a memo

Chapter 3 Questions

Chapter 3 Questions
In my impression, the teacher likes to say after class, besides assigning homework for the day, is "If you don't understand something, come to the office and ask."

Most of the students don't like to go to the office, they feel very embarrassed, or give others a feeling of "Hey, he often goes to the teacher's office to ask questions recently, he is so hardworking."If this is the case, in case "he" doesn't make much obvious progress in the next exam, then there will be a voice of "he really pretended to go to the question list every day, but he didn't see any progress in his grades."

As a group, this phenomenon is too normal.

Ever since I was listed as a "classmate who is very poor in mathematics" by Sheng Daddy, I have been in a low mood. I don't know if I am disappointed in myself, or something else. I can't tell.

Things changed one afternoon.

Mathematics probably ranges from finding points to straight-line distance knowledge points. At that time, I was still thinking slowly, and I half understood in class, and then I had a bunch of problems when doing math problems. I stopped at a certain step and had no idea.

Ask your classmates?

Many students in the class belong to the kind of knowledge points that they can understand, but cannot express clearly to others.

I asked several people, either I find it difficult to accept his expression, or I always get stuck and can't understand, and the result is that the more I listen, the more confused I become.

Then I thought of Sheng Dae. Anyway, I am already a poor student. Isn’t he asking me to fill out the form to improve my math? Just ask him.

Before the last class in the morning, I rushed to the office with the topic in my arms.

Father Sheng is out of class and was going to eat early. When he saw me knocking on the door, he nodded to me, and then sat back in his seat.

"Teacher, it's a little difficult to do this question just now, can you help me take a look." I can be said to be respectful.

"Okay, let me take a look." It was still a very gentle voice.

Blame it on me for asking the question a little late. After 2 minutes, the preparatory bell for the last class rang.

"You go to class first. I'll meet you in the afternoon when I'm done. Do you think it's okay?" Father Sheng had already drawn a sketch on the scratch paper, pushed his glasses, and looked up at me.

"Oh okay, sorry for the trouble, teacher." I symbolically leaned forward and bowed, and then slipped away.

After the last class, I sprinted to the cafeteria with my roommate to eat.

The canteen is divided into upstairs and downstairs according to different grades.

At that time, we and the teachers were dining on the second floor.

After eating, my roommate and I went down the stairs slowly, and I burped because I was too full.

Halfway down the stairs, I heard someone calling my name from behind. There was a lot of traffic at the time, and I didn't realize whose voice it was, but I turned around.

It's Father Sheng.

He is not tall, standing on the top step of the stairs, with unfinished food in his mouth.

He beckoned me to stop, and he slowly descended the stairs.

I don't know if you have watched the movie "Your Name" directed by Makoto Shinkai. At that moment, my mind was full of the scene where the hero and heroine rub shoulders on the stairs in the movie.

Maybe it's a liberal arts student, thinking is always linked with various dreams.

When my roommate saw Father Sheng, he patted me and said he was waiting for me on the first floor.

Call me at this time, maybe there is some important homework or something, let me help and talk to the class representative.

I stood there obediently, waiting for the teacher to come down.

"I think of a simple formula for your topic, so you don't need to draw a picture." He paused and swallowed the food in his mouth.

I froze for a moment, I really didn't expect that he was still thinking about my question.

The flow of people is still very large, up and down.

A classmate who had a good meal saw me being stopped by the math teacher, and smiled at me gloatingly, probably because he was afraid of being scolded by the teacher, so he hurried downstairs.

".You expand the formula, and the question already tells you the coordinates of point P, just substitute the coordinates in. Then it's done." Father Sheng gestured with his hands from time to time, as if this would make it more vivid.

With a brain like mine, sometimes I have to react for a long time to draw a picture for me, not to mention gesturing in the air, Father Sheng really overestimated my ability to understand.

But at that time, I saw how he hurried downstairs without even wiping his mouth. I really had a sore nose. I pretended to understand: "Well, I probably understand. I'll go back and calculate it. Thank you teacher."

"Yeah." Father Sheng looked very relieved, and slowly went up the stairs to the cafeteria.

After going downstairs, my roommate asked me, "Why did Father Sheng call you? Send a message to the class representative?"

"Tell me about the topic." I blinked my eyes, I felt tears were about to fall, but it seemed that there were no tears.

"Talk about the topic? Do you have to be in the middle of the stairs?" The roommate was a little surprised, "I thought you did something wrong or asked you to speak to the class representative."

"I thought so too." I exhaled, "Let's go, go to the canteen to buy some snacks."

When I took that question back, I wrote it out suddenly. It was amazing, as if I really understood it in the stairwell, or I was too careless when I wrote it for the first time.

Later, later, I gave up wondering whether I was a bad student in mathematics in black and white. I started to listen to the class seriously. Although I was not very slack in the class before, my mood and mood in class were completely different.

Father Sheng definitely doesn't remember this time, he did too many touching things.

Not to mention the student days, there are one or two insignificant things in life that can be taken to heart, how happy it is.

 After writing this, I blinked my eyes, feeling that tears were coming down, and felt that there were no tears.

(End of this chapter)

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