Beiyang 1917

Chapter 969 The Choice of Soviet Russia

() "The Germans are unreliable! If the Volga Federation hadn't received an affirmative answer from the Germans, it would never have given us such an ultimatum suddenly..." Trotsky frowned and tapped on the table His fingers even trembled slightly.

"Abandoning the territory from Moscow to Petrograd out of thin air, especially giving up these two cities that are symbols of Russia, can we still call Soviet Russia Soviet Russia? This is drawing from the bottom of the pot and asking us to dig our own grave! I think I can’t agree! At worst, I’ll fight until the last soldier! Winter and severe cold are coming soon, and I don’t believe that the yellow-skinned monkeys of the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Forces can endure the severe winter in Russia better than Napoleon’s army!”

It was Dzerzhinsky who spoke. The central yang member, the chairman of the Cheka and the members of the Politburo waved their fists, obviously holding a tough stance. If Soviet Russia compromises at this time, the regime is in danger of collapse. The White Guards are attacking the Volga If the flag of the Federation comes back, the supreme leader of the anti-revolutionary movement feels that the blood and human life on his hands will be difficult to wash away anyway. Others can compromise, and Chairman Cheka is likely to be thrown out as a scapegoat for peace talks to take responsibility ……..

"Comrade Sverdlov, you are the commander of the Volga Military District and Front Army, the glorious Volga Front Army, can you destroy the Kolchak gang, or, to take a step back, in the situation where the Volga Federation is attacking us Can Nizhny Novgorod hold it? Can Moscow hold it?!" Ulyanov threw the problem to Sverdlov, the third-ranked figure in Soviet Russia, and said, This young old revolutionary is the most powerful character in the Central Committee at the moment. After all, the main force of the Red Army on the Eastern Front is under the remote control and command of this Commander.

"Without the support of the Germans, we can't defend anywhere. Although the main force of the Volga Front in Nizhny Novgorod exceeds 20, the White Guards in Cheboksary also have 15. We have a certain advantage, but we are far away. It's not enough to eat the opponent, but once the Volga Federation intervenes, I don't know how to make the Red Army soldiers stand firm under the indiscriminate bombing of the coalition air force, and the same is true for defending the city, unless there are German guns and food Otherwise, this battle cannot continue, let alone win!"

If others say such dejected words in front of Ulyanov, they have to weigh up whether the Cheka will come to drink tea and talk with him after the meeting, but Sverdlov is now a powerful faction with a heavy army in his hands. No. [-], to put it bluntly, both Ulyanov and Trotsky had to be careful when speaking in front of him. If an accident happened, it would be a catastrophe.

"The Germans are unreliable. This time Ludendorff's special envoy went to Samara to achieve peace on the Eastern Front. The Germans were willing to give up even Eastern Ukraine. Could it be that they would do it for the sake of Moscow and Petrograd far to the north and that Chinese country?" Wang turned his face, even thinking about it with his toes..." Chicherin muttered beside him.

"Then we'll do it ourselves! Dzerzhinsky is right. As long as the war can be dragged on until winter, the severe cold weather alone will be worth millions of troops. By that time, the yellow-skinned monkeys in the Allied forces on the Eastern Front may all be dead." I can’t last this winter, not to mention taking Moscow and Petrograd, it’s a problem to keep Kazan and Samara!” Bukharin regained his spirit at this moment, but his words attracted more than one person supercilious.

"Wake up my comrades! It's only mid-August, can we keep it until October? Can we keep it until December? It's just a joke. If the Germans cut off the food supply to us, don't wait for the Volga Federation to attack. All food The lack of problems can lead to the collapse of the regime!" Trotsky's words tore away the last bit of embarrassment, the Soviet Red Army could not even win the Kolchak White Guards, which were inferior in strength and firepower to their own, and they expected to win in 8 Blocking the Volga Federation's attack in a month's time is simply... unreasonable.

Ulyanov's face was ugly, and he was pacing back and forth in the conference room with his hands behind his back. Several other central committee members were arguing. They all felt that the situation was desperate, but they couldn't see the direction to break the situation. He muttered, "Kolchak couldn't hold on to the intelligence obtained from the intelligence department of the Foreign Ministry's White Guard in Cheboksary. It is very likely that Kolchak's White Guard will soon... choose to join the Volga Federation as a whole. One member, the enemy is sharpening their knives and is about to deal with us!"

"What?! Is this news true?!" Both Zinoviev and Bukharin turned pale in shock, but Dzerzhinsky sighed, nodded and said, Cheka also got this I have reported the information to the Comrade Chairman of the Supreme Military Council, and Comrade Ulyanov also knows about it. However, this information is strictly restricted from leaking, so not everyone, even the central committee members, knows about it!

"What to do? What to do now? It's all over! If Kolchak's troops are supported by the coalition air force and artillery, it is almost a delusion to expect the Volga Front Army to block the opponent and defend Nizhny Novgorod! What to do now Comrade Ulyanov! Comrade Trotsky, you have to make an idea for the Central Committee!"

Bukharin's voice was full of panic and even a hint of crying. It was obvious that he was really confused. Ulyanov turned to stare at him with a livid face and said, "Calm down! Calm down! Bukharin, you still Commissar Zhong Yang and a strong Bolshevik soldier?! I think you should take a rifle and go to the front line. Staying in Moscow is just messing with our army’s morale, isn’t it?!”

Bukharin shut his mouth under Ulyanov's reprimand, and the faces of Zinoviev, Dzerzhinsky and Bubnov around him were also quite ugly. The main force of the front army had a certain advantage in strength and firepower, but failed to break through the main force of the Kolchak White Guard in Cheboksary. At this moment, the Germans planned to abandon or even betray Soviet Russia. Less than any hope.

"If it doesn't work! That's the only way to go! Comrade Trotsky, I can tell you about the Plan B we discussed before!" Ulyanov breathed a sigh of relief and finally made a choice in his heart. Sverdlov's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, and couldn't help saying, "What plan b? Why didn't I know?!" He was quite dissatisfied in his words!

"Plan b... It seems that we can only choose this plan. Comrade Sverdlov, you went to inspect the Nizhny Novgorod front yesterday, so it is too late to discuss this matter with you. However, members of the Politburo now They are all here, and it is indeed possible to discuss and decide whether to start Plan B!" Trotsky scratched his head, knowing that Ulyanov was trying to drive a wedge between himself and Sverdlov. The morale of the soldiers of the Red Army is stable, and this plan b has indeed been concealed from Sverdlov for a while, but I can't help him.

Zinoviev and Bubnov were also taken aback when they heard the words. They looked at each other and found that the other didn't know either. They turned to look at Bukharin. Erzhinsky showed no expression, and most of them had gotten a little wind in advance.

"Plan b is very simple. Transfer the main force of the Soviet Red Army to the west, take Belarus, establish the Belarusian Soviet regime, and in Petrograd and Moscow, establish the Russian Federation regime that temporarily abandons Bolshevism and join the camp of the Allied Powers! Before Chicherin When I sent back the secret telegram from Samara, I proposed to Comrade Chairman this grievance plan! In order to preserve our vitality!" Trotsky's words were earth-shattering!

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