Beiyang 1917

Chapter 971 Germany's Bottom Line

()1918年8月12ri18:00,伏尔加联邦,萨马拉联邦zheng fu外交部

"Your Excellency, the Brest Peace Treaty must be abided by, otherwise, wouldn't Germany have paid so much in vain on the Eastern Front? I want to meet and negotiate directly with your Commander-in-Chief!" Gustav Schett Reizeman's face was a little pale. This day, Samara and Berlin sent wireless telegrams back and forth countless times. Ludendorff had obviously made up his mind to make peace with the Volga Federation on the Eastern Front, thus completely freeing up his hands. Come to gather the main force to launch the autumn offensive on the Western Front in 1918.

There is only one purpose. Before the Yankees, the new force on the Western Front, can really play a role, they will defeat the main force of the British and French allied forces in one go, so as to win a decent chance to end the war, the dawn of peace and the future of Germany. We hope that a decision will be made on the Western Front Xing's victory was before the situation on the Eastern Front rotted, and before the main force of the Eastern Allied Forces of the Allied Powers really wedged into the back of the Allied Powers.

"Even if Ludendorff came to Samara in person, he might not be able to see our Commander-in-Chief, besides, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs are my humble servants. I am now fully in charge of the negotiations between the Volga Federation and Germany. I can promise you The thing is that the Volga Federation can accept the conditions. The Brest peace treaty is the result of your blackmailing the Soviet Union. It has nothing to do with us. The Volga Federation did not recognize this peace treaty in the past, and it will not recognize it in the future. Come back to reality sooner. Come, my envoy!" ..

Pepelyaev sneered and pushed the German envoy back. The Federal Cabinet Prime Minister actually did not want to make peace with the German-Austrian Allies, and gave up the title and organization of the "All-Russian Temporary Zheng Fu" in the Kolchak White Guards. At the moment when it is about to join the Volga Federation as a whole, at this moment when Soviet Russia is likely to abandon Moscow and Petrograd and join the camp of the Allied Powers, the strength of the Allied Forces on the Eastern Front has not been weakened, but has been greatly enhanced. At this time, what is anxious is Germans who seek peace, not the Volga Confederation.

Of course, food is indeed a problem, and it is a big problem. The supply of ammunition and oil is also a problem, but the food is the first to bear the brunt. If it is not for a large amount of food from Asia and America to ensure the logistics supply of the Eastern Front, this autumn of 1918 , I don’t know how many people will starve to death on the land of Russia.

"Your Excellency Pepe, the 30 remnant soldiers of the Volga Federation could not be called elite and main forces if they put on the new uniforms of the Federation. To put it bluntly, Germany can sweep the Volga Federation with only two armies. Your Excellency Ludendorff Do you understand that Germany has an obligation to its allies? We cannot abandon Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Belarus, Western Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia! This is inhumane Huge damage to Germany's reputation!"

The German envoy was waving his arms, trying to look furious and uncompromising!

"Well, the German army must withdraw from Belarus and Eastern Ukraine. For the rest of these places, the main force of the German army can withdraw in batches. What kind of path these places will choose in the future can be decided by the local referendum! Although the Volga Federation does not recognize the Brest peace treaty, but Nor do they intend to interfere in the self-determination and internal affairs of these places... If they choose to join the Volga Federation, we welcome them, and if they choose to continue du li, we will wait and see! But as long as Germany does not withdraw its troops for a day, we will randomly cross the border line! Don’t forget It is our Volga Federation that has inherited Tsarist Russia!"

This is the first time that Pepe has shouted the slogan that the Volga Federation is the successor to Tsarist Russia. Kolchak’s White Guard regime is about to become history, and Soviet Russia will either be wiped out or obediently go to Belarus to engage in their Soviet test field , Pepelyaev has seen the magnificent scene of the Volga Federal Defense Forces accepting the hot land of Petrograd, Moscow along the railways and highways!

"We can continue to arm the Soviet Union to fight with you at any time. The current territory of the Volga Federation is not as large as that of Soviet Russia? As for the population, it is even farther away. It is too early to say that the Volga Federation will inherit Tsarist Russia? The United States and Britain Can the Allied Powers of France agree? Even though the king of China is covering the sky on the Eastern Front, the power of the Sino-Japanese alliance is still weak after all. If you really want to tear yourself apart, can it still compete with the powers of the United States, Britain and France? Is it possible for your family to eat the cake?"

Stresemann was the chancellor of Weimar Germany in the future, and he was definitely not inferior to Pepe in terms of knowledge and eloquence. Now he squinted his eyes, obviously disapproving, thinking that Prime Minister Pepe in front of him was just dreaming.

"It is you who are wishful thinking, my special envoy, the end of your support for Soviet Russia and our war is now very clear. Soviet Russia is just mud that cannot support the wall. You repatriated the prisoners of war and armed the Soviet Russian Red Army. The total sum is more than 100 million Yes? The support of arms, food and ammunition is not lacking, but what is the result? The support of the people, my special envoy, the Volga Federation is getting stronger and stronger, not because of the support of the Allied Powers, but because we have the support of the people! This is fundamental s reason!"

Pepe lit a match, lit the Havana cigar brought in from the Huaxia King's office, and looked at the German envoy on the opposite sofa for a long time under the smoke...

"Okay! Not to mention the Brest Peace Treaty, Germany didn't intend to stay permanently in those du li countries. This issue can be discussed later. If the German army withdraws from Eastern Ukraine and Belarus, what can be exchanged? Can the Volga Federation What kind of promise is given? It is meaningless to simply conclude a peace treaty. Since Germany and the Volga Federation have concluded a peace treaty, the Volga Federation must withdraw from the camp of the Allied Powers! This is our bottom line!"

Stresemann put the bottom line of the peace talks on the table. Although the peace treaty is nothing compared to national interests, it can at least buy time for Germany, and the hope of winning the two-front war is extremely slim It is wishful thinking to expect that a few German second-line armies on the eastern front will be able to drive the elite division of the King of China across the east of the Ural Mountains.

Furthermore, being able to divide and disintegrate the camp of the Allied Powers will have a greater impact than a peace treaty. If it is not easy to make a divorce, it can be done well. Who said that the Sino-Japanese Alliance cannot be separated from the camp of the Allied Powers Lila out?The first step is to conclude a peace treaty with the Volga Federation, so that the Volga Federation will remain neutral and withdraw from the camp of the Allied Powers, so that the war on the Eastern Front will stop, and the United States, Britain and France will inevitably jump on their feet in a hurry, and at that time they may cut off the Sino-Japanese alliance. With technical and material assistance, at that time, there will be no chance to bring the Volga Federation and the Sino-Japanese Alliance to the Allied Powers.

Of course, the premise of everything is that Ludendorff must win a victory in the upcoming autumn offensive on the Western Front, otherwise everything will be in vain!

The Allied Powers are not the biggest losers if they can cease fighting on the existing borders and spheres of influence and enter peace negotiations. The Austro-Hungarian Empire, Tsarist Russia, and Turkey have been weakened and disintegrated, but Germany is still extremely powerful. In comparison, Britain and France The adult men suffered huge losses on the battlefield, and they could not recover within 20 years. Europe is Europe for Europeans. Yankees go back to America. Britain and France, which have lost the support of the United States, at least on the European continent, will not treat Germany Form any threat and challenge!

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