Beiyang 1917

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 Model Army Flag Presentation——


The Prime Minister delivered an impassioned speech, fully affirming the contribution made by the 16th Mixed Brigade to the nation in the past three years, and its historical contribution and status can be traced back to the Luanzhou Uprising in 1911.

Duan Qirui asked all soldiers to let go of their previous prejudices, cherish the honor of being a soldier of the country, unite around the central government, and make new contributions to the unification of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation!

At the end of his speech, the Prime Minister announced that the 16th Mixed Brigade was officially the first brigade of the Model Army, and personally held a flag-giving ceremony for the Model Army, the 16th Mixed Brigade and the teaching group.

Wang Geng, Qiu Bin and Shi Jingting took over the military flag from the Prime Minister respectively, and the three phalanxes of 3000 people neatly arranged under the reviewing platform made the whole playground look solemn and solemn.

At the end of the speech, the Premier of the State gave another big gift to the Model Army. From this month, Beijing Chongwenmen Tax Customs and the Beijing-Suizhou Railway Bureau tax revenue will be transferred to the War Preparatory Office for unified management. The monthly tax of 20 oceans will be used as the Model Army's tax revenue. Basic military guarantee!

Immediately afterwards, Xu Shuzheng, the deputy chief of the army, also stepped forward to encourage and warn, demanding that the entire army strengthen political study and training, and as soon as possible under the leadership of the brigade commander and supervisor Wang Geng, beat and hone the team into a mighty division. A division that dares to fight, a division of benevolence and righteousness that takes the responsibility of defending the country as its mission, especially emphasizes the requirement that all actions be followed by command and the organizational discipline of revolutionary soldiers be strengthened!

In the end, Wang Geng called on the soldiers of the whole army to cherish the hard-won honor, resolutely support the leadership of the government and the Ministry of the Army, resolutely support Premier Duan's plan of reunification and rejuvenation, resolutely defend the interests of the country and the nation, and dedicate their youth and peace to the construction of a democratic and republic modern country. blood!Swear to carry the revolution to the end!

The hot words of the Prime Minister, the brand new and piled up in front of the queue to arm a full set of German-style equipment for a reinforced regiment, the 60 white flowers shining in the sun, and the 20 monthly customs and railway bureaus promised by the Prime Minister - tax guarantee The military expenditure brought the atmosphere of the entire parade to an unprecedented level!

"Long live! Long live! Long live!" I don't know who took the lead to shout the first sound. Nearly [-] men in the entire playground raised their arms and shouted, and the slogan "Long live" resounded like a tsunami. The Prime Minister was accompanied by Wang Geng. Standing in the open Dodge sedan and slowly passing the parade in front of the team, he was full of ambition in his heart, and his face was filled with a long-lost comfortable smile.

April 1917, 4 is the day when the Model Army officially became an army. In 6 hours, it will be the day when US President Wilson officially signs the document declaring war on Germany. On this day, the United States officially announced that it has entered the First World War. battlefield!

After the review, Duan Qirui and Xu Shuzheng, accompanied by Wang Geng, met with all the officers above the battalion at Wang Geng’s Nanyuan Headquarters. Just go to the gate of the headquarters.

Before leaving, Xu Shuzheng and Wang Geng whispered, "Washington Gu Weijun called this morning. The U.S. Senate has passed the resolution to enter the war with a ratio of 90:6. The House of Representatives will get the result tonight. In 12 hours, the President of the United States will sign a document to officially enter the war. We have to hurry up!"

Wang Geng nodded when he heard the words, Xu Shuzheng patted the guy on the shoulder, lowered his head and got into his car, and the convoy drove away surrounded by the guards of the Prime Minister's Palace.

The 60 white flowers distributed to every officer and soldier in full, the brand-new German-style equipment accepted by the teaching group, and the expectations and encouragement from Prime Minister Duan and Deputy Chief Xu to Wang Geng and the entire army, let Wang Geng teach in an exemplary manner. The image in the minds of the regiment and the 16th mixed brigade is extremely high!Everyone looked at their chief officer and couldn't hide the enthusiasm and love in their hearts!

Even Li Mingzhong, Zhang Zhijiang, and Zhang Shusheng, who were old Feng's diehard loyalists, actually lowered their rebellious heads deep in their hearts under the bombardment of Wang Geng's sugar-coated shells so intensively in just a few days. The idea of ​​being a speculator and following Wang Geng, the new brigade commander, was somewhat wavering at this moment.

As for Jiang Hongyu, Shi Jingting, Liu Yufen, Xue Dubi, and Qiu Bin, they are glad that they made the right choice in the first place. These generals who came from academic schools and intellectuals belonged to the 16th Mixed Brigade. Lord, the military rank is mixed up to the colonel, but the subordinates can't lead the soldiers. The knowledge learned in the military school is actually only used to be an instructor of a model company.

Intellectuals often have the kind of temper that treats me as a scholar of the country and I repay him as a scholar of the country. They never thought about why Wang Geng chose himself, but Wang Geng really wanted to let go and use himself boldly. empathy.

If what Wang Geng showed was just a warlord, then these self-proclaimed high-minded academics may not agree with him in their hearts, but Wang Geng obviously talked about the national unity and revival most, and he was quite frank and honest. Directly, this made these generals feel a sense of identity. Although Lao Feng chanted the same slogan all day long, he was dealing with people with a trace of suspicion, suspicion and opportunism that everyone could see!

Both Jiang Hongyu and Shi Jingting admired Wang Geng's words: "I never thought about failure, I don't accept failure!"

Similarly, for the five Academy King Kongs, they abandoned the brigade commander Feng Yuxiang, who had gone to the field, and switched to Wang Geng, the new brigade commander and war supervisor. The same is true of my own choice to invest in Wang Geng: "Failure is not allowed, and failure is not accepted!"

The subtext is that for Wang Geng and the middle and senior generals who followed him, this is a game with no retreat!There is no retreat, vow to succeed!

Sending off the prime minister and the deputy secretary of the army, and returning to the conference room of the headquarters, Wang Geng left the officers of the brigade to continue the meeting. Since the 16th mixed brigade was selected by Shi Jingting, 2196 people were selected to enrich the squadrons of the regiment. The original 16th mixed brigade only There are 6000 people left. Although there are still three infantry regiments and one artillery regiment on the shelf, the number of personnel is more than one-third less.

"Brigade Commander, our 16th mixed brigade has suddenly become a hypocrite. Not only has the squad and platoon veterans decreased by one-third, there are not many experienced officers left, and the position of regiment and battalion commander is still vacant. manage?"

Early this morning, Shi Jingting led the teaching group and swarmed in, and took away more than 16 remaining veterans of the 2000th Mixed Brigade in a hurry. The remaining officers of the 16th Mixed Brigade were not like officers and soldiers. !

"Chief of Staff Qiu, time is running out, so let's not fix that fake. Since the 16th mixed brigade is entrusted to you, there are only one-third of its people left. How are you doing with the list of appointments?" Wang Geng said indifferently.

"Brigade Commander, all the chief officers at all levels have been transferred. I am such a clever woman that I can't live without rice. The Military Law Department picked up another company, the model company, oh no, it is Feng Zhi'an's guard battalion, and today I picked up another three companies. Make up for the establishment, our 16th mixed brigade has become a Tang monk, and everyone will come and take a bite, I really have nothing to do!"

Qiu Bin complained so much, but it was the truth!

"Director Xue, how can one company of your military law department be enough? I told you that I will give you the establishment of a gendarmerie regiment, and you must at least form a battalion! These two gendarmerie from Chongwenmen Customs and Beijing-Suihai Railway Bureau bow their heads You have to support the scene! Your Military Law Office and Gendarmerie will be the propaganda windows and role models of our model army in the future! The strength of a company is far from enough!"

Wang Geng ignored Qiu Bin's criticism first, and turned to Xue Dubi to ask instead.

Xue Dubi blushed, and explained, "I'm afraid that the 16th mixed brigade will be transferred too quickly, and Chief of Staff Qiu will also have difficulties..."

"Difficulties? Our Nanyuan barracks can't be entered by cats or dogs. What's the difference between you stationing 6000 people and 3000 people in the barracks? Besides, we will soon recruit troops to make up for the shortage. Without you, the Military Law Department and the Gendarmerie Corps can support the scene. Firstly, the outside world doesn’t know what kind of team our army is, and secondly, if there are a few black sheep, won’t it damage my reputation?”

"Military discipline is the most important thing! Set up a gendarmerie battalion for me immediately! No delay! I want to see changes in the security of the entire Nanyuan and nearby areas immediately, and I will also send personnel to the Chongwenmen and Beijing-Suihai Railway Bureau's land. Watch the situation, anyone who dares to cause trouble in my model army's land will never be tolerated!"

Wang Geng gave the order categorically, Xue Dubi stood up and stood at attention, "I obey!"

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