Chapter 5

Erni was 14 when Gang Dan was in school, and Erni, who had already passed the school age, watched eagerly. She knew that she was only envious, and no parents would let her go to school.She was curious, peeking at her brother's book became her normal routine, for some reason, the more she read it, the more she wanted to read it, and if she understood it, she told it to Gangdan, and let Gangdan listen to see if what she said was right, if she couldn't figure it out She asked directly, and gradually realized that the second sister had a sharp mind and high understanding, and thought: Let the second sister go to school, maybe the second sister can make a name for herself.He knew that the second sister wanted to go to school and dared not tell his father, so he decided to tell his father that day.

Gang Dan is born smart and has strong logical thinking. When Zhang Quanyou was 3 or 4 years old, he found that he spoke clearly and logically.Gang Dan naturally knows his position in his father's heart. If there is anything between the sisters that he dare not tell his father, he will recommend Gang Dan to say it. Of course, Gang Dan is not a brainless person. When it comes to him, he has to screen it out. , if it is unreasonable, stop it directly.Now that Gangdan is in school, Zhang Quanyou certainly dare not underestimate his opinions.Gang Dan promised his father that he would save money for the second sister's share, although Zhang Quan was [-] percent unwilling, and finally agreed.

Erni rubbed her hands happily and said, "Fengnian (Gangdan's name), the second sister will treat you well for the rest of my life!" Erni stopped calling Gangdan when she was happy, and called her name directly.

Steel Dan also felt that the second sister was very interesting, so he grinned.

15-year-old Erni started school, and she was with Fengnian, who was one grade above her.

After going to school, Erni got her scientific name——Guizhi. Everyone stopped calling her by her nickname when she went to school.

Guizhi and Fengnian kept their word. As soon as school was over, Guizhi and Fengnian would go to the brick kiln to carry bricks together, pick up wheat in the wheat field, and never go home until dark.

Gui Zhi cherishes the hard-won opportunity and works harder and harder.When the school teacher praised Guizhi to the point of lack of words, he said: "Zhang Guizhi studies the best!"

When Guizhi was studying hard and eagerly studying, hoping to change her destiny by going to school, the reality gave her a blow - she was forced to drop out of school.

When Guizhi was in the third grade, his uncle died suddenly, leaving behind two school-going children.Zhang Quanyou has a strong brotherhood. He said: "I would rather my children not go to school, and both nephews should go to school."

Gui Zhi dropped out of school, the teacher felt sorry for him, and his classmates felt sorry for him.She didn't cry, but two streams of hot tears flowed back, turning into a puddle of bitter water in her heart, transforming forbearance into strength invisibly.

This time, Fengnian was unable to save the second sister. This year, Osmanthus fragrans also went to school. Including the two children of the uncle's family, there are 5 students in the family, which is really unaffordable.

(End of this chapter)

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