a memo

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Before entering elementary school, I lived with my grandmother in the countryside. In this way, I can be regarded as a "child brought up by my grandmother".

Because we lived together for a long time when we were young, we have a particularly good relationship with my grandmother.

When I was in high school, my grandmother moved to live in the urban area. Every time I finished the big exam, I would visit her.

Especially during the period of watching "There's a Small Shop by the Clouds", my mood didn't slow down, and the frequency of seeing my grandma increased a lot.

Grandma has two characteristics. One is that she can always sit there and look at me intently. Whether I am doing my homework or playing with my mobile phone, she just sits on a chair and looks at me quietly for a long time.

The second is that she would nag me a few words if she had nothing to do, regardless of whether I heard it or not.

Grandma's nagging started as soon as she entered the house.

"Put down your schoolbag and change into your slippers. It won't be tiring to carry this schoolbag."

It takes a long time to take the bus to go to my grandma's house, and I have to climb the stairs. After I changed my shoes, I threw my schoolbag on the ground, and then lay on the sofa panting.

"If you want to sit, sit properly, and if you want to lie down, lie down properly. If you go on like this for a long time, your bones will grow crooked." Grandma picked up my schoolbag and put it on the chair.

Every time I went to see my grandma, my mother would call and tell my grandma in advance, and my grandma would go to the vegetable market downstairs to buy dumpling wrappers for me to make dumplings for.

"Come on, I made the dumplings for you. I originally wanted to put ginger in to remove the meaty smell, but I didn't put it in when I remembered that you don't eat ginger." Grandma brought me a plate of dumplings, "It's not enough and there are still in the pot. I made a lot of dumplings." , there is enough in the refrigerator for you to eat tomorrow morning."

I picked up the chopsticks and put the dumplings in my mouth.

"Hey, it's hot, blow it on before eating, why are you in such a hurry? The school doesn't give you food?" Grandma sat on the chair opposite and watched me eat.

"Grandma, you can also make a bowl to eat together." I blew the dumplings symbolically.

"I'm not in a hurry, I'll eat after you finish eating." Grandma really likes to look at me, no matter what I'm doing.

"What's wrong with your trousers here? Is the thread fried?" Grandma would touch my clothes to see if there were any threads, whether the quality of the clothes was good, and whether they were warm.

"This dress looks like this, it looks good." I showed my grandma my "fashionable" aesthetics.

"Where does it look good? And your sweater, with such a big neckline, the colder the horse, the cold wind will blow against your stomach." Grandma looked at my oversized gray sweater with a look of incomprehension.

"It looks like a pig's large intestine. I'm short and buy such big clothes. If it doesn't freeze in winter, who will you freeze?" Grandma tugged at my sweater. Sew that piece on."

I am used to staying up late at ordinary times, and I will lie on the bed and play with my mobile phone for a while before going to bed at night.

"You young people know how to look at your mobile phone every day, and your eyes are so near-sighted." Grandma may be a light sleeper at night, or she may be afraid that I will stay up too late, so she often opens the door to see if I am asleep, " Play for another 5 minutes and turn off your phone, go to bed early."

When I woke up the next day, it was basically noon.

"Oh, you woke up? Grandpa thought he couldn't wait for you to eat." Grandma Zhang felt like she pushed the door and came in as soon as I woke up. "Hurry up and eat, you can't stand without breakfast every day." oh…"

When I was eating, my grandma sewed my trousers and put the thread through the needle on the window sill, looking for a place with good light.

(End of this chapter)

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