a memo

Chapter 73 Overnight

Chapter 73 Overnight
During the third year of high school, I was quite nervous about my studies. I felt that it was a waste of time to go back to the city on weekends, so I simply asked the head teacher to write a stay-at-home list, and I would not go home after living in school.

The other roommates live nearby, and no one stays with me.

Fortunately, I bought a camera at that time, and when I was bored at night, I talked to the camera and recorded what I did during the stay.

This chapter will be presented in the form of vlog in the camera.

After school in the afternoon, I went back to the dormitory, gave the dormitory slip to the housekeeper, and went back to the dormitory to get my wallet and mask.

"Hello, today is Saturday NO.30 in January. It's the last weekend of my senior year in high school. I won't be going home this week because I have a holiday in one week. I'm going to the snack street to eat cross-bridge rice noodles today." It's the first video from the camera.

I took the bus going to the snack street. There were many alumni on the bus, most of whom lived on the street, and a small number of them stayed overnight and went to the street for dinner like me.

I ordered 15 yuan of mutton rice noodles. The suburbs still have the advantages of the suburbs. For example, the snacks are very cheap and the taste is very distinctive.

After eating rice noodles, I went to buy breakfast on Sunday morning. If I stayed overnight, I was not allowed to leave school on Sunday unless I ordered takeaway, but I didn’t have a mobile phone.

I went to the bakery and bought an eight-yuan chicken sandwich, and I went to the supermarket to buy a few bags of chocolate milk, a box of strawberries, and spicy dried fish.

I have a closeup of my shopping cart.

I was tired of eating instant noodles, so I picked out a few instant noodles with "Huainan Beef Soup" written on it, and pushed the trolley to the stationery area.

The geography teacher assigned a winter homework for the wrong book, and someone in the class had already started to do it. I remembered that there were not many large notebooks in the dormitory, so I took two and put them in the car.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m too poor or the economy is developing too fast, but a notebook that doesn’t have much weight actually costs six yuan a copy. Today is also a day I miss Pin Xixi.

I gave a close-up to the six-dollar book.

It gets dark quickly in winter. When I came out of the supermarket, the street lights were already on. I went to the opposite side to wait for the evening bus. I couldn’t resist the temptation. I bought a grilled sausage at the newsstand next to it. It was really delicious.

Oops, I forgot to take a close-up of the sausage.

When I went back to the dormitory, I ran into my little aunt. The little aunt was on duty today, and told me that if I needed hot water, I could just go to her dormitory to get it.

"On the way back, I ran into my little aunt. The little aunt is still so nice. She said that you can use the hot water as you please. I didn't expect that you can take a shower freely if you stay overnight." This is the second video in the camera.

After washing up, I turned on the camera and looked at the photos of the homework I took today. Well, there is a test paper for mathematics, and the political book will be written later, and the Chinese book will be written later.

Because of the final exam next week, the homework is not too much.

I forgot to record it while I was doing my homework.

I always write math first for my homework. I am afraid that I will be too sleepy later and have no energy to write. I just fell asleep looking at the solid geometry.

It has been an hour and a half since I finished writing the mathematics. When I finished writing, I felt that I would fall asleep at any time, and I was really sleepy.

I picked up the camera and recorded the third video: "Now I have finished writing the math paper, I have to complain about this math paper, it is still disgusting every day." I rubbed my eyes and continued: "I will sort it out later. Wen Zong wrong questions and ready to sleep."

After sorting out the wrong questions, it was about twelve o'clock. I climbed to the end of the bed, reached out to bed number three, took the alarm clock for number three, and set an alarm clock for nine o'clock. (Don't question my character, I said hello to No. [-] in advance when I took the alarm clock.)
When the alarm clock rang, I turned it off with my backhand, turned over and continued to sleep.

It was already twelve noon when I woke up again, maybe I woke up from sleep, or maybe I was woken up by the strong light.

"I still lived up to expectations and slept until twelve o'clock." I held a toothbrush and spoke to the camera inarticulately. This is the fourth and last video.

After washing up, I drank a cup of hot water and took a close-up of the sandwich that was supposed to be breakfast but turned into lunch by myself.

After eating the sandwich, I started to wash my hair, because it was already shiny from the previous night's math test paper.

After washing my hair and washing my clothes, it's almost two o'clock in the afternoon.

When staying overnight, my mother would come to deliver meals on Sundays. She was afraid that I would not be able to keep up with my nutrition, although I was really round.

I met my mother in the guard room at [-]:[-], and the sandwich I ate at noon was almost digested.

Can't wait to open the thermos: braised chicken wings, peeled shrimp, water spinach, and the standard tomato and egg soup.

I gave it to me, I don’t know if it’s lunch or dinner, a close-up.

"I bought you a box of blueberries, a box of jackfruit, and a few apples." Mom began to introduce the "supplies" she brought, "Oh, last time you said on the phone that you wanted to eat durian crisps, I also gave them to you. You got it."

When I was eating, my mother kept introducing the good things she brought me, as if I didn't know them if she didn't introduce them.

Because the Chinese test is going to take place at three o'clock, I can't eat too slowly. I basically don't talk when I eat. I listen to my mother telling me what happened in the city and what happened at home this week.

After I finished my meal and said goodbye to my mother, I hurried upstairs to go back to class to take the Chinese exam. I would occasionally meet my classmates in the corridor, say hello symbolically, and hand over the jackfruit for her to take a piece.

The Chinese exam begins, and my overnight vlog is over.

Needless to say, this is a running account of a high school student's stay-at-home theme.

 Maybe my part will be finished at [-] words, and recently I am looking for the main characters mentioned in the book to write a book review.

(End of this chapter)

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