a memo

Chapter 86 Chapter 6

Chapter 86
"Words to Rent"

Facing the increasingly developed Internet in the 21st century, short videos relying on the rapid development of the Internet in recent years.

Some people have taken a fancy to the commercial value that short videos can bring them in exchange for the clicks from the very beginning, and the money and fame brought by the capital market.

Some people's original intention is simply to record their lives, to enrich their leisure time and express their love from the bottom of their hearts.

For the first type of person, I want to say: Time will tell everything, and the audience will choose who is the true person.You approach the audience with a purpose, so the audience's love for you will not last long, and you may even expose your prodigal ambition very easily.

For the second kind of people: Your initial purpose is pure, just like a lamb going in and out of the forest, not knowing whether it is a fertile green leaf or a pack of hungry wolves in the vast forest.

When your exposure is getting higher and higher, it means that more and more people know you and want to know you, and you know more and more friends. It may take a long time to reply to them.But in fact, you and I both know that we just met each other by chance.

Sociologists say: A person can only deal with up to 150 people in his life, and a few real friends are enough to keep you busy.

In “Surveillance Capitalism: The Smart Trap,” the people who invented the “Like” function initially hoped that people could share their feelings, but they did not expect to become a tool for people to start flattering and feel more and more inferior.So you have to recognize what is a fertile green leaf and what is a hungry wolf pack.

A real friend shouldn't just have an unnatural commercial atmosphere, a real friend shouldn't like you only when you're popular, and a real friend shouldn't interfere too much with your inspiration and creation.A real friend should be the same as always whether you are hot or not. A real friend should keep a safe but not alienated distance from you. A real friend should say "no" to a friend who is not real when you are offended. Your best friend should be someone you think from the bottom of your heart that he is your real friend, and a real friend should say to you: "Yes, I know you are an Internet celebrity, so what?"

If you really become more and more popular, you may be criticized, your privacy may be violated, you may be subjected to cyber violence, you may be distracted and lose yourself, you may wear a mask to avoid being recognized by others, and you may appear Too many unexpected situations.This is indeed the negative that Internet exposure can bring.

But maybe you will meet real friends, maybe you will meet the right people at the right time, maybe you will be more mature and courageous, maybe your family will be proud of you, maybe you will have too much Lots of unexpected surprises.This is also the advantage that the Internet gives you.

The most important thing is to follow your own heart. After all, the current society is full of turmoil. Some people expose their badness after being popular for a few months, or the original pure heart is infiltrated by the adulation of capital and they fall into the abyss.And some people, even if they are so red, still manage to get out of the mud without being stained, and live out the appearance they want.

I want to tell you that everything is in your own hands, you have to believe in yourself and so on.

But you also know that I am a realist in life. The Internet and human hearts are the most unpredictable things, and they cannot be seen through. Some people say that they can see ghosts, but human hearts are harder to see than ghosts.

The reality is cruel. How many people were born in prestigious campuses, how many people are full of passion and youthful talent, how many people are rotten underground and cannot come out, how many people are full of dreams but trapped in the daily necessities of life, maybe you will be like them in the future The same is deeply trapped in the quagmire of life.Maybe in the future you will also laugh at how stupid, naive and dreamy you were at the beginning, maybe in reality you and your family are old and the people in the camera are still young and healthy, you will feel like a big dream, full of tears.

"I was like this in the past, and what will the future be like? Who knows? I may regret it or be happy, but at least the present time will pass away. If the future imagined in my mind really becomes the future..."

Keep doubting, keep looking forward, keep a heart willing to beat for life.

Not one.
2021. 8, 24

3:43 am

(Author: This is a period of time when my social account has gained followers relatively quickly. Weiyi wrote it to me. Weiyi is very realistic and has more things to think about than I did. I hope that I will stay awake all the time after posting this article, and Sincerely love life.

One more thing, if you have time, you must go to Hangzhou to find Weiyi! ! ! )
(End of this chapter)

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