Beiyang 1917

Chapter 966

() At 1918:8 on August 11, 9, Volga Federation, Samara Zheng Fu Building, small conference room of the Eastern Allied Forces Headquarters of the Allied Powers

"Dear Commander-in-Chief, it is an honor to meet with you again. Soviet Russia and the Volga Federation are friendly states. We hope to conclude a permanent peace once and for all. For this reason, I believe that Prime Minister Pepe has conveyed our conditions. Russia is willing to cease war with the White Guards and abide by the borders, with Cheboksary as the central line, the east belongs to the Volga Federation, and the west belongs to Soviet Russia, or the White Guard regime of Kolchak!"

As soon as Chicherin entered the door, he smiled happily, but his forehead was slightly sweaty. Waiting in the reception room for an hour just now was a long time for the Soviet Russian People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs. The tripartite talks that he thought could be held did not happen. After reading the following, the German special envoy got the chance to talk with the King of Huaxia first. If he hadn't seen Stresemann's ugly face when he left, Chicherin might not be able to move at this moment.

"Comrade People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs, you are welcome. I already know what Moscow thinks. However, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince Kolchak and his followers. You also know that Kolchak's All-Russian Provisional Zheng Fu has moved the capital from Kazan to Cheboksary, and the Tatar State and Kazan have been officially handed over to the Volga Federation. The highest consul in Russia and his 20 elites are obviously going to go all the way to Moscow Go, at this time, it is not good for us to intervene!" ..

Wang Geng smiled and shook hands with Chicherin and asked him to sit down. His attitude was very friendly. The female guard beside him quickly served tea. Although Chicherin drank coffee more often, I don’t know where the rumors came from. It is true that the King of Huaxia likes to smoke cigars, but he doesn't care much about coffee. He drinks tea more. In other words, China is the hometown of tea. Therefore, drinking tea and smoking cigars has become a fashion in the Volga Federation. Naturally, only An arty style limited to the rich and the upper echelons of the zheng fu army.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, Moscow believes that the two sides have demonstrated their wisdom during the conclusion of the Samara peace treaty. In all honesty, it is not easy for us to give up the war against the Kolchak gang this time. I hope that the Volga Federation, as a friendly neighbor, can force the other party to accept the armistice and peace no matter what..."

Chicherin's buttocks were only half-touched on the sofa, and he leaned forward, with an extremely sincere attitude. Unexpectedly, Pepelyaev next to him smiled and said, "Comrade Chicherin, what you said is not authentic. It seems that our Volga Federation is instigating the Kolchak White Guards to attack you. To put it bluntly, if we want to eliminate you, there is no need for the White Guards to toss around for so many days. The division and outflanking recommendation of the troops, I dare say that you will be finished if you can't hold on for a week!"

"Uh... Well, the Soviet Russian Red Army has the courage to fight to the last moment for their beliefs... It is obviously not a responsible approach to the land and people of Russia..." Chicherin was run off by Pepe during the negotiations in the past It's not a day or two since he was bullied, and he didn't get bluffed all at once. Although, Moscow has never understood why the Eastern Front Allied Forces of the Allied Powers didn't just go to battle in person. It's not just a seesaw. I'm afraid that the Soviet Red Army will have to retreat from Moscow to Petrograd. Maybe it's possible that they have already been driven into the sea.

"Georgy Nikolaevich, the Germans came to ask for peace just now, and we have already sent them back, but we might as well tell you the terms we offered to Ludendorff. The Volga Federation does not recognize the agreement signed by the Allies and you." The Brest Peace Treaty, if Germany wants to seek peace on the Eastern Front, it has to start from the Eastern Front border in 1914..."

With the Huaxia King on the sidelines, Pepe naturally rolled up his sleeves and became a vanguard. When he said this, Chicherin was really surprised, and then he realized that Ludendorff's special envoy Gustav Schött just now Why did Lei Zeman look so bad when he left? It turns out that the appetite of the Volga Federation is so amazing. To let the Germans return to the border in 1914, this is simply... too whimsical? !

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, Prime Minister Pepe, forgive me, is the Volga Federation planning to take back all the former Tsarist Russian territories as the heir to Tsarist Russia? If so, the Soviet Russian regime can only fight to the end and there is no way out!" Qi After all, Qielin is a senior diplomat, there is no need to hide some words, it is better to ask directly, early death and early rebirth!

"The path of the Russian people is left to them to choose. Whether the Volga Federation will become the Russian Federation in the future is still unknown, but it is completely impossible for Soviet Russia to use Cheboksary or Nizhny Novgorod as the dividing line." , there are two ways out before you, either you give up Bolshevism and return to the camp of the Allied Powers of min zhuzi you, or you give up Moscow and Petrograd, Belarus and Poland can be your test fields..."

What the King of Huaxia said made Chicherin stunned once again. He didn't expect the other party's price to be so outrageous, and he wanted to uproot the Soviet Russian regime.

"Ask us to give up Moscow and Petrograd? How is that possible?! How can the working class give up after so much blood and sacrifice for these two heroic mother cities?! We can't do that anyway, not to mention according to Brest The peace treaty, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine are all emerging du li countries. How can we realize our beliefs on the territory of Poland and Belarus?! The allies will never agree Could it be that Soviet Russia can defeat the Germans now? If they could win, they would not have signed the Brest Peace Treaty at the beginning!"

Chicherin's heart sank to the bottom. In his opinion, the Volga Federation made it clear that it wanted to destroy Soviet Russia, so it put forward such unacceptable conditions to send itself off.

"Comrade Chicherin, our position is very clear. Either you abandon Bolshevism, then you can retain the existing territory and borders, and return to the camp and embrace of the Allied Powers. If you insist on leaving your own Bolshevik Roads, I’m sorry, Petrograd and Moscow are symbols of Russia, and they cannot be entrusted to you to continue to cause harm, but we have also left you experimental fields and private plots, Poland and Belarus can be entrusted to you to toss, it’s as simple as that! "

Seeing that Wang Geng narrowed his eyes and stopped talking, Pepe stood up and showed Chicherin affirmatively. In fact, according to his own thinking, it was the easiest way to eliminate the Soviet Russian regime directly, but Huaxia King had different ideas. Considering that the Sino-Japanese Alliance has become the actual controller of the West Siberian government and the Volga Federation, if the entire Soviet-Russian territory is taken as their own in the name of the Volga Federation, the United States, Britain, and France in the alliance probably cannot agree , That's why I came up with such a compromise plan, but it is necessary to drive out Soviet Russia and Bolshevism from Petrograd and Moscow, the two symbolic places of former Russia!

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