Chapter 100 Nine Dead Lives

Counting the ten hunters including Nuo Xiao, each of them looked solemn.

With their backs turned inward, they also formed a circle, keeping Runyue and Qin Guanhe in the middle.

The flames of hatred burst out from Nao Xiao's eyes, as if he had suddenly transformed into a devil.

There is no trace of the "honest man" in the population of Crouching Tiger Village.

He held a bow and arrow in his hand, the arrow was on the string, and the bow was drawn almost to the full moon.

Just looking at the bow and arrow makes people tremble with fear.

"Runyue, we can't just wait. Wolves are afraid of fire. Let's light a fire in this circle. If they can't beat the wolf later, there is a place to retreat." Qin Guan suggested in a low voice.

"Hey, can we build a fire?" Runyue whispered to the big black tower.

For a long time, Dahei Tower seemed to have just heard it, and let out a "hmm" in its nose.

Runyue and Qin Guan acted quickly, pulling all the dry firewood in the circle surrounded by the hunters together, and then Runyue took out the match and lit it.

The fire was kindled, and the dry branches crackled.

Soon there was movement where those people were aiming.

The trees and grass rattled and rattled, which also allowed the hunters to find out where the wolf was hiding.

Several feathered arrows "swish" and shot out.

A few screams came out of the dense forest.

"I hit it, I hit it!"

"Everyone guard carefully, if you offend the wolves, they will retaliate desperately." The big black tower commanded again.

The dense forest returned to silence, but there was a gloomy sense of terror.

Knowing that there are wolves nearby, but not knowing where they are, is more terrifying than ghosts.

The hunters stared at the dense forest with eagle eyes.

But except for the breeze blowing, there was no sound at all.

But Runyue knew that those wolves hadn't left, they were nearby, and the sense of danger was stronger than before.

She picked up a few dry branches and threw them on the fire to make the fire burn hotter.

Qin Guan tightly held the dagger in his hand, and nervously turned his head back to stay beside Runyue.

On the contrary, Leap Moon is the most relaxed among the group of people.

If it doesn't work, she can attract the attention of the wolves to herself, and then take them to other hills like last time.

The mountains and forests were quiet, and even the birdsong that had just arrived had disappeared.

But in the world, people's eyes, hearts, and guts are full of the world's most primitive, cruel, and famous horror "Wolf is coming!"

Still wolves!

Everyone tensed their hearts and struggled with the wolves in the dark.

Runyue saw that there were beads of sweat dripping down on Xiao Xiao's forehead.

This will not work, and if the stalemate continues, people will become exhausted because of fear, and they will collapse.

Qin Guan took his backpack and took out a chicken leg from it.

This is specially brought for the leap month.

Finding a longer branch, Qin Guan put the chicken legs on a skewer and roasted it on the fire.

The aroma of roasted chicken legs made the wolf who was hiding in the dark squirt down.

Daheita turned around and cursed, "You fucking die, the scent will not only attract wolves, but also wild boars and blind bears, and none of us will be able to escape!"

Qin Guan didn't expect that there were so many other beasts in this mountain.

He quickly removed the drumsticks from the fire.

But it's not in a hurry anymore.

The dense forest shook for a while, and a dozen smoky gray figures rushed towards the crowd from all angles like ghosts.

"Be careful!" Daheita yelled, emptying the bow and arrow in his hand.

He quickly pulled out a feather arrow from his body and held it in his hand as a weapon to defend himself.

The others were not much better, bows and arrows were useless for close quarters combat.

It was the one with the gun and the small medicine shovel that played a role.

They slashed and slashed fiercely, and as long as they touched the side, the wolf would be injured.

Runyue pointed the dagger in her hand at the piercing wolf teeth and eyes that rushed towards her.

Qin Guan swung the dagger in a circle and stood firmly in front of Runyue.

However, if you can keep the front, you can't keep the back.

A wolf that had been wounded by the hunters rushed up from behind Runyue silently.

Originally, Leap Moon thought that there was a fire behind her, so it should be safe.

But the wolf went crazy and jumped over the fire.

If it fell on Runyue, not to mention its sharp teeth, even its claws could disfigure Runyue.

The medicine shovel in Nuo Xiao's hand was repelling a wave of attacks, and seeing the situation of Lean Yue at a glance, it was too late to rush there.

"Be careful, Leap Moon!"

"Ah!" Qin Guan was so frightened that his pupils shrank, and his shouting changed.

Runyue felt the air wave rushing from behind, and pulled Qin Guan to hide.

The wolf rushed to nothing, couldn't hold back its momentum, and rushed forward.

Runyue took the opportunity to slash the wolf's waist with a palm, "One hit will kill!"

The wolf's body fell limply to the ground.

Qin Guan rushed forward and made another cut.

Once the wolf died, the momentum of the other wolves weakened immediately.

The pack of wolves, which had the upper hand, was beaten to pieces by the hunters, screaming incessantly.

The entire mountain forest is full of terror.

Time passed by second by second, and every second was difficult.

Until the hunters were exhausted and counted the dead wolves on the ground, there were only nine.

There were twelve in total, and three of them were injured and escaped.

Cutting the weeds without removing the roots will definitely cause future troubles.

Besides, a total of twelve people came, and there was no way to divide the nine wolves.

"Who will chase after me?" Daheita asked in a deep voice.

"I'll go, I have a good nose, so I can find where they are hiding." Run Yue volunteered, and what she said was indeed the truth.

Since having that thing in her mind, her sensory sensitivity seems to have improved a lot.

If this was placed when he first entered the mountain, Daheita would definitely not agree to Renyue to follow him.

But now, a person who can kill a wolf with a bare hand, no matter if it is a man or a woman, Daheita is convinced.

Naoxiao also wants to pursue the victory.

Qin Guan naturally wanted to follow Runyue.

After discussion, seven people were left here to watch the dead wolf.

Daheita led four people to follow the blood and smell all the way to the wolf den.

When I arrived at the wolf den, I found out that there was still a litter of newborn wolf cubs.

Among the few wolves that escaped was the mother of this litter of wolf cubs, who had died with an arrow stuck in her body.

The little wolves didn't know that their mother was dead, and they were still drinking milk from their stomachs.

Of the other two wounded wolves, one was bleeding profusely and struggled to stand up, but was pinned to the ground by Daheita.

The other horse bared its teeth and licked its wound. Seeing several people following it, it wanted to run away.

But as soon as he got up, he was chopped on the waist by a medicine shovel by Nuo Xiao.

Runyue's dagger flew over at the same time, hitting the heart.

When Runyue took back the dagger, she turned around and saw that Daheita had already killed three of the four little wolves.

He raised his pistol and was about to pierce the last one when he heard Runyue call out, "Wait, that little one is so cute, I'll take it back and keep it!"

Her eyes were clear, and she looked at the big black tower with prayers.

Daheita couldn't bear her gaze, so he just said, "It's not good to be too soft-hearted!"

Runyue rushed over, picked up the little wolf and left.

Several people dragged the dead wolf, and had just left the wolf den when they encountered a skeleton under a tree root.

(End of this chapter)

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