Chapter 52

There was no room for four people in the cab. Fang Jie turned her head and came back. She wanted to ride a bicycle, but when she saw that the chain of the bicycle was off and the rim was twisted, she couldn’t ride it. She pushed the bicycle to the repair shop and walked. Hospital, it's been a while since we arrived at the hospital.

Gui Zhi told Fang Jie the story of the young driver. Fang Jie felt that this man acted like Lei Feng and looked like a star.She really wanted to see what the driver looked like!At that time, my mind was blank, I only knew fear, but no impression.

It is said that the young driver's name is Dong Jianjun, and he is a repairman for the county fleet.

Today, when he went to the motorcade, he found that the key on the toolbox was left at home. Jianjun usually rides a bicycle to and from get off work, but today he drove home to pick it up in a hurry.While driving, the squad leader repeatedly explained that the car left at 8:8 and something happened.Jianjun calculated that it would only take half an hour to drive home and back to the sky, more than enough time, but who knows, this happened on the road.It is not the style of building an army to stand by and watch in times of crisis.In fact, Jianjun wanted to leave at [-] o'clock, but he was embarrassed to see the girl's mother busy to and fro by herself.

It was nearly 9 o'clock when Jianjun arrived at the convoy.The captain got angry at the squad leader because the car didn't leave on time.When the squad leader saw Jianjun coming, he just took his anger out on him and wrote 10 fast on the fine without any explanation, then tore it off and handed it to Jianjun to ask him to go to the finance department to pay the money. Jianjun opened his mouth to explain.The squad leader said: "Don't tell me! Go tell the captain! I won't listen!" He turned his head and left.

Jianjun came to the door of the office with the fine sheet. Seeing someone in the captain's office, he turned his face and came out again. In the end, he didn't explain to the captain.When I went to the finance department to pay the money, I had no money in my pocket, so I typed an IOU.In fact, Jianjun told the captain the truth, and the team might make up for it.

One summer night in 1984, there was a torrential downpour in the old world, and it was so fierce that when the washbasin was stretched out and pulled back, it was mostly water.The people lying down in the kiln sat up, the people sitting stood up, and the people standing looked outside the dark door, listening to the sound of the rain. Three or four hours passed. , the heavy rain is still there; the water on the roof of the kiln flows into the courtyard along the face of the kiln like a waterfall, and the flood is like a knife. In the courtyard, it rushes to the gate; when the water in the ditch (the road outside the gate) can’t flow, it overflows into the courtyard and pushes the water back home; Things rushed out of the kiln door one after another; someone stuck a fire pestle in the courtyard, knelt down with a puff, clasped their hands together like pounding garlic, and prayed for God to "close the gate" quickly.This heavy rain fell all day and night, and the walls and kilns collapsed under it.

The once-in-a-century heavy rain has changed the concept of old farmers. The earthen kiln, which is warm in winter and cool in summer, is no longer a harbor for shelter from wind and rain.Thus, there was the later small farmyard.

Dong Guoxiang's terrazzo two-story building is rare here.

He belongs to the Dong family Gelao, and he is in the same brigade as Gui Zhi.The couple looks ostentatious (good-looking and aura), and they live a comfortable life with both children.Guoxiang used to be the accountant of the production team. After the reform and opening up, he went to work as an accountant in the brigade machinery factory; his daughter-in-law knew how to tailor and opened a sewing shop on the street.No matter who married a daughter-in-law or a daughter-in-law of the Dong family, they would invite them to marry and accompany them.There are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings. Half a year ago, his wife died in a car accident. After Dong Guoxiang lost his wife, his whole body was listless and listless every day.

Guoxiang is like this, I feel sorry for my old lady.That day, she said to her son: "Son! She (Guoxiang's daughter-in-law) has a short life, no good luck! There is nothing to do with the children and daughters! You can't fall down like a pillar!" Mother will continue if there is a suitable one! You can’t spend half your life alone like mother, gaining a good reputation and suffering endlessly; you can’t do without a man in your family! You can’t do without a woman!”

Speaking of Guoxiangniang, she was a very capable person. The old man died early, and raised five men and two women by herself, and got married. She led a large family of twenty or thirty people to live together until the eldest grandson got married. Then they separated.The weather-beaten Guoxiangniang firmly disagrees with her son dying alone.

(End of this chapter)

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