Chapter 112 Kuimu Wolf

"Li Anran, have you refined your heart bead?"

As soon as Nezha heard the news, he drove the cloud to Tianlao Palace in a hurry.

Li Anran hummed, and handed the Wenxin Bead to Nezha.

On the surface, Wenxin Beads are not much different from the fake beads made before. They are the size of an egg and crystal clear.

However, when you scan it with your spiritual sense, you can feel the mysterious aura emanating from it, as if you can spy on people's hearts, making people feel more vigilant.

——This is a trap deliberately designed by Li Anran.

The purpose is to give people the illusion that the Mind Questioning Bead is spying on people's hearts through a special method, so that the other person can focus on the soul and ignore the control of the body.

Nezha asked, "Can it really tell whether someone is telling the truth or a lie?"

"It's not to tell the truth from the fake, but to tell whether the person being questioned is telling the truth or a lie."

Li Anran corrected Nezha's statement.

His asking heart bead is similar to a mythical version of a lie detector, it can only detect lies, but cannot verify whether the words are true or false.

If the person being questioned thinks that he is telling the truth, even if the content of his words is wrong, the result of the test is also true.

Li Anran warned: "You'd better not let others know about this, otherwise it will be easy for others to find a way to deal with it, and in turn deceive you by asking Xinzhu."

"I know that." Nezha had a deep understanding of this.

During the catastrophe of Conferring Gods, members of the Jiejiao sect had many magic weapons, and when they first used them, they were often able to make meritorious deeds.

However, as the number of uses increases, it will be explained and taught to find a way to deal with it and crack it.

Wen Xinzhu is no exception.

And this is why the vast majority of monks will not easily use their own magic weapons, but choose to use divine weapons.

Nezha said: "Li Anran, you are asking me to borrow the Xinzhu for a few days first, and then return it to you after I use it up."

Li Anran waved his hand: "It was originally practiced for you, you just take it and use it."

Nezha thanked him, put the Wenxin Bead in his arms, and couldn't wait to leave.

Standing on the head of the cloud, looking around for a while.

Nezha's eyes lit up, and he flew down on the cloud, waving and shouting: "Kuimu wolf! Kuimu wolf! Stay!"

Since the disciples of Jiejiao escaped from the list of gods, most of the five righteous gods of 360 have changed their faces.

This Kui wood wolf is one of them.

He was originally a heavenly general who guarded the Pixiang Palace, but because of his self-denial and dedication to the public, and his powerful mana, he was rated as the best in the three Jiazi assessments.

His status rose accordingly, and in the last Jiazi audit, he successfully became the Kuimu wolf among the 28 constellations.

Also because of the assessment of the Immortal Jiazi, the four gods of Dou Lei Huo Pang no longer dared to lie down on their corpses and eat a vegetarian meal as before, and often obeyed Li Jing's command to descend to the earth to cast down demons and slay demons.

Among the 28 constellations, Kui Mulang is considered a good fighter. He has fought side by side with Nezha several times. He is an acquaintance and has a good relationship.

Kui Mulang was thinking about something on his mind, his brows were furrowed, when he suddenly heard someone shouting behind him, he was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

After realizing that it was Nezha, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked respectfully, "Third Prince, what do you need from me?"

"It's nothing, I just happened to meet you and say hello."

Nezha naturally couldn't say that he wanted to use Kui Mulang to test Xinzhu, so after a haha, he noticed that Kui Mulang's complexion was a little bad, and asked concerned: "Kui Mulang, why is your complexion so bad? But what happened? ?”

Kui Mulang's expression froze, and he smiled a little forcedly: "There was something wrong in my practice a few days ago, it's nothing serious."

Um?lie? !
Nezha noticed that the asking heart bead in his sleeve was shining red, and was a little surprised, not understanding why Kui Mulang lied to him.

Seeing that Kui Mulang's eyes flickered and looked very guilty, Nezha's heart moved, and he deliberately said: "I'm afraid it's not because of this! Kui Mulang, I don't know if you have heard a saying that if you want people to know, you must do nothing! "

Kui Mulang's face turned as white as paper, and he cried out, " know everything?"

Really something?

Nezha was a little surprised, but with a straight face on purpose, he asked, "What do you think?"

Kui Mulang didn't speak, and stared at Nezha with a pair of eyes, his expression fluctuated, sometimes panic, sometimes fierce, sometimes entangled and hesitant.

Nezha's eyes were fixed, and his heart suddenly became vigilant.

He didn't expect that his casual deceit would provoke such a big reaction from Kui Mulang.

Could it be that Kui Mulang really committed some heinous crime?

Just as Nezha was guessing, Kui Mulang fell to his knees on the ground with a "plop", and shouted: "Third Prince, this is not what the little god wanted! It was the Fairy Serving Fragrance from the Pixiang Palace who deliberately seduced me. Only then will Fanxin be moved! I beg the third prince to forgive me this time!"

Nezha: "!!!" That's true!

Nezha was taken aback, and understood why Kui Mulang wanted to kill him just now.

There are many rules and regulations in the heavenly court, but the one that has been implemented most thoroughly is the one that "do not touch the hearts of all people"!
Because, the Queen Mother called it the source of all evil in the Three Realms!
Not to mention that Kui Mulang is only one of the 28 constellations, even if he is the leader of the Doubu, and he is accused of "moving the heart of the world", at least he will be beaten down and rebuilt after the mortal world.

It is reasonable for him to want to kill people and silence them.

"Third Prince, the little god was really confused for a while back then!"

Kui Mulang told all about himself and Fairy Shixiang.

The body of Kuimu Wolf is a gray wolf who has attained Taoism and became a spirit. He was recruited by the Heavenly Court more than 3000 years ago, and became a low-level general in heaven.

He originally thought that with his profound immortal cultivation, he would soon stand out in the heavenly court and become a powerful and majestic god.

Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Court has a strict hierarchy, and the position of the 360 ​​Five Righteous Gods has already been determined.

In addition, a few high-level immortal positions are also occupied by Xuanmen disciples.

Kui Mulang has no identity and background, and is a demon fairy. He has been in the heaven for more than three thousand years, but he has only been promoted from a low-level general to a general guarding the Pixiang Palace. The promotion of status and power is limited, and freedom is even less. none.

They can only stay in the Pixiang Temple all day and are not allowed to go out at will.

Kui Mulang could bear it at first, and was ecstatic at the rich aura in the heavenly court. He practiced diligently every day, and was promoted from the elementary level of Xuanxian to the peak of Xuanxian.

However, after he reached the peak of Xuanxian, he encountered a bottleneck, no matter how hard he practiced, it was difficult to make progress.

After a long time, Kui Mulang became depressed and resentful.

He didn't dare to go down to heaven like a monkey, so he could only stay in the Pixiang Palace and spend his days in a daze.

Fairy Shixiang took advantage of his frustration to seduce him repeatedly, and in the end she deliberately forced him to drink, and while he was drunk, forcibly had a skin-to-skin relationship with him.

He was forced to submit to Fairy Shixiang until now.

"Third Prince, I went to Pixiang Palace this time to cut off my relationship with the Fairy Serving Fragrance! Please, for the sake of my hard work all these years, please give me a chance! Please, Third Prince!"

What Kui Mulang said was crying bitterly and regretting the past, but Nezha's face became more and more ugly.

What Kui Mulang said in the first half is true, Wen Xinzhu has been glowing green.

However, when he talked about his affairs with Fairy Shixiang, Wen Xinzhu instantly turned red!
Obviously, the second half of what Kui Mulang said should be the opposite!

He was the one who seduced Fairy Shixiang, and then drank Fairy Shixiang's wine, so he had a skin-to-skin relationship with him!
Now, he has become a Kuimu wolf with a bright future, so he is anxious to get rid of the burden of Fairy Shixiang again!

As a result, it happened to be hit by Nezha!

He mistakenly thought that Nezha knew everything, and in order to avoid being punished, he blamed Fairy Shixiang for all his faults!

Nezha's eyes flickered with anger, he didn't care what moved the mind.

Being a fairy is not a stone, what's wrong with moving the heart?
What annoyed him was that this Kui Mu wolf was a manly man who was full of lies and didn't take any responsibility!
And dare to fool him as a fool!
It's really hateful!
Nezha really wanted to shoot Kui Mulang to let him know how powerful he is, but he hesitated for a moment, and said in a cold voice: "Kui Mulang, you don't have to ask me! I'm not a judicial god, I don't care if you don't care about Fanxin! But this matter, you should stop it as soon as possible, so as to avoid harming others and yourself!"

Nezha has been with Li Anran all these years, and has been influenced by it subtly.

He knew very well that if Kui Mulang and Fairy Shixiang were stabbed in front of the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, it would be Fairy Shixiang who would suffer!

Kui Mulang will be punished, but never too severely!


The queen mother will like Kui Mulang's ruthless and ruthless attitude of turning his face and denying others, and even biting back!

This just shows that the so-called love and love are all false, and it is wrong to be tempted!
In addition, Kui Mulang's cultivation base at the peak of Xuanxian is unmatched among the 28 constellations.

The Jade Emperor would not give up at will, such a subordinate who knows his mistakes and can change to obey orders.

"Thank you, Third Prince! Thank you, Third Prince!" Kui Mulang was so grateful that he kept thanking him.

Looking at his flattering face, Nezha felt sick to his stomach, said "You can do it yourself", and flew to Yunlou Palace on a cloud.

After the incident with Kui Mulang, Nezha has seen the power of the Asking Heart Bead, and is going to find Li Jing.

As long as Master understands that Li Jing doesn't have the slightest affection for me as a father and son, he won't force me to insist on that bullshit filial piety anymore!

When Nezha thought of this, his mood, which was still a little bit annoyed, suddenly improved.

Although Li Jing's Linglong Pagoda is his nemesis, he is not helpless!
These ten thousand years have not been in vain!
What really made him unable to resist was that bullshit filial piety and the Daoist Taiyi who insisted on his filial piety!
However, when he arrived at Yunlou Palace and asked, he found out that Li Jing was not in the palace, but was summoned to Lingshan by Tathagata.

Nezha was very disappointed, and he didn't want to stay in Yunlou Palace for a long time, so he drove the cloud and wandered aimlessly in the heavenly court.

After flying for a while, Nezha felt a little sleepy, so he simply lay down on the clouds and fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, the sky was already dark, a huge full moon hung in the sky, and the bright white moonlight fell on the ground, covering everything with a layer of white gauze.

Nezha stood up, and was going to go to Yunlou Palace to see if Li Jing was back, but when he glanced away, he suddenly froze.

I saw a dark and gloomy palace in the distance sitting alone nine days away, the silence was filled with deep loneliness, revealing a bone-chilling chill.

On the open space in front of the palace, a familiar figure stood alone, wearing a long black cloak and a shawl, looking up at the full moon in the sky, dazed.

For some reason, Nezha suddenly felt distressed.

He subconsciously clenched the Wenxin Bead in his hand, and the words Li Anran once persuaded him suddenly flashed in his head.

"Second Lord has never done anything wrong to you or me. Nezha, even if you don't want to get back together with him, there's no need to confront him everywhere."

I have never done anything sorry to you and me...

Li Anran's voice kept echoing in Nezha's mind.

A thought suddenly came to his mind, as if the weeds were spreading rapidly and could never be eradicated.

Nezha hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, lowered his cloud head, landed in front of that figure, and shouted sharply, "Yang Jian! How long are you going to keep from me about Lei Zhenzi!"

Yang Jian was in a trance, thinking about the events of the year, suddenly startled by Nezha, and almost subconsciously blurted out: "Master Taiyi told you the matter?"

Nezha's heart skipped a beat.

The matter of Lei Zhenzi turned out to be a real problem!
And Master knows it too!
Surprise, disbelief, and unspeakable ecstasy all rushed to my heart.

Nezha suppressed his emotions, and said coldly, "What do you say!"

Yang Jian said: "Since you already know, you came here today to seek revenge from me? Hmph, I persuaded Lei Zhenzi not to meddle in his own business, but if he didn't listen, I had no choice but to kill him!"

Nezha tried very hard to hide his emotions, but Yang Jian saw the clue at a glance, and instantly judged that Nezha was cheating him.

Yang Jian quickly followed what he just said, and changed the previous "killing Lei Zhenzi by mistake" into "killing Lei Zhenzi on purpose."

Nezha's complexion changed, he gritted his teeth and looked at Yang Jian.

Just when Yang Jian thought he had tricked Nezha, he saw Nezha take out a bead emitting a dazzling red light from his arms.

"Yang Jian! Red light! You're lying!"

"Ask Xinzhu?!"

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, and then he said again: "Didn't the Prison God tell you? There is no asking Xinzhu in the prison, it's just a lie he made up to deceive Sanmei!"

Nezha sneered and said, "It used to be like that, but it's not now! He made this questioning heart bead from the Hundred Treasures Bag! Yang Jian, you should know the use of the Hundred Treasures Bag, right? I don't need to explain it to you again." ?”

Yang Jian was taken aback.

Didn't expect it to come out like this!
Nezha stared at Yang Jian angrily, and asked, "Why? Why are you all refusing to tell me what happened? Why do you take everything on yourself? Why?"

Yang Jian was silent for a while, and then said, "Nezha, it is better not to know some things. Lei Zhenzi has been dead for so many years, so why do you have to ask the bottom line to know what happened back then!"

Nezha shouted loudly: "Yang Jian! I am the God of the Three Altars of the Heavenly Court, not the doll who knew nothing back then! I don't need you to help me decide anything, I don't want to be a fool!"

(End of this chapter)

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