Chapter 4 The Courtyard Capital Is My Fault

Chapter 2

When I got home, I washed my feet in the rain and put them on the bed. He Yuzhu thought about the words of the rain and fell into deep thought. Why did the rain say that? Could it be that my mother used the rain to remind me in a dream? I will go back again and ask more about the rain in the future.

"Did the rain dream at night?" "No" "Has the rain dreamed in recent days?" "I dreamed that Jia Dongxu died, and you gave the lunch box to Sister Qin's family every day, and their family ate your lunch box and called you a fool." "Don't tell others and don't let his family hear it." He Yuzhu covered it Shut the mouth of Yushui and said in a low voice. "Brother, you can't like Sister Qin, she will lie to you." "Little girl, what do you know about liking?" Even though he said that, He Yuzhu still woke up a bit, and he should watch Sister Qin less in the future! ""

Yushui goes to school and He Yuzhu goes to work. Every morning, He Yuzhu makes breakfast for Yushui and the two brothers finish eating, send Yushui to school, and then go to work. At noon, Yushui goes to the factory to find dinner in the cafeteria. This is approved by the canteen director, and the dinner will be better. , Sometimes I would give a bowl to the deaf old lady in the backyard, and ask her to help watch the rain. In the class, Yushui met Yu Haitang, a good friend from the previous life, and the two girls became good friends and classmates just like the previous life.He Yuzhu loves Yushui very much. Yushui carries sweets and snacks in his pocket every day, and eats them with Yu Haitang at school. Although it is a difficult time, Yushui eats fat and is not hungry at all.

One day, there was a lot of crying in the yard. Jia Dongxu died, and He Yuzhu was stunned. He thought to himself: My sister's dream is true. I can't give Sister Qin a lunch box. I won't be a fool.

A few days later, "Master Zhuzi asked you to talk about something," "What's the matter?" "Zhuzi, you see that your brother Dongxu has left, your sister Qin's family is orphaned and widowed, and your sister Qin is pregnant again." My child needs nutrition, can you give your lunch box to Sister Qin to help their family?" He Yuzhu heard that this is the same as Yushui's dream, and I would be a fool if I gave you the lunch box, "Master, I Difficult! It’s not easy for me to raise Yushui alone, relying on my salary and lunch box can support me and Yushui, what should I do with Yushui after giving the lunch box to Sister Qin?” He Yuzhu made up his mind. Give.

In the evening, it was announced that the meeting would be held, with the first seat in the middle and the two seats on both sides, "Today's meeting is mainly about the difficulties of the Jia family after Dongxu's death. I hope everyone can help the Jia family to tide over the difficulties." People, selfish, just take care of yourself." When He Yuzhu heard this, hey, are you talking about me?Say it, say it, I won’t give it, the Jia family didn’t help us when Yushui and I were hungry, you are a master, if you don’t help me, let me help you, “Donate to the Jia family and we earn a civilized courtyard house.” He Yuzhu took out a dollar and handed it to the third master, Yi Zhonghai opened his mouth and then closed it, so let the deaf old lady protect Silly Zhu.

He Yushui lay next to He Yuzhu's ear and whispered: "Yu Haitang, her sister in our class, is pretty. Brother, how much money have you saved?"Don't give me enough to get my sister-in-law.Seeing how his brother looked at Qin Huairu every day, Yushui decided to help He Yuzhu find a wife as soon as possible.

"Hai Tang, do you want to eat something delicious?"

think! "Do you want to eat my brother's fried dishes?" ""Think""Do you want to stay at my house and eat my brother's fried dishes?" ""what do you mean? ""It doesn't mean that I want your sister to be my sister-in-law, so that you can live in my house and eat my brother's fried dishes. Let's go to school and play together." "Go back and ask your sister about my house. I have a house. My brother The chef in the rolling mill has a salary of 37 yuan and 5 yuan. I usually cook for others and still have an income. "

"I'll go back and ask."

Yu Haitang’s family conditions are not good, his mother is sick, his father works alone, and his sister takes care of his mother at home. I am in a good condition. I am not only beautiful, but also tall. I have envied rainwater since I was a child, and I can eat delicious food. Parents and sisters said He Yushui's words, and they still know about Yushui's family. They must compete with Yushui and Haitang for four or five years. Find a matchmaker to propose marriage." "Okay, mom, I'll stay at Yushui's house tonight"

"Rain, I want to eat well tonight."Seeing Yu Haitang's posture, He Yushui knew it, "Tell me about your family's stupidity?" "Our family agrees to let you find a matchmaker."When He Yuzhu came back in the evening, he made fried potato shreds and scrambled eggs for He Yushui and Yu Haitang. After eating, Yu Haitang squinted his eyes in satisfaction, "Brother Zhu, it's so delicious", thinking that he can often eat delicious food in the future. "Brother, it's going to be done in secret, you know there are many people in the courtyard who don't like us", "Got it". "What is Silly Zhu busy? I can't even see you." Yan Bugui stood at the gate of the courtyard and asked, "Busy, busy!" Yan Bugui looked at Silly Zhu who was busy all day, "This silly Zhu probably I went to cook for someone." "Isn't it right? You still wear it so well while cooking?"

(End of this chapter)

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