Beiyang 1917

Chapter 960 The delegation arrives in Samara

() At 1918:8 on August 10, 19, Volga Federation, Samara Zheng Fu Building, reception room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

"Georgi Vasilyevich, what wind has brought you all the way from Moscow? The battle of Kursir, the Soviet Russian government is not authentic, open the border and let the German devils come from your territory Is it because we sent diplomatic notes and protests that your little leader made amends for the people you sent here to attack our Volga Federation? Why don’t you introduce yourself to the two imposing men behind you?” <Feng Deyi , stretched out his hand to shake hands with Chicherin, the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union, but he still didn't want to finish it, so he simply hugged him and saluted him face-to-face.It's just that he was not polite, and while the welcome speech was ridiculed, he also turned his attention to Yuefei and a strange face behind Chicherin. ..

In fact, the hotline telegrams between Soviet Russia Moscow and the Volga Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs went back and forth several times a night. Chicherin, Joffe, and the German envoy set off from Moscow by train along the Ryazan-Benza Kuznetsk road. It took a day for the railway line to cross nearly 900 kilometers of roads, before crossing the Volga River in the evening. The Volga River Bridge between Samara and Syzran is still under repair and is expected to be completed and opened to traffic by the end of August.

"My dear Vasily Nikolaevich, I made this trip just to clear up the misunderstanding between Moscow and Samara about Kursk. I was really sweating and worried all the way. Kolchak's Cossack cavalry suddenly appeared and intercepted the train, and then they will not be able to explain to Moscow and your commander-in-chief!" ..

Chicherin was not joking when he said this. From Moscow to Samara, what the delegation was most worried about was not being able to arrive secretly and safely. If the news got out, Kolchak's White Guards would never sit idly by. Ignore it, of course, at this moment, the main force of the Soviet Red Army and the White Guards are concentrated on the line of Nizhny Novgorod-Saransk and Cheboksary Shumerya Aratli. Because the south is close to the territory of the Volga Federation, theoretically The White Guards did not dare to cross the line easily.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, let me introduce you. This is Joffe, Deputy People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union and Special Representative in Berlin. This is Gustav Stresemann, the mysterious Berlin guest mentioned in the telegram, a member of the German Parliament. , He shouldered the special mission of the German Empire to seek peace, in order to be open and honest, so he did not use any pseudonyms, I believe that in front of the Prime Minister, all the guests who come to the Volga Federation will have no secrets!"

Chicherin introduced Joffe and Stresemann to Pepelyayev. This time, the Prime Minister of the Volga Federation held out his hand to shake hands with a reserved smile. The host and guest sat down quickly. Participating in a military meeting at the Allied Forces Headquarters, so the Foreign Affairs Reception Office of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs only arranged for the Soviet Russian delegation to eat in the restaurant of the Guest House. Compared with the Kremlin, it is still too rich.

Even in Berlin, the congressmen of the German Empire may not have seen so many fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish eggs, and even oriental foods such as tofu, vegetarian chicken and roast duck. After all, the war lasted for four years. The vitality is also almost depleted. As a wealthy German member of parliament, Gustav Stresemann can only eat a salty pig's hoof from time to time with such extravagance.

The waiters dressed as court maids quickly served coffee and tea to His Excellency the Prime Minister and the guests, and then retreated quietly. After the heavy oak door was closed, the atmosphere in the entire reception room became more dignified. Outside the long curtains, the patrolling footsteps of the sentries and the command to change the guard could be vaguely heard in the front courtyard. The long curtains swayed slightly under the caress of the night wind, and the room fell into silence for a moment.

The three-party talks were the result of Chicherin's insistence on behalf of Soviet Russia. Naturally, Gustav Stresemann was also an outstanding diplomatic intermediary. I am afraid that the worst result of Ludendorff's plan is to plant a nail in the Allies, so that the United States, Britain and France on the western front will start to have suspicion and distrust of China and Japan on the eastern front. This is the worst. the result of.

As for the best result, in the name of peace, separate the Sino-Japanese Alliance from the camp of the Allied Powers, even if they cannot formally join the camp of the Allied Powers, even if they maintain de facto neutrality, so that the Eastern Front will no longer become a confidant of the German-Austrian Allies. In this way, you can let go and fight on the Western Front.

"Dear Prime Minister, I am here this time as a special representative of the German Army High Command to exchange views on the situation on the Eastern Front and Ukraine and the Volga Federation. I am grateful for the previous hospitality, but time is running out. I still hope to be able to Get to the point as soon as possible, you must know that without the support of Germany, the Volga Federation and Soviet Russia could not conclude a peace treaty, is it called the Samara Peace Treaty? You owe us a favor for this point!"

The 40-year-old Gustav Stresemann has big watery eyes. The sequelae of excessive double eyelids in men always make people feel a bit motherly. The German envoy's forehead is bald early and bright, cao He speaks Russian, which is not proficient, but expresses the meaning clearly. When he comes up, he will go straight to the point to gain the upper hand.

"Mr. Special Envoy, the establishment of the Volga Federation is the choice of the people in this land, not a charity from the Soviets and Berlin. Of course, I do not deny that if the Berlin side does not let go, the Bolshevik comrades in Moscow may still be tied up. Their hands and feet dare not make decisions that conform to the trend of the times. If they owe Berlin favors, it must be Chicherin and Yue Fei!

But what I want to ask is that the Volga Federation did not invade an inch of German territory, but not long ago, one of your main infantry divisions stationed in Ukraine actually launched an attack on our Kursk region under the guise of Soviet Russia. The consequences of this incident are very serious. I believe that the protests and statements of the Volga Federation have all been seen by the ancient news media! "

As the prime minister of the Federation, Pepelyaev has grown rapidly in just half a year. Now is not the time when the White Guards became prime minister. Now the Volga Federation is a pivotal regime on the Eastern Front. No matter how awesome the Germans are, they are in Germany, here is Samara!

Gustav rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and his mouth did not show any weakness, his voice was not high but chewy, "Dear Prime Minister, if I remember correctly, it was your troops who crossed the Ukrainian border first, brazenly The attack on Kharkov was launched, and if anyone fired the first shot, it was not us, Germany!"

"That's a problem between us and Ukraine, what does it have to do with you, Germany?!" Pepe's voice suddenly rose!

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