Chapter 11

Chapter 3

The army besieged the city, and everyone was panic-stricken. They were afraid of war. The price of food in the rice shop was rising. The residents are okay, the factory pays half of the food and half of the money, and Yu Xiulian’s family has some food to eat. At night, "Xiu Lian, my brothers and sisters are almost out of food. The restaurant has been closed since the army besieged the city. It’s almost enough to eat that little food by now.” “Okay, I know.” Yu Xiulian went down to the ground and took two small cloth bags, one with about two catties of stick noodles in it, and the other with two catties of miscellaneous noodles, and said, “I’ll deliver them tomorrow morning, one family a day.” , whichever family should send it to the other family first, so that no one can see it. After talking about getting on the kang, He Daqing hugged his wife, "Xiulian, it's good to have you."

Ten days later, He Daqing gave it away again. Many people on the street couldn't open the pot. On this day, He Daqing brought back a little girl with a sallow face and cleaned it up to the point of cleanliness. "Who is this He Daqing? That little girl "He Daqing didn't make a sound, and walked home, "Daughter-in-law, I brought your daughter-in-law." Thin, childish little face, two big eyes twinkling, looked at Yu Xiulian expectantly, felt pain in my heart, "When I see her, I think of you from the past." My sister-in-law hates her, and my brother asked me to bring her back to be Zhuzi's wife, and her family can save some food." Yu Xiulian looked at the little girl, "Baby, what's your name?" Seeing that the little girl has not yet reacted, she pulled He Yuzhu over, "I want to be this little brother's wife when she grows up." "Zhuzi, is the little sister beautiful?" He Yuzhu nodded wildly, and the little girl nodded too, "Auntie, I am willing, "Zhuzi, are you willing to let Xiaofeng be your daughter-in-law?" He Yuzhu nodded and said yes, and said in his heart: such a beautiful daughter-in-law is not happy for a fool, "Xiaofeng, you can call me mother just like Zhuzi!" From then on, The He family has an extra family.

Xiaofeng is very diligent, a little person, tidying up the house, doing laundry, and doing it neatly!With her sharp eyesight, Yu Xiulian asked Zhuzi to teach Xiaofeng to read and write, but Xiaofeng said that she had gone to school and was in the third grade. He Daqing and Yu Xiulian looked at each other. This is a treasure, and with Xiaofeng's help, Yu Xiulian It was a lot easier. Not long after, Forty-Nine City was peacefully liberated. As the army entered the city, military control was implemented in the city. Houses and residents were re-registered. Factories and shops opened, presenting a thriving scene. Recruitment, Yu Xiulian also went to work in the street office, Zhuzi, Xiaofeng, the children in the front and back yards all went to school, Yushui was four years old, playing in the yard, Aunt Yi watched, the busiest thing was that Zhuzi returned home after school She has to learn how to cook, and she sleeps when she gets home. Xiaofeng is also very responsible. She washes the clothes in the rain. She had to wash He Daqing and Yu Xiulian, but Yu Xiulian refused to let her do it. The child is too young to bear it.

The street asked the courtyards to elect stewards, one in each courtyard, Yan Bugui in the front courtyard, and Yi Zhonghai in the back courtyard, Liu Haizhong. A show of hands voted, the first master Yi Zhonghai, the second elder Liu Haizhong, the second elder Yan Bugui, and the third master Yan Bugui. Not too picky, Liu Haizhong doesn’t beat the children, Yi Zhonghai’s retirement issue has not been put on the agenda, the compound is still very harmonious, and Jia Gui (Jia Dongxu’s father) who died early in the original play is not dead, Yu Xiulian thinks this must be It is her credit, it is her little wings that fanned Jia Gui's life away from the road leading to early death, so now, Jia Gui is still alive, hopping on the road of small business every day, returning home on rest days to pick up local specialties that are eggs, Chicken, mushrooms, fungus, etc. came back, and I asked Jia Zhang to sell them in the market to earn the difference. I have to say that Jia Gui's brain is still very good.

(End of this chapter)

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