a memo

Chapter 5 Limited

Chapter 5 Limited
In high school, we are more likely to be interested in things that have little to do with textbook learning.

For example, spring outings, military training, movies for evening self-study, even physical examinations, filling out forms in the computer room or even physical examinations, anyway, as long as there is no class, it is very exciting.

In my impression, Sister Guozi and the class teacher often show us movies.

Sister Guozi taught us Chinese for a year and a half, and then went to another school.

Sister Guozi originally majored in journalism, but later changed her major to become a Chinese teacher.

When she was studying journalism, she went to a newspaper office as an intern, and she often talked to us about many realistic social issues.

In the first night of self-study in high school, when the learning tasks were not very heavy, Sister Guo often shared her experiences with us. She has unique views on many things.

Every time I was about to say "digression", I would say in advance: "Listen to whatever you want, and those who have a task in hand will complete the task first." But everyone basically stopped writing and started listening.

She said that she once hoped that the world would be black and white, so that there is a clear dividing line between good people and bad people, either good people or bad people, but in fact this world is not black and white, and there are gray areas that we can hardly perceive , human nature is changeable, we cannot judge whether a person is a good person or a bad person based on what he has done and what he has said. This is where the complexity of society lies.

Sister Guozi showed us a lot of movies, usually in the evening self-study after the exam.

When playing "Hachiko", I told us what montage technique is.

After finishing "I Have a Dream", he played "Green Book" for us, and said a lot about racial discrimination in the West.

The last movie Ms. Guo played was "The Advocate", about lawyers. After the show, she wrote a sentence on the blackboard to encourage us, but the paper with that sentence fell off. I will share it when I think about it.

There are too many movies shown by the head teacher, but because they teach history, most of the movies are about history. There are not as many kinds of movies as sister Guozi, but they are also good, so as to cultivate some feelings of family and country.

Sometimes we are too lazy to care about us, and the head teacher will ask a few class committees to let us watch what we want to watch. Usually we will choose to watch ghost movies.

Watching ghost movies together is so exciting.

Girls usually have to move chairs, move seats, and shrink together with those who have a good relationship.

Boys are fun, some are obviously scared, but feel that it is shameless to be seen, and after being taken aback, they have to say: "Cut, what's the matter." We didn't bother to expose it.

Needless to say, the impression of watching a movie in class is definitely not as good as that of a movie theater. The two groups sitting next to each other usually have a little reflection. Maybe a certain window is not closed, and the curtain that was finally drawn was lifted by the strong wind and can cover the sitting corner. In the minds of my classmates, it takes more than two classes to finish watching a two-hour movie, so I watch it intermittently. Sometimes I am unlucky and the school network is not good, and I can get stuck for more than 1 seconds after watching a minute.

But why do so many people like to watch movies together in the class, because there is an atmosphere that movie theaters don’t have, they are nervous together, cry together, hope that get out of class will be over later, discuss the plot together, of course, the most important thing is not to study, why are you doing very well? happy.

You see, you may find it particularly funny when you watch KFC advertisements and exaggerated online game advertisements that do not respond to any reaction.

It's a pity, it's a pity that this kind of atmosphere is limited to youth.

(End of this chapter)

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