a memo

Chapter 17 Bias

Chapter 17 Bias
When I was a freshman in high school, AH was still divided into arts and sciences.

It stands to reason that the school should score two points in arts and sciences, but our school is quite special, and it will be scored in the first year of high school.

I heard that mathematics in science is more difficult than liberal arts, so I chose liberal arts without hesitation.

"There is no way out if you choose liberal arts, and it is difficult to get a job if you study liberal arts."

In the three years of high school, I heard too many voices like this.

The most impressive time was probably in the New Year of the second year of high school. I suddenly wanted to see the teacher who taught me new concepts of English in junior high school for a while.

It was a weekend, I bought a bunch of blue baby's breath and wrote a New Year's card, and I was a little excited on the way there.

It may be that the teacher taught too many people. When she saw me, she reacted for a while before remembering.

She was giving a class to other students at the time, and she arranged some problems for the students to do, and then started chatting with me.

We chatted for a while about what happened in the previous class, and the current situation of the classmates who were in class together at that time.

Because I was in a hurry to go back to school, after chatting for about 5 minutes, I said "Happy New Year to you in advance." and walked towards the door.

"Hey wait a minute." The teacher remembered something, "You study literature and science?"

"Xuewen." I sorted my clothes and prepared to close the door.

"Why did you go to study literature?" The teacher frowned.

I stopped arranging my clothes. Several students in the class looked up at me, then lowered their heads and continued writing.

This sudden interrogative sentence made me a little confused: "Because the liberal arts are more suitable for me."

"It's hard to find a way to learn Chinese, and I will provide you with a path." The teacher pushed her glasses, and her expression and tone made me feel that learning Chinese is very bad.

But since there are such classifications as liberal arts and sciences, isn't it doomed that some people study literature and others study theory?

The teacher said a few more words, probably to provide me with a better way out for studying liberal arts, and to express regret for my study of literature.

I stood there, not listening too much, staring at the bunch of baby's breath on the table in a daze.

Maybe I shouldn't have come. My original intention was to come to see her and wish a happy new year, instead of listening to her tell me how to choose subjects and choose the future path.

I raised my hand and glanced at my watch: "Teacher, I'm sorry, I have to go back to school for evening self-study. I will seriously consider your suggestion. Goodbye, teacher."

I gently closed the door and walked slowly down the stairs.

Suddenly feeling powerless, I walked to the bus stop in a daze to wait for the bus.

I was late for self-study that night, and the head teacher asked me why, and I said casually, I was delayed by the wrong car.

Once on the way back to school by bus, I was writing an English newspaper on the bus, an auntie looked at me for a while, and then asked me: "Are you a high school student?"

"Yeah." I was busy with my homework and nodded casually.

"Study liberal arts and science?" Auntie asked again.


"It's hard to study liberal arts now, and it will be hard to find a job in the future." Auntie has a strong desire to chat.

"Who knows in the future, I haven't thought about it that much." I was a little annoyed by the two reading comprehension articles I didn't read.

"The liberal arts score is very high, so it's not easy to take the exam. My former colleague's daughter didn't get her undergraduate degree in a year, and she was sent to xx school to repeat her studies. It really hurts to see it."

I put away my pen, stuffed the newspaper into my schoolbag, put on my sweater and hat, and I wrote "Auntie, I don't want to chat with you, I'm going to bed."

Seeing my appearance, my aunt might also feel embarrassed, so she took out her mobile phone to read the news.

In the past three years, there have been many voices of doubt like this, from different groups. I was numb after hearing this, and I was too lazy to argue or explain.

Everyone knows the principle of natural selection and survival of the fittest, but don't forget that we are independent individuals, and our existence has never been to satisfy any voice.

(End of this chapter)

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