Mu Chenjue frowned. Heimuya, the most proud place in the Vault of Heaven, was so vulnerable. Seeing the incomparable arrogance on Yu Youer's face, he knew she would have a countermeasure , the face of the iceberg that has remained unchanged for thousands of years is even more gloomy and cold at this moment, "tell me, your conditions!"

Yu You'er did have a countermeasure, she was just waiting for him to say this, otherwise, based on her impression of him, it would be impossible for her to analyze the current danger of Heimuya for him!The corner of her mouth raised proudly, "I just want to know Feng Yan's whereabouts now? Also, I will protect Heimuya for you, and you give me back my freedom!"

"You like him that much?" The gloomy words were somewhat sinister, Mu Chenjue's face was very ugly, she only had Feng Yan in her eyes!Why can Feng Yan have her but not him?How could he, Mu Chenjue, be inferior to him?

"He's mine!" Yu You'er's voice was not loud, but extremely cold.

He just stared at her blankly like this, with anger, hatred, and...jealousy, the shadow of Feng Yan flickered in her arrogant eyes, he only felt a sudden tightness in his heart, the always cold handsome His face became extremely sad at this moment, "Do you really have to rely on him? What's wrong with him? It's worth your desperation."

"He's good everywhere!!" Yu You'er's voice was cold, but her tone was unusually firm.Anyway, she doesn't like Mu Chenjue's cruelty. Such a person is ruthless and scheming. Whoever falls in love with him will be unlucky. He doesn't know when he is used as a pawn.

Seeing this, Mu Chenjue almost cracked his fingers, clenched his palms tightly, his sharp black eyes like a falcon were full of murderous aura, he didn't think he was a violent person, but after hearing Yu You'er's firm After taking a deep breath, no matter how calm a person is, he can't calm down anymore!There is a voice in my heart that keeps reminding me: She is from Fengyan!kill her!kill her!

The heart moves at will, driven by a strong will, Mu Chenjue's hand suddenly grasped her neck tightly, as long as he exerts force, she will disappear in his hand!

Yu You'er's neck was almost crushed by him, pain and suffocation came, but she remained motionless like a statue, her eyes were sharp on Mu Chenjue, and she said through gritted teeth, "Kill me! Kill me Your Heavenly Kingdom will soon fall into the hands of others!"

"You dare to threaten me?" Mu Chenjue tightly pursed his lips like cherry petals, and bloodthirsty anger burst forth.

"What are you afraid of? If you want your country to die in your hands, you can try it!" Facing Mu Chen's ruthless gaze, Yu Youer didn't even frown, her heart was so strong Outrageous.

The night wind blows, and the place is cold.

Mu Chenjue stared at her unchanging face, and was shocked in his heart. She, who was on the verge of life and death, could still maintain her original calmness. Sure enough, this woman's arrogant self-confidence is unique!

But why is she not his!The flames of anger burned fiercely in his chest, since he couldn't get it, then Feng Yan couldn't get it either!He didn't believe that with the strength of the Vault of Heaven, he couldn't beat that traitor Mu Chenye!

"Your Majesty, Heimuya is about to be breached!" Just when Mu Chen was about to strangle Yu You'er to death, Yan Ling staggered in.

Mu Chenjue's face was dark, and Yu You'er's voice was still echoing in his mind, "The terrain of Heimuya looks steep, but it's actually not difficult to attack." Dim, she was right, it was impossible for him to watch the Heavenly Vault of Heaven die in his hands!

After pondering for a while, his gloomy face finally compromised, women, he has never been short of them!It is even more impossible for him to ruin his country for a woman!

"I can let you go, but you must promise to wipe out Mu Chenye's party!" He didn't mention Feng Yan's name at all!

Yu You'er seemed to have predicted this outcome, she smiled slyly, "You are making a promise to me as an emperor, I hope you can keep your word!"

"You don't need to worry about this, once I open my mouth, I won't change my mind!" Jun still had no expression on his face.

Yan Ling looked at Yu You'er with a calm face, her handsome face was inexplicably more awed, she was probably the only one in the world who dared to threaten Mu Chenjue!


Tonight, the moonlight is quiet, the night sky is dotted with twinkling stars, the mournful chirping of crickets can be heard everywhere, and the cold dew silently falls on a group of hurried pedestrians, moistening their hair...

Heimuya, the first line of defense of the Sky Kingdom, is located on the left side of the Sky Kingdom, surrounded by cliffs, if there is no familiar person to guide the way, they may fall off the cliff before seeing the city gate and be smashed to pieces!

A group of people passed through the narrow sky one after another, and came to a winding path. The path is so narrow that only one person can pass through it at a time. Not to mention the bumpy road, there is still a bottomless cliff on the right.

"Ah!" A guard climbed onto the stone wall, his foot suddenly slipped, and he fell down the path.

Originally, everyone was trembling and climbing on the stone wall, but the sudden scream made everyone's scalp tingle, subconsciously looking at the dark and bottomless cliff, really sweating .

"Follow closely, keep your eyes on the front, don't look around." Yu You'er said to the people behind with no expression on her face.

There was a long line, which looked like a straight line at a glance. She was walking behind Mu Chenjue. At this moment, she had to look at him with admiration. This man could be so calm no matter when and where he was in danger.

The man behind Yu You'er clung to the branches, and moved forward with gritted teeth in pain. Heimuya was difficult to walk, but Mu Chenye chose to move in the middle of the night, so they had to come all night. If it wasn't for the bright moonlight tonight, He could see the road clearly, and he really wondered if he would fall off the cliff because he couldn't see the road clearly!

"Ah..." The branch seemed to be broken with a "creak" because it couldn't bear his weight. He broke out in a cold sweat and his feet kept shaking. He seemed to have seen his end, and he was discouraged. Looking at the endless line behind them, each of them looked livid and gritted their teeth as they moved forward.

The sound of "creaking" branches breaking came again, his hands were hanging in the air, his feet slipped, and his eyes fell down in shock.

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