a memo

Chapter 54

Chapter 54
Let me share with you two art students who study fine arts.

Roommate No. [-] decided to take fine arts in the second year of high school. The decision came very suddenly. That night, I was soaking my feet.

"I have some news for you." Number Five poked his head out from behind the curtain.

"What?" Number six was slurring his speech while eating a snack.

"Oh, that." Number [-] told Number [-] in advance, and Number [-] behaved calmly.

"I'll take art next semester and learn to paint."

"Is it so sudden?" I raised one foot and began to wipe.

"Have you decided?" Number Six looked up at Number Five on the bed.

"Are you going to another school for training?" Number Two also asked a question.

"Well, I went to xx school for training. I think it's too difficult to improve my math scores. I also learned sketching when I was a child. I have a little foundation, so it shouldn't be difficult." No. [-] expressed his thoughts seriously.

"Will you come back?" I suddenly felt a little sad.

"Probably not. After the art test, I might find a cram school to make up cultural lessons." No. [-] held his cheeks, "After the art test, the progress of our cultural lessons is different, and we may not be able to keep up when we come back."

"Do you want to meet new roommates? Deal with new relationships?" Six thought thoughtfully.

"Well, there will be new roommates, and there will be new teachers."

"Come on, come on, come back and see us when you have time." After I finished wiping my feet, I got up and poured water.

"it is good."

On the new year of the second year of high school, No. [-]'s bed was empty.

You are only in your teens, and you are only in high school, but you have to make decisions like adults on many things, and you have to show enough courage to bear the unknown consequences.

In November of the third year of high school, the provincial examination ended on the [-]th, and cultural lessons began.

After the third year of high school, she will come back to take many important mock exams to see how much she can score.

We are very happy every time No. [-] comes back. She will bring a lot of delicious food and give us her sketches as Christmas gifts.

We will ask a few words about the status of the training camp or the recent learning situation.

"The training camp was quite easy at the beginning. August is a watershed. After August, the training intensity will increase a lot. The sketch class lasts until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. When I go back, I have to do my homework quickly. I have to go to the studio after seven o'clock in the morning. I don’t even have time for breakfast, so I eat quietly while drawing.”

"The most uncomfortable thing is the bottleneck period. Others are making progress, but I am still standing still. Sketching can still be improved through training. Others sometimes really need some foundation."

"Anyway, if you don't learn art, you don't learn it. It's really tiring."

I remembered that sometimes I swiped into Moments on the [-]th, and I often posted some homework and selfies. I felt very fulfilled and had a very happy life.

It turns out that it is not what it seems on the surface. The pain experienced in many days has to be endured by oneself. Some people have had a hard life, but they just don't bother to talk about it.

A great artist is also an art student. After the second year of high school, he took cultural classes during the day and went to the institution to draw in the evening. It was late at night when classes were over.

Except for the meeting with the great artist before the art exam, we met again on the New Year's Day of the third year of high school, and we made an appointment for a New Year's movie.

"How are you doing recently?" The great artist is rarely concerned about my state, "I feel like I won't be able to manage my culture classes after the art exam."

"You can do it, you are so stable." I comforted him, "Your ranking in the art test is very high, and your cultural subjects are not bad. There are still a few months left, so be confident."

"My dad downloaded the recordings of the history class for me. I listened to them every night. I hadn't studied for a long time. I forgot all the history and my math was falling. I panicked to death."

The great artist talked to me a lot, because during that time his screen name was "Let me continue to be [-]%", if I didn't have a deep chat with him, I really felt that he was very confident and confident.

My scribbled words can't really sum up the dark night they experienced. Fortunately, it's over now, and we can all laugh and talk about the time that we thought there was no end.

(End of this chapter)

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