Beiyang 1917

Chapter 952 Is Ludendorff Crazy?

() General William Greiner was not in a high mood. The 10th Army adopted a bold and resolute centripetal encirclement tactic. Taking advantage of the extremely bad weather, the coalition forces lost the advantage of the air force. Encircled the main force of the opponent's Kharkov group, that is 4 mixed infantry brigades, nearly 5 main forces of the 7th and 3rd divisions of Japan. up!

Who would have thought that the two German infantry divisions could not stop the assault of a mixed armored brigade of the opponent. The opponent had an armored regiment in the front and an armored regiment in the rear. It was because of the power of more than 2 Chinese fd200ii wheeled armored combat vehicles that The mixed infantry brigade in the encirclement was rescued.Who can blame?Blame the field fortifications for not being able to block the opponent's armored forces?Or is it because the opponent's squadron's machine gun firepower and mortar firepower are definitely above the German infantry division?Not to mention the terrifying m17 large-caliber machine gun, how many lives of imperial warriors have been harvested! "I protest! This is an absolutely missed opportunity! Why didn't the German infantry division attacking Kursk take Kursk in one go? Why couldn't Goering's 2st Fighter Wing come out to join the battle in the rain? Why did the main force of the 1 German divisions Don't turn around and go south to recover Donetsk and Lugansk? I can concentrate the main forces of the 6nd and 2rd Ukrainian Army Groups to attack Kharkov alone! As long as you provide ammunition, oil and food! And wagons! And drivers! Yes Yes, the anti-aircraft artillery battalion! By the way, the air cover of the fighter wing, and the artillery unit!"..

Simon Petliura waved his hands incoherently, like a mentally ill person, or the German leader during World War II, chattering endlessly, and William Greiner got angry, slapped the table and shouted, " Your Excellency Prime Minister, if you continue to quarrel, I will kick you out of my headquarters. If the Ukrainians want to engage in the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Powers, you can go to the army yourself, but I tell you, one bullet, one shell, one shell. I don’t have any food! Go if you can!”..

Although the order to stop the offensive was issued by Ludendorff himself from Berlin, William Greiner, who had won the battle like walking on thin ice, had no intention of counterattacking Kharkov or recovering the Donbass region for the Ukrainians. The 10 divisions of the three infantry armies of the 9th Army have already invested 8 divisions in the first and second stages of the Ukrainian campaign, and the casualties are definitely not small!


In this battle, although the casualties and losses of the Kharkov cluster of the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Powers were greater than those of the German army, the large ones were also limited. The German army, which claims to be the strongest army in Europe, has truly seen the Asian Sino-Japanese Alliance for the first time. The combat effectiveness of the main force, a mixed infantry brigade of the opponent can normally draw a tie with a German reserve infantry division, but it cannot support a German main infantry division, and the two German main infantry divisions failed to stop a Chinese Hybrid Armored Brigade...

If there were not four Japanese mixed brigades in the Kharkov group, but four Chinese mixed infantry brigades, the German army may have lost this battle now. I heard that apart from not having so many armored vehicles and the large-caliber heavy Machine guns, the firepower of battalions, companies and squads of Chinese mixed infantry brigades is almost the same as or even stronger than that of armored brigades, and the number of mortars is far more than that of German infantry divisions. Thanks to the Japanese troops participating in the battle, thanks to this continuous battle Heavy rain and floods! "Not so much nonsense. The task of the Ukrainian 4nd Army is to guard Yekaterinoslav. My 2th Army only has one division stationed in Krasnorad, and the rest are assembled back to Kiev! This is Ludendorff's Order!"

August 1918, 8 at 8:12, Berlin, German Supreme Military Command, Operations Conference Room,

"Erich, you were brilliant last time when you sent our little friend back to Petrograd and let that rattling behemoth of Russia finally overturn its steamroller, but this time, I don't understand, in William Gray After the German 10th Army stationed in Ukraine won a big victory, you actually ordered the offensive to be stopped?"

The chief of staff of the German Empire, 71-year-old Paul von Hindenburg, waved his cigarette butt, stroked his beard with one hand, and his face was full of doubts and puzzles. Obviously, the complaints of the generals at all levels of the German 10th Army on the Ukrainian front, William Graner was a little bit overwhelmed, and the lawsuit or small report reached Hindenburg through various channels.

It is true that the head of the German Army’s highest command is Hindenburg in name, but Erich Ludendorff, the Quartermaster (Deputy Chief of Staff) is the guy who really controls everything. The glorious victory over Russia's 1st and 2nd Army Groups in the battle created the legend of the German staff headquarters partners.

"My dear Field Marshal, the situation on the Western Front is quite unfavorable to us. Whether the 1918 Summer Offensive can achieve a decisive victory depends on how we solve the dilemma facing the Eastern Front. The little man you said is an out-and-out The prodigal son, while killing Tsarist Russia, is now dying of his own regime. Even Kolchak's gang of rootless white guards can ride on the head of Soviet Russia to play prestige! "

The corners of Ludendorff's mouth are on fire these days. The troops of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, whether they are on the western or eastern front, can only be used to guard the second-line positions at best. On the Turkish side, the news is also extremely depressing. The Arab guerrillas beat the Ottoman Empire all over the place, the government changed and the Allied Powers compromised, and the Turkish government even began to issue an ultimatum to the German allies, requiring the Germans stationed in Turkey to evacuate the country within 40 days.

"The Sino-Japanese Alliance and the King of Huaxia are really unexpected. In a year and a half, an Asian giant actually rose to the east by participating in the war. That's not counting. Our little man disintegrated Nicholas II's empire at the same time , and also achieved the mythical achievements of the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Powers, a multi-ethnic mixed Volga Federation actually rose from the Ural Mountains to the Volga River, it is simply unbelievable!"

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