Chapter 117 Three War Gods?

In Zhu Bajie's life, the most valuable thing is the Chunyang Gongfa taught to him by Emperor Donghua.

Emperor Donghua is the head of the male immortals of the Three Realms, an innate creature born at the beginning of the world.

Pure Yang Kung Fu is a kung fu learned from the Dao at the beginning of his birth. It can be said to be an innate kung fu, pointing directly at the Dao, and it is also the nemesis of all evil and filthy things.

Zhu Bajie can resist the erosion of weak water, a large part of it is because of this pure yang technique.

While comprehending the Chunyang Kung Fu, Li Anran flew towards the Temple of Judiciary at the same time.

He wanted to keep Zhu Bajie in the prison, and he needed Yang Jian's nod.

Soon, he arrived outside the gate of the Temple of Justice.

Different from the former coldness, after Yang Jian mastered the power of judging the immortals, the Judiciary Temple has become the busiest place in the heavenly court, and there should not be too many immortals coming and going every day.

Especially now that it is time for the Immortal Examination every Jiazi, there are even more immortals coming to the Temple of Judiciary.

"Kang Taiwei, long time no see, how are you doing?"

"Meet Captain Kang!"

"Lieutenant Kang, you've worked hard!"


As soon as the cloud head fell, Li Anran saw Boss Kang holding Yang Jian's edict, leading Xiao Tiangou and a group of grass-headed gods out of the palace to handle errands.

Along the way, all kinds of gods, from the land of the mountain gods to the gods, officials and star officials, all saluted and greeted Mr. Kang, and their attitudes were so respectful that they were a little flattering.

"Brother Li, why are you here?"

Boss Kang noticed Li Anran, his eyes lit up, and he quickly walked up to him.

"Brother Kang, I happened to meet a fugitive from the heavenly court this time, so I took him back to the heavenly court. I came here today to report this matter to the judicial god. I wonder if the judicial god is in the palace?"

Li Anran gave a salute, politely and distantly.

After all, he and Yang Jian are still in a state of falling out with the outside world, so it's not good to be too close to Boss Kang.

Boss Kang didn't know that Li Anran and Yang Jian had a fake quarrel, but he was a little disappointed when he saw it, and said, "Second Master handles official business in the inner hall. I still have official business to do here, so I won't accompany you there."

He told Caotou God, who was guarding him next to him, "Take the Prison God to the inner hall with you."

"Yes." The God of Grass Head replied, and led Li Anran through the crowd all the way to the inner hall of the Temple of Justice.

The eyes of the gods on both sides are full of envy and jealousy.

Back then when Li Anran first became the superior prison god, there were still many gods who despised him as a villain who only wanted to flatter horses.

Nowadays, no one thinks that way anymore!
The examination of Jiazi gods gave the low-level gods in the three realms a way to rise.

And Yang Jian, who has mastered the power of examination and examination, has mastered their lifeblood.

But all the gods who are self-motivated can't wait to take refuge under Yang Jian's command.

As long as they can get Yang Jian's attention, they will be able to rise steadily, step by step, from low-level immortals to high-level immortals step by step.

There have been many precedents for this kind of thing in these years!
A god saw that he had waited for a long time and hadn't seen Yang Jian. As soon as Li Anran came, he was led in by Boss Kang, who was annoyed and dissatisfied.

Said to Boss Kang: "Taiwei Kang, this Prisoner God is very close to Nezha, and has been troubling the second master. If you let him in like this, aren't you afraid that the second master will be angry?"

Boss Kang stared at him and snapped angrily: "Shut up! Prison God, Nezha, and Erye are all doing things for the Heavenly Court. Even if there are some contradictions, they are all dedicated to the public. Why bother with Erye! If you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame me for being rude!"

The god didn't expect that Boss Kang would react so strongly, he was taken aback, and hurriedly nodded to admit his mistake, "It's the little god who made a slip of the tongue! Taiwei forgive me!"

Boss Kang snorted coldly, ignored him, and flew towards Nantianmen with Xiaotiangou and the grass-headed gods.

Yesterday, a land reported to Yang Jian, saying that among the seven fairies, the purple-clothed fairy moved Fanxin and married Dong Yong, a mortal from Nanzhan Buzhou, which violated the rules of heaven.

This matter is no small matter, Yang Jian asked him to lead Xiao Tiangou down to earth for a trip in person.

In addition to investigating whether the purple-clothed fairy's move was true or not, he was also asked to secretly investigate whether Dong Yong was like the cowherd back then, with demons bewitching him behind the scenes.

Not long after Boss Kang and Xiao Tiangou left, Li Anran and Yang Jian quarreled in the inner hall of the Temple of Justice.

"Judicial God, Zhu Ganglie first violated His Majesty's will and refused to reincarnate and rebuild. On the way to be thrown into reincarnation, he broke free from the shackles of the heavenly soldiers and generals, took away the pig fetus, and caused disaster in the lower realm."

"Later, he teamed up with Qiu Yin to set up a trap in Hezhou, Xiniu, and sneaked up on me. The crime is heinous!"

Li Anran's voice was full of anger: "Why do you want to cover him up and refuse to take him to the Monster Slaying Platform to beheaded for public display? Just keep him in the prison?"

Yang Jian was as indifferent as ever: "Prison God, how to punish is the matter of the Judiciary God Temple, not yours. I think you are a first-time offender, and you have meritorious deeds in arresting Zhu Ganglie, so you will not be held accountable for your authority, but if you Next time, I will do business."

The anger in Li Anran's voice became more intense: "Business? Hmph, are you doing business?"

Yang Jian said: "If you are dissatisfied, you can tell the Jade Emperor to join me, don't mess around here. I have a lot of affairs in my hands, and I don't have time to waste time here with you. Come and see off!"

"Okay, okay! Yang Jian, you are amazing, I will remember this!"

"Just write it down. Prisoner God, I will interrogate Zhu Ganglie again in a few days. Just keep an eye on him. If something goes wrong, I will ask you."

Before Yang Jian could finish his sentence, Li Anran had already slammed the door and left without caring that he was in the Temple of Judiciary.

All the gods outside looked at each other, and they could see the shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.

Compared to Li Anran and Yang Jian's turn of events, they were more surprised by the news revealed in Li Anran's words.

The former Guan Suo Xingjun and the prison god Qiu Yin teamed up with the former canopy marshal Zhu Ganglie to attack the current judicial god Li Anran?
Moreover, Li Anran actually won?
And took Zhu Ganglie back to the prison?

That prison god Li Anran is so powerful?

All the gods couldn't accept it.

In their eyes, Li Anran was lucky enough to betray Qiu Yin and embrace Yang Jian's thigh early, so that he got the job of prison god.

Afterwards, for the sake of power, she fell out with Yang Jian, and took refuge in Nezha, the great god of the Three Altars Haihui, and Li Jing, the great marshal of the subduing demons.

Someone who knows the history of Nanzhan Buzhou has given Li Anran the title of "Slave with Three Surnames".

Unexpectedly, the name was actually chosen correctly!
This Li Anran is so powerful that he can defeat Qiu Yin and Zhu Ganglie with one against two!

For a moment, the entire heavenly court was shaken.

Immediately afterwards, Li Jing, Wu De Xingjun, the Four Great Heavenly Kings and other gods stepped forward one after another and began to help Li Anran clarify what happened back then.

He said that Li Anran did not betray Qiu Yin, let alone turn to Yang Jian. Qiu took the blame for everything, and Li Anran rose to the position by virtue of her own ability.

With their guarantee, Li Anran's reputation took a 180-degree turn in an instant.

Seeing this, Li Anran sneered in his heart.

When he was despised by everyone because of Qiu Yin, no one stood up to speak for him.

This time, after he killed Qiu Yin, captured Zhu Bajie, and showed his own strength, they jumped out immediately, and even the old events of 200 years ago were able to clear the truth for him.

Everything is so realistic and ridiculous!
After Li Anran returned to the sky prison, he immediately participated in Yang Jian's book.

The content is that Yang Jian bent the law for selfishness, punished Zhu Ganglie for a serious crime and lightly punished him, and asked the Jade Emperor to depose Yang Jian as a judicial god, and beheaded Zhu Ganglie for public display.

And Yang Jian also played to the Jade Emperor, saying that since the Judiciary Temple was in charge of examining the immortals, there are some shortages of manpower.

Since the God of Prison was able to arrest Marshal Zhu Ganglie of the Canopy and brought him to justice, it can be seen that he has profound cultivation and powerful magic power, so he asked Li Anran to go down to catch demons as well, so as to relieve the pressure of the lack of manpower in the Temple of Justice.

——Li Anran told Yang Jian in the Temple of Justice that he wanted to lock Zhu Bajie in the prison for a long time and wanted to go down to earth to catch more monsters.

Yang Jian looked relieved and wished he could raise his hands in approval: "Brother Li, you finally figured it out! You should have done this a long time ago!"

Cultivators can live forever after becoming immortals, but it doesn't mean that the immortals are very patient!

On the contrary, most practitioners have the eager impulse to "learn the Tao in the morning, and die in the evening is enough".

Only Li Anran is an exception!
From Yang Jian's point of view, Li Anran's chance lies with the prisoner in the Heavenly Prison, and he will definitely have the idea of ​​going down to earth to catch monsters to speed up his practice soon.

But he didn't expect that Li Anran's patience was so good, he stayed in the prison for 200 years without any movement!
Seeing this, Yang Jian felt a little anxious.

It is a good thing to be cautious, but if you are too cautious, you will miss many opportunities, and it will become a bad thing!

Yang Jian really wanted to call Li Anran, but this was Li Anran's private matter, and it involved Li Anran's chance.

He intervened rashly, and it was easy for people to suspect that he had evil intentions.

Yang Jian thought over and over again, but could only be patient, waiting for Li Anran to figure it out.

As a result, this wait was nearly 200 years.

As for Zhu Ganglie...

The Jade Emperor's punishment was already too severe. Since Li Anran wanted to imprison Zhu Ganglie in the prison for a long time, Yang Jian naturally had no objection——

At this point, Yang Jian is very different from before.

In the past, Yang Jian followed the rules of heaven and the rules in everything he did, and never bent the law for personal gain.

But now, Yang Jian has completely changed his attitude.

There are problems with the rules and regulations of the sky, and he doesn't have to stubbornly use these wrong things to restrain himself.

As long as he can achieve his goal of modifying the rules of heaven and making all living beings in the three realms follow, all the process is irrelevant, and his ending is also irrelevant!
Even if everyone betrays relatives and degenerates into a demon, he is willing to do so!

After some discussion between the two, they decided to deliberately quarrel first to activate the conflict.

Then, Li Anran went to the memorial to participate in Yang Jian's favoritism and perverted the law, and deliberately put the matter on the line, proposing an impossible punishment, that is, dismissing the sample from the post of judicial god.

Yang Jian asked the Jade Emperor to ask Li Anran to catch the demons for His Royal Highness, the God of Justice.

To them, this was the fulfillment of Li Anran's wish to capture the monsters and put them in the dungeon, but in the eyes of outsiders, it was Yang Jian who deliberately humiliated Li Anran.

Aren't you unwilling to be my subordinate?

But you still have to follow my orders to catch the demons!
The Jade Emperor is now thinking highly of Yang Jian, and it is impossible to depose Yang Jian from the post of judicial god for such a trivial matter.

And Li Anran acted so aggressively, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he was deliberately targeting Yang Jian out of personal grievances.

In this way, the Jade Emperor will definitely accept Yang Jian's proposal, and put Marshal Tianpeng in the dungeon, and let Li Anran go down to capture the demon.

The result Li Anran wanted was realized.

When Yang Jian said this to Li Anran, Li Anran was dumbfounded and couldn't help sighing: "Second Master, you have seen through the Jade Emperor!"

But Yang Jian shook his head and said, "I didn't see through the Jade Emperor, I just saw through the Jade Emperor's intentional performance in front of outsiders!"

He also solemnly reminded Li Anran: "Brother Li Anran, you must never have such thoughts in the future!"

"The Jade Emperor is an innate creature born at the beginning of the creation of the world. He has been with the Taoist ancestor longer than the sum of the saints, and he has gone through 750 kalpas before he sits on the Jade Emperor's throne!"

"Even a saint dare not say that he can see through him, let alone you and me!"

Li Anran's heart trembled, and then he realized the weight of the Jade Emperor in Yang Jian's heart, and nodded seriously.

And the progress of the matter was just as Yang Jian expected.

The Jade Emperor agreed to imprison Zhu Bajie in the prison, and to punish him after the interrogation in the Temple of Justice.

Because of his meritorious service in catching Zhu Bajie, Li Anran was conferred the title of Marshal of Demon Suppression, sent a thousand more heavenly soldiers to the prison, and rewarded Li Anran with a lot of gold beads and jade liquid, and asked Li Anran to assist His Majesty the God of Justice in arresting those who caused trouble. Demons and sinners who have violated the rules of heaven.

At the same time, he also gave Li Anran a certain degree of autonomy to prevent the Heavenly Prison from becoming a vassal of the Judicial Heavenly Temple like before.

Facing the imperial decree of the Jade Emperor, Li Anran naturally could only accept it "angrily and helplessly".

Since then, Li Anran has often received orders from the Temple of Judiciary to go down to capture all kinds of demons and ghosts.

Li Anran's current cultivation base has reached the Golden Immortal Realm, and he has also cultivated a nine-turn Yuan Gong, and his combat power is astonishing.

In today's Three Realms, he is considered a rare powerhouse.

In just a few years, Li Anran captured more than 300 monsters and sinners who violated the rules of heaven.

Most of these monsters and gods only have the cultivation base of heavenly immortals, and only a few have the cultivation base of mysterious immortals.

But even so, the 100% capture participation rate allowed Li Anran's daily experience points to skyrocket from 1000 to 7000 million!
At the same time, Li Anran's reputation really resounded throughout the Three Realms.

Together with Nezha and Yang Jian, they are known as the three gods of war in the heaven, and the three pillars that support the sky!
Li Anran: "..." If this is Optimus Prime, the court should be about to collapse!
Time flies and half a year has passed.

On this day, just as Li Anran put the captured monsters into the dungeon, Nezha came in angrily with a dark face.

Li Anran asked: "Brother Nezha, what's the matter? Did Li Jing make you angry again?"

Nezha said, "It's not Li Jing! It's that bastard Kui Mulang!"

(End of this chapter)

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