a memo

Chapter 41 Speech

Chapter 41 Speech

I have a diary that is reversible.

On the front are the daily life records and complaints, and on the back are the ticket stubs collected from going to the cinema in high school, receiving many important courier information sheets, and all kinds of urgent situations where I can’t find the subject notebooks. The knowledge points written down on a blank page.

Just now, I found a speech about reading sharing.

As mentioned before, Sister Guo is used to assigning homework to read a book during the long vacation, and then let us do reading sharing when school starts.

There are three people per week, and each person can have one turn in a semester.

I originally planned to share "To Live". Although I watched it temporarily, I was very impressed and remembered the plot clearly.

Because the student number is very high, so I have to write the speech quickly.

One night during self-study, I finally finished my homework for the day, so I quickly opened my diary, turned to the back, and started to write down the content of my speech, the number of pages in the book, which sentence impressed me, and I wanted to share it with you classmates.

After self-study and school, on the way back to the dormitory with No. [-], No. [-] mentioned to me a book called "Fang Siqi's First Love Paradise".

At the beginning of this book, Sister Guozi said it in class before the holiday.

"If you have time, you can read "Fang Siqi's First Love Paradise". The title of the book looks beautiful, but the content is not about ordinary love. You will know after reading it." Sister Guozi casually mentioned before the holiday, Number six really went to buy it.

"How is it? Is the book good?" I asked Number Six.

"I don't know how to describe it." No. [-] was thinking about how to word it more appropriately, "Anyway, I'm quite autistic after reading it."

"Did you bring your book? Lend me a look? I've been busy recently." I was suddenly curious.

"Well, I brought it to the dormitory, and I'll bring it to you later." No. [-] thought for a while and said, "Let me tell you in advance, it's not good at all."

"Fang Siqi's First Love Paradise" took me two lunch breaks and two nights of self-study to finish.

In the evening self-study after reading the book, when the bell rang after class, I felt cold all over my body.

It's too depressing, whether it's the content of the plot or the way the author narrates.

Number Six said that the author had passed away and committed suicide, and the novel was adapted from personal experience.

At that moment, I suddenly felt that the scariest thing in the world is that many unimaginable content or plots are adapted from real events.

On the approaching weekend, I checked a lot of relevant introductions of Lin Yihan, the author of "Fang Siqi's First Love Paradise", and listened to an interview.

The book has great stamina, and I feel that my cognition and three views have been impacted.

I suddenly had a lot of things to say, so I crossed out the post-reading impression of "To Live" and changed it to "Fang Siqi's First Love Paradise".

To be honest, because I usually like to write copywriting, when I am sentimental, I will write a few lines of poems to record my mood at a certain moment, so it is not very difficult for me to write speeches such as reading and sharing. things.

But "Fang Siqi's First Love Paradise", I wrote and crossed out, crossed out and wrote again in the diary, because the text of the book is too heavy, I am afraid that my sharing will be too frivolous and brief, which will affect this book The story and emotion you want to present.

I spent a weekend writing, wrote until midnight, read some content again, and then couldn't fall asleep directly.

Mom got up in the middle of the night and asked me why I didn't sleep.

"It's too uncomfortable to read a book." I stared at the cover of the book and sighed softly.

"Don't read it if you make yourself too uncomfortable, and don't go to bed too late." Mom gently closed the door.

Yes, we don’t need to read books or think about those messy things when we feel uncomfortable.

But the author, she can't pretend that the injury she suffered never happened just because she is uncomfortable. This is what I am most upset about.

(End of this chapter)

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