head...

Wang Geng did not expect that he would go back for such a trip, and Utsunomiya Taro would beat him to such an extent in the second stage of the Ukrainian campaign. Could heavy rain and flash floods be the reason for the failure?From the headquarters of the coalition forces to the front forces and clusters below, especially Utsunomiya and his subordinates who commanded the Ukrainian campaign, they were too optimistic for quick success and relied too much on the firepower of the air force. The situation on the Internet is reversed!

"Commander-in-Chief, I, the Chief of Staff, have a responsibility. Due to the bad weather, logistical supply and security have come to great difficulty. Flash floods have washed away roads, and repairs are being made everywhere. More than 40 people are working on both sides of the Volga River. The team itself is almost unable to uncover the pot, and has to supply food and ammunition for [-] people in the Ukrainian battlefield and the Caucasus battlefield in two directions!

And the material support of the 60-strong Central Front Army, which was reorganized and reorganized on the Ufa Great Plain, also encountered difficulties, and the transportation capacity of the main railway line and the number of wagons were the degree of attention to the battle on the battlefield was ignored!This is because I am incompetent as the chief of staff of the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front. I am willing to resign as chief of staff and concentrate on doing a good job in the logistics headquarters! "

Jiang Hongyu was ashamed. The problem with the coalition headquarters was that except for Wang Geng, the commander-in-chief and the uncrowned king, no one else was good enough to command the overall situation and serve the masses. This time the commander-in-chief rushed back to China temporarily to deal with government affairs. The deputy chiefs of staff are letting go of the sheep, and Utsunomiya Taro on the front line is full of confidence and wants to be du li autonomous in a good fight to win Ekaterinoslav in the second stage.

As for Jiang Hongyu in the rear, he was occupied with all his time and energy by a big mess in the logistics headquarters. The two deputy chiefs of staff, Yoshiichi Tanaka and Jiang Fangzhen, simply let go of the burden of the staff headquarters to Qian Tianfu, the executive staff officer. It took a long time to do it, but the two of them plunged into the assembly ground of the 7th and 8th armies to run-in the team, preparing to complete the reorganization and cadre allocation as soon as possible, and show their talents on the battlefield one day earlier.

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