Chapter 34

Qin Huairu thought in her heart, if you come here, you will be at peace, adapt to this era well, and live up to this time travel journey.You should change yourself, Jia Dongxu, and Jia Zhang, and you must not follow the old path.

I have to say that Jia Dongxu's appearance is still good, which is very suitable for the appearance of modern small fresh meat, but he is a bit weak, and he graduated from junior high school. Qin Huairu asked Jia Dongxu when he had questions about his studies. He didn't answer a few times, and he was very embarrassed. Find out the previous textbooks, and quietly relearn the knowledge of junior high school, for fear that you won't be able to answer Qin Huairu's questions.Qin Huairu saw it in his eyes and was secretly happy in his heart. Since they are husband and wife, they will inevitably have to do embarrassing things at night. Jia's family only has one room, but Jia Zhang is next to him, so he always feels weird, "Dongxu, we The house is too small, we have to get another room, and in the future, when we grow up and marry a wife, will we still live in the same house?” “It’s this place, but the house is tight everywhere,” “Don’t worry, everything is far away. If you don’t pay, let’s raise the level first.”

With Qin Huairu's monthly salary, Jia's food has also improved, and they can eat meat twice a month.Jia Zhang is very satisfied with this delicious food. Although it is hard to take care of the children to cook, but the food is good. Qin Huairu's mantra is, "Let's work hard together, earn more money, and eat more meat." When Jia This is what Qin Huairu told Jia Zhang when Mrs. Zhang urged Qin Huairu to have another child. "Mom, look, I have a rural hukou now, and Banggen is also a rural hukou. If I want to have another child, I still have a rural hukou. It costs a lot of money to buy high-priced food every month. Having another child, our family's living standard will drop. Now I eat two meals of meat every month, and eat one meal of meat every month, or eat one meal of meat every two months or three months. Such a day. Have you ever thought about it? I am studying hard now for the future. Find a good job. Turn into a regular worker, and change both Banggen and my household registration to urban household registration to eat commodity grains, so that our family can save a lot of money? The saved money can eat meat, and we can eat a few more meals, right? At that time, let’s have another child, how beautiful, don’t you think?” “Besides, it’s too tight for us to live together. Just talking about having a child, where will we live? Is it okay? Who can marry us with this condition?" Jia Zhang opened his mouth and said nothing.

Yi Zhonghai hinted several times that he wanted to take Jia Dongxu as his apprentice, but Jia Dongxu didn't accept the offer, and Jia Dongxu was not stupid. His current master, Liu Dabao, was an eighth-level fitter in the factory, and Yi Zhonghai was only a sixth-level fitter now, and there were several brothers in the factory. They are all small leaders, and they have benefited a lot from a little bit of advice. Now it is the third senior brother who is leading the learning to read the pictures, and the sixth senior brother is teaching the actual operation. In just two years, he has become a third-level worker, and the master said that he is very talented. points, as long as you work hard, you will become a master in the future.

He Daqing ran away anyway, and Yi Zhonghai turned his attention to the He Yuzhu siblings. When He Yuzhu siblings were most vulnerable, they released their warmth and tried their best to win them over. Qin Huairu was speechless as he watched.

Two years later, Qin Huairu obtained a junior high school diploma and successfully entered a cotton textile factory, becoming a glorious textile worker. Qin Huairu and Bang Geng's household registration were also converted to urban household registration, with a monthly salary of 27.5 yuan. The job of sweeping the streets was taken over by Mrs. Jia Zhang, (the income belongs to Mrs. Jia). Every night, Qin Huairu and Jia Dongxu helped Mrs. Jia sweep half of the street. Earn money to look after the children, cook, and wash clothes in spare time, (even though Qin Huairu doesn't let her do it) every day urges Qin Huairu Jia Dongxu to study and improve, to upgrade as soon as possible, to earn more money, watching Yan Bugui search in the front yard It seems that Mrs. Jia Zhang thinks that my family Huairu is right: "If you can't earn money, raising so many children will only lower your living standard." I’m a grade worker.” Listening to the children crying and howling in the bangs in the backyard, I thought my family Huairu was right: “It’s terrible to be uneducated, and you can’t even educate your children well.”Now Mrs. Jia and Zhang know a few words. A few days ago, she participated in the literacy class run by the street. Now Mrs. Jia and Zhang look at the housewives in the courtyard and feel that they are better than them in everything.

(End of this chapter)

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