Beiyang 1917

Chapter 978

() Just as the United States entered the war in April 1917 and changed the balance of power and the direction of the war in World War I, sixteen months later, in September 4, the Sino-Japanese Alliance and the United States, the biggest supporter behind it, announced their response to the Samara Peace Initiative , requiring all participating countries to stop the war and start equal negotiations to solve the problems that the war cannot solve. This earth-shattering policy shift once again changed the course of history.

For the United States, the huge cost of casualties on the European battlefield, especially on the Western Front, is something that all the American people are unwilling to bear. The isolationism in the United States has now turned into a pacifism that defends peace, and the Sino-Japanese alliance needs to be more direct. In a word, the family background is weak, and it can't afford a war with tens of thousands of casualties. On the Ukrainian battlefield, the Germans only invested six second-line infantry divisions to beat up the Eastern Front Allied Forces with the same strength and even stronger firepower. No matter if it is the government of Japan or the government of China, they cannot just sit back and watch the hundreds of thousands of elite troops they have accumulated so hard to be consumed by the German meat grinder on the Eastern Front!

The Germans are of course happy to see the results. No matter how the situation after the United States enters the war turns around, Germany will not be able to fight against the whole world with its own power and win. The Chinese Air Force beat the whole army to pieces, and the two main German infantry divisions couldn't stop the assault of a Chinese mixed armored brigade. The opponent was not a tank, but just more than 200 wheeled armored combat vehicles, but the 12mm caliber Large-caliber machine guns are simply the nightmare of the German Army! . .

Germany's intelligence gathering capabilities are second to none in the entire world. The intelligence of the Central Yang Front Army, which the King of Huaxia reorganized and assembled more than 10 armies on the Great Plains of Ufa, was acquired by Berlin at a huge cost, and the six modern infantry armies also That's all, the key is that a large number of new tanks have appeared in the mechanized army formed by the Chinese, which is a fatal threat to the German Army. Ludendorff and Hindenburg dare not neglect or underestimate them. Armored vehicles, machine guns, mortars, fighter jets, and even grenades are far more powerful than the German Army, not to mention that the performance of the Luftwaffe aircraft in the sky is much worse, and even the enemy's 37mm anti-aircraft guns and anti-tank guns cannot be surpassed The presence!

Thanks to the fact that the rise of the Chinese is still short, the industrial base is still weak, and the production and transportation capabilities are insufficient. Otherwise, the German-Austrian Allies fighting on the two fronts will face an unpredictable crisis. Fortunately, the Sino-Japanese alliance is expanding too fast on the Eastern Front. It is difficult to digest so many former Tsarist Russian territories smoothly, and the Asian yellow-skinned monkeys with weak backgrounds are unwilling to consume their elite troops for the British and French on the western front. A negotiated and decent end to the war is Germany's best option!

The truce initiative initiated by the Volga Federation finally received a response from the governments of Britain and France on September 1918, 9. The gunfire on the Western Front finally stopped. The Germans were very confident and bachelor. On the same day that the Chinese negotiating delegation arrived in Paris, France, a large-scale withdrawal of troops from the front line began. A train and a car brought the main force of the German army back to the western border of the two sides before the war in 18...

The only thing that Britain and France can talk about is that this time the Germans did not break their promises and took the initiative to withdraw their troops before the negotiations started. Of course, the Germans were not polite when they retreated. Plant equipment and captured cannons, machine guns and tanks were shipped back to Germany!

No one thought that the armistice negotiations at the Paris Peace Conference, which began on September 1918, 9, would last like a marathon for three months. More than 25 representatives from various countries participated in the Paris Peace Conference, including 1000 plenipotentiaries. It was later changed to the "meeting of seven", namely US President Wilson, British Prime Minister Lloyd George, French Prime Minister Clemenceau, German Chancellor Prince Baden, Chinese Cabinet Prime Minister Duan Qirui, Japanese Prime Minister Terauchi Masahiro, Wang Geng, head of the Volga Federation.

In fact, the leaders of the meeting were the president of the United States, the head of the Volga Federation, and the prince of Germany. The prime minister of Britain and the prime minister of France became the most energetic, loudest, and most stern guys. As for Duan Qirui, he was happy all day. When visiting relatives and meeting friends to make friends, the Prime Minister of the temple in Japan can be regarded as Duan Qirui's little follower.

On Christmas Day in 1918, the Paris Peace Conference, which lasted for three months, came to an end. The Allied Powers and the Entente Powers concluded the Treaty of Versailles, Britain acquired the Arabian Peninsula, France maintained its colonies in Africa, and the Volga Federation replaced the original Tsarist Russian Empire. Finland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Belarus, Western Ukraine, Georgia, and Azerbaijan have all become du li countries, but there is a buffer period of three years. After three years, a referendum will be held to decide whether these new du li countries should remain du li , or choose to join the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Volga Federation!

It is worth mentioning that, under the mediation of the Volga Federation, the Belarusian Soviet regime, which insisted on Bolshevism, was recognized by the camp of the Entente. Ulyanov and his comrades must guarantee not to export their doctrine to countries other than Belarus. And revolution, otherwise, at your own peril!

The future of Belarus, with a population of 800 million and a territory of 20 square kilometers, will be determined by a local referendum in five years. In other words, Ulyanov and his Bolsheviks have five years to consolidate power, or Overthrown by the people...Although the neighbors around seem to be smaller than Belarus, but behind them is either the German Empire or the Volga Federation. The days of the Soviets are not so easy!

This battlefield destroyed the Tsarist Russian Empire and the Ottoman Turkish Empire, and severely damaged the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, Czech Hungary finally remained in the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The announcement of du li by the small desert country is of course the manipulation of Britain and France.

The French are undoubtedly the biggest losers in the war that lasted for four years. The United States, as the largest creditor of Britain and France, has since gained two followers who are not obedient but obedient. Although the British rely on their sea power and huge colonies. Maintaining a detached du li, but the pressure of owing so many foreign war debts is definitely not light.

The Sino-Japanese Alliance is considered the biggest winner of this war. It joined the war the latest, developed the fastest, and paid the least price. The Volga Federation is nominally a sovereign state, but its head of state is the King of China. Although this emerging country advertises itself as a republic , the military du cai system is indeed adopted, but the lives of ordinary people are much better than before. The "[-] Rent Reduction Regulations" and the "Federal Land Act" quickly stabilized social order, and the various ethnic groups in the federation The principle of equality makes the cohesion of this emerging country quite strong...

Carrots are of course not the only bargaining chip. Armed to the teeth, the Federal Defense Forces, the National Guard, the Federal Security Service, and local governments at all levels with demobilized soldiers as the main body have built a new empire. The West Siberian Autonomous Republic east of the Ural Mountains It still exists, and this is also a colony allocated to Japan in the China-Japan Alliance. As for Japan, although dissatisfaction with Japan's gradually subtle influence after the China-Japan Alliance has been heard from time to time, absolutely no one dares to stand up and challenge the powerful neighbors...

The only consolation for Japan is that China does not plan to vigorously develop the navy. The army and air force are still China's development direction, and the task of building a powerful navy has become the only expectation and goal of the whole country of Japan!

Since Wang Geng chose to stay in the Volga Federation as the head of state, his father-in-law Duan Qirui became the president of the Republic of China, and Xu Shuzheng became the new prime minister without accident, and the Southern Party became the second largest party in the parliament. , the largest party is the National Unity Party representing the military system and New Beiyang, Duan Qirui became the lifelong honorary party leader, Xu Shuzheng became the party leader, Feng Guozhang became the speaker of the Senate, and Sun Dapao became the speaker of the House of Representatives.

The size of the Chinese army participating in the war has always remained at 100 million. In addition, it has 3000 fighter planes and an air force of more than 10. The navy is a shortcoming. Fortunately, the construction of the Japanese navy is very fast, which has also exhausted Japan's national strength , making Japan's dependence on the Sino-Japanese Alliance not only not reduced, but even higher.

On the night of January 1919, 1, a meteor that was several times less powerful than the Tunguska explosion broke through the atmosphere and roared towards the land of Siberia. The meteor shower exploded in concentration... The locomotive was wiped out in a huge explosion... The carriages were also thrown off the rails and squeezed into steel braids...

The head of the Volga Federation who returned to China from the banks of the Volga River, the founder of the Chinese Army and the Sino-Japanese Alliance, and the creator of the dawn of peace in the First World War, the Huaxia King mysteriously disappeared amidst the explosion caused by the sudden flying stars...

…Endless darkness and vortex, countless lenses and light and shadow flashing and disappearing in front of the eyes, everything is like the latest black and white silent movie, everything seems to be eternity after eternity in silence... everything is like a dream but always hard to wake up...

I don't know how long it took...

I finally opened my eyes, and what I saw was a ceiling lamp with soft light in the middle of the roof. The bluish white light was neither too bright to be dazzling, nor too dark to make people feel deserted and lonely.

Wang Geng slightly raised his head and glanced around the room. Obviously, this was a well-decorated single room. The Howard clock hung on the wall opposite the bed was exquisite but not luxurious. Although the delicate tulle curtains are drawn, the neon lights that are unique to big cities outside at night can be vaguely seen through the gaps.

It's midnight now?Big bang, space-time tunnel?Where am I?Glancing at the calendar card on the bedside table, everything seems familiar, and looking closely, the latest page on the calendar card shows impressively: February 1917, 2.

My God... It's back to 1917?Where does this follow? ! ...

End of book

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