a memo

Chapter 81 Extra Story 1 Roommate No. 3 Has a Chapter Talk

Chapter 81

This is a book review that was coerced (qing) by Li (shi) and lured (gan) by No. [-] Wei (zhen).

(Comment No. [-]: Everyone has such a good relationship, how could it be coercion?)
It seems that when we were chatting before graduation, we occasionally jokingly mentioned "what happened in high school should be interesting to write a novel", and everyone basically laughed it off, so I was quite surprised when No. [-] said she did it?
She also shelved the novel she had planned for a long time for this, hoping that she would think of her sons and daughters after recalling our high school life hahahaha.

I have been reading the memo all the time, and even reminded me to update it in person. Hahahaha, it is quite amazing to see my life in the past three years written in words. Although this seems like another diary of mine, it is also It just happened to be the title of the book, a memo - our youth memo.

I don't know how other readers will feel. As a participant in the story in the book, every line of words involves many memories.

The wake-up bell every morning, ringing the bed to wake up my roommates; the "Yinghua Restaurant" is still a hearty breakfast; the drowsy morning reading class; the cheerleading with My Little Pony as BGM; the whole school ran out for lunch The atmosphere of sprinting for [-] meters to line up; the occasional surprise radio station; a bowl of instant noodles for six people; the sleeping meeting where the dormitory guards are careful not to find out...everything is so vivid in memory.

Hi, with all that said, let's talk about author Zuzu.

The fate with No. [-] began before the first year of high school.I remember that when the class was divided, she and I joined a group, and she said in the group that she had prepared a small bottle made by herself for her roommates.

When I saw it, wow, what an ingenious girl!

Look again, wow, she seems to be my roommate!
A few days later, when school started, I received a delicate bottle!

You asked me to tell you how I got to know No. [-]. To be honest, I don’t remember. Please forgive No. [-]’s old memory.

But it's hard for a person like No. [-] not to want to be friends with her! ! !From the number of greeting cards I received on holidays, I can tell that she has an amazing number of friends hahahahahaha.

Accompanying her to "visit relatives and friends", giving holiday gifts and jumping from the fifth floor to the third floor effectively relieved my social phobia, and it was really laughable.

As an old Two-dimensional pair, I am very willing to listen to me talking about some secondary things!Thank you, Bodhisattva, who is willing to answer my words even though he doesn’t quite understand them, and doesn’t think I’m bothering you. Thank you, thank you.

Anyone who knows No.[-] knows that she likes photography very much, and the happiest thing about going out with her is that she can take all the photo assignments. We have wronged our big photographer!

Then I'm going to say it!The mother of No. [-] is really a very enthusiastic person, and after meeting my dad, who is also enthusiastic, I had double enthusiasm (bushi)!
To be honest, our high school life is not perfect, and there are many unpleasant things, but on the other hand, maybe this kind of high school life is perfect. There are happy things and people you like, and there are unhappy things and people you don’t like. Interesting, otherwise life would be too false and too boring.

And even today, no matter how much unhappiness I have, I can let go of it!In the past three years, I have written all my joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys in the diary. After a few years, I will read it and look at it. Maybe no one even remembers what I complained about. In fact, now I can’t understand the emo text of my first year of high school. ~ But it's also very interesting to restore the youthful youth through the diary!
Finally, our "No. [-]", "Little Internet Celebrities" and "Female Stars" continue to live such a meaningful life~ Waiting for the day when you ask me to redraw the cover~
Alright, I can’t write Huafu No. [-] anymore, thank you for reading my primary school student’s writing style, seeing now, the logic is chaotic, I don’t want to say anything, and I don’t have any modifiers at all. It’s the degree that Lao Hong frowns after reading it. (Maomao Head Tears.JPG)

(End of this chapter)

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