Chapter 124 Calling
Today, the Heavenly Court is no longer afraid of the remnants of the ancient demon clan in Beiju Luzhou, but the Jade Emperor is too lazy to deal with them.

These great sages of the monster race are all innate creatures born at the beginning of the world. They are the ancestors of a family, and they all have some merits and virtues.

Heavenly Court didn't kill them at the beginning, but if they kill them now, it will inevitably lose some luck, and it's not worth it.

As a result, these great sages of the ancient monster race were forgotten in the cell of the A-name cell.

Apart from them, the rest of the No. A cells that were locked in the outer layer were all big demons who had caused a lot of trouble in the Three Realms since the establishment of the Sanqing Heavenly Court.

For example, the fire ghost king who was locked in the No. 12 cell of Jiazi.

He was originally the prince of a small country in Hezhou, Xiniu. Because his family and country were destroyed and he set himself on fire, his overwhelming resentment turned him into a ghost.

And by chance and coincidence, he got a ray of innate fire spirit and became an immortal fire ghost king.

Afterwards, he entered the Yincao Difu, brought the dead Jiubu back to the mortal world, and turned Xiniu Hezhou upside down.

Heaven has nothing to do with him.

It wasn't until the Emperor Zhenwu Dangmo came to the world that he captured it back to the Heavenly Court, but there was no way to kill it completely, so it had to be imprisoned in a cell named A.

And someone like the fire ghost king has a near-immortal body because of his heels or special opportunities.

Heavenly Court couldn't kill them, or they didn't want to pay too much to kill them, so they could only keep five prisoners in No. A cells.

The rest are some hot potatoes that have violated the rules of heaven but have great merit.

The Heavenly Court had to arrest them because of the rules of heaven, but because of their merits and virtues, it was not good for them to die, so they had to be locked up in the end.

These two types of criminals are more troublesome and difficult to deal with than the great sages of the ancient monster clan.

Once the former gives them a chance to commit suicide, they are likely to be resurrected with full blood, and even the seal in their bodies may be broken by the way.

Because the latter have great merit, various accidents that are beneficial to them are likely to happen, allowing them to escape smoothly.

After much deliberation, Li Anran still focused on the six great saints of the monster race.

"These great sages of the monster race are all Da Luo Jinxians. Even if they have been sealed away with their soul mana and imprisoned for so many years, there is no guarantee that they will not have some special means."

"I'm only a Golden Immortal now. It's still very risky to use them to fish for law enforcement. It's easy to play with fire and burn myself. It would be much safer if I could pull Yang Jian over to suppress the formation."

As more and more prisoners' biographies were browsed, Li Anran's eyesight also improved rapidly.

He was very sure that Yang Jian had broken through to the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and he was the well-deserved number one god of war in the heaven.

If Yang Jian was there, he wouldn't have to worry about what would happen to those ancient demon clans!
The more Li Anran thought about it, the more excited he became.

He has known Yang Jian for more than two hundred years, and he has great trust in Yang Jian's character.

More importantly, Yang Jian already knew that his "magic weapon" was related to the sky prison and the prisoners, so he asked him to help without explaining too much, and without worrying about the secret being leaked.

The only thing that bothers him a little is that Yang Jian has secretly helped him do a lot of things over the years, escorting all kinds of troublesome monsters and criminals to the prison as much as possible.

However, he didn't do anything for Yang Jian.

This favor is owed more and more.

Li Anran is really a little embarrassed...

"With the system in place, sooner or later I will be able to prove the Tao and become a saint, and then I will compensate him ten times and a hundred times!"

Li Anran quickly prepared himself psychologically, and his confidence suddenly increased.

The next day, he took the opportunity of going to the Judicial Temple to report on his work and told Yang Jian about it.

Yang Jian agreed without much hesitation.

That night, Yang Jian waved away the Meishan brothers and Caotou God, twirled an invisibility formula, and flew out of the Judicial Heavenly Temple and into the Heavenly Prison Palace.

Afterwards, he used a transformation technique, turning himself into an ordinary heavenly soldier, followed behind Li Anran, entered the sky, and walked all the way to the No. A prison cell.

Compared with 200 years ago, there is no change in the No. A cell.

On the huge stone gate, patterns of the sun, moon and stars are engraved, and a golden demon mirror is hung above it.

Two tall and burly warriors who looked like hills guarded the door.

As soon as they saw Li Anran approaching, the two powerful warriors stood up unsteadily, stepped forward to salute and said: "I have seen the Prisoner."

Li Anran nodded slightly, walked under the demon mirror, verified his identity, and ordered: "Open the door."

The two celestial warriors did not move, but shook their heads, looked at Yang Jian, and said, "He hasn't checked him with the demon mirror yet!"

The Celestial Warrior is not a mortal monk ascending, but an ancient beast called the Mountain-moving Beast subdued by the Heavenly Court.

They are powerful and can move mountains and even throw stars, but their intelligence is generally not very high, and their personalities are straightforward and inflexible, and they are mostly used by the heavens to guard the gate.

What a brain!
Li Anran frowned, and was about to yell at them, but Yang Jian had already stepped forward.

A golden light shone on Yang Jian's body, but nothing unusual happened.

Li Anran was a little surprised.

He had tried this demon mirror before, and it could see through his transformation technique, so why did it fail when it came to Yang Jian?
Yang Jian raised his head slightly to reveal his face under the silver helmet, which had returned to his original appearance. The voice transmission explained: "The demon mirror can see through the tricks of obscurity and transformation, but it can only see through the magic of disguise and transformation. As long as I don't Use tricks and tricks, and it won't work."

Can it be...

Li Anran showed a look of surprise.

But he thought of the six-eared macaque on Xitian Road!
It's not that the demon mirror didn't show its true face, but its true face is exactly the same as the monkey!
This will make people unable to tell the truth from the fake!

It was as if the demon mirror had failed.

After confirming their identities, the two stalwarts no longer hesitated, and immediately stepped forward to hold up the stone gate, and lifted it up little by little.

rumbling rumbling—

The stone gate is extremely heavy, the roar is loud, and the ground seems to be trembling slightly.

After Li Anran and Yang Jian walked in.

The two Qingtian warriors immediately put down the Shimen again, following the rules of the heavenly court, they guarded the door and did not enter the A-name cell for half a step.

A golden pattern appeared on Yang Jian's forehead, turned into the eyes of the sky, looked around, nodded to Li Anran and said: "No problem, let's start."

"Okay." Li Anran said.

Afterwards, Yang Jian transformed into a monster with a horse body, human face, tiger pattern and bird wings.

It was the great sage of the monster race who survived the ancient times by chance!

Yang Jian nodded towards Li Anran, walked towards the third cell on the left, took out the decree of the prison god, and sacrificed it.

A golden light fell, and a stone door appeared on the wall, which slowly opened.

Yang Jian strode over, and with a sweep of his gaze, he saw the great sage of the demon clan bound by layers of iron chains.

It is tens of meters tall, with dark fur and an extremely ugly appearance. It looks like a buffalo with huge horns, its legs are covered with long brown hair, and it has a pair of wings on its back.

The great sage of the ancient monster clan barked iron!

It is a Qiongqi mutant, feeds on gold and stones, and has a cruel and vicious temperament!

Even in the ancient demon court, Ba Tie doesn't have many friends!
Yingzhao is one of the few!

Qi Tie is also the only one among all the great sages of the ancient monster clan who rushed directly to the Heavenly Court after leaving Beiju Luzhou to ask the Jade Emperor to give way!
Li Anran and Yang Jian chose it as the first test object.

One is that it has no brains, and acts impulsively and recklessly.

The second is that it has all of its abilities in the body, without any magic weapon, let alone any difficult special means!

After Yang Jian went in, he deliberately froze for a moment, and then exclaimed in surprise: "Brother Qi Tie?! Is it really you?"

Pie Tie was alarmed by the opening of the stone door.

The two eyes, the size of copper bells, looked like two lanterns that were about to go out in the dark, revealing two dim golden lights.

Maybe it was because he was imprisoned for too long, or maybe he was tortured so hard that his soul was damaged.

Baitie's eyes were distracted, and he stared blankly at Yang Jian for a while, before waking up from a dream, and shouted in a hoarse and unbelievable voice: "You, you are Yingzhao?! Brother Yingzhao!"

Bi Tie subconsciously wanted to approach Yang Jian.

But when he moved, the iron chain wrapped around his body rattled, and the runes engraved on it shone with golden light, and were instantly activated.


Baitie's body trembled continuously, let out a heart-piercing scream, and fell limp on the ground.

The chain seemed to be locked on his body, but in fact it penetrated his internal organs and spiritual platform. As long as there was a slight movement, he would feel the pain of breaking his internal organs and tearing his soul.

The great sage of the ancient monster race is powerful in his cultivation, and he is not necessarily stronger than ordinary monsters in terms of enduring pain!

Not to mention, this pain is even worse than the soul flying away!
"Brother Baring Iron!" Yang Jian yelled anxiously.

He invoked the decree of the prison god, golden lights flashed one after another, and the runes flowing on the iron chain gradually calmed down and returned to their original appearance.

Only then did Baring Iron calm down again, but his whole body was tense, and he didn't dare to move any more.

Qi Tie asked: "Brother Yingzhao, you, that brand in your hand..."

"I snatched this from the gods guarding the prison in Haotian Court."

Yang Jian had discussed with Li Anran a long time ago, and said: "Brother Qi Tie, the Lord Demon Master is attacking the Lingxiao Palace, I was ordered to come and release all the prisoners in the prison, and let them join us in fighting against the sky." I didn't expect... I didn't expect you to be here!"

Yang Jian looked remorseful and blamed himself: "If we had known you were here earlier, we would not have dragged it so far, we would have found a way to rescue you long ago!"

"That fellow Kunpeng... the demon master has already reached the Lingxiao Palace?" Baritie felt as if he was in a dream.

"Yeah. Brother Barbarian, let me untie this chain for you first."

Yang Jian activated the token again, and a golden light fell, and the chain connecting the iron bar and the huge iron ring on the cell floor disappeared.

Yang Jian has always been careful in his actions, and deliberately kept some tricks, only untied the chains on the hands and feet of the iron, and did not move his body.

Especially in his viscera and dantian mausoleum, the chains of his energy and spirit are sealed.

"Brother Baring Iron, let's get out!" Yang Jian urged.

Baitie moved his body carefully to confirm that there was nothing abnormal in his body, and then he moved a few times boldly.

Tears the size of fists could not stop falling from the corners of his eyes.

"I can finally go out! I can finally go out!"

The voice muttering to himself in the iron mouth became louder and louder, and he was in a state of madness. He roared: "Haotian boy! Just wait for me, and I will definitely return the pain I have endured to you ten times and a hundred times!"

Yang Jian saw it, and thought in his heart: "Fortunately, Li Anran has arranged a soundproof formation outside in advance, otherwise the movement is so loud, it will definitely alarm the people outside!"

Yang Jian was worried that Ye Chang had many dreams, and urged: "Brother Qi Tie, Lord Kunpeng is still attacking the Lingxiao Palace. The matter is urgent. Let's go out quickly!"

"Okay, okay!" Tie Tie nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice, followed closely behind Yang Jian, and walked out of the cell.

The moment he stepped out of the prison door, a sharp pain came from the top of his head.

"Ah!" Pitie screamed, only felt that there were bursts of blackness in front of his eyes, like countless gold stars twinkling, his head was a mess, and he didn't realize what was going on at all.

boom! boom! boom!
A series of muffled sounds reverberated in the cell, and Barietie finally couldn't hold on, fell to the ground, and passed out.

"It's really rough!" Li Anran was a little surprised.

He didn't want to leave too many marks, so instead of using the tip of the gun, he smashed it on the top of Piitie's head with the body of the gun.

But he didn't expect that this barking iron had been imprisoned in this prison for tens of thousands of years, and his mana and spirit were also sealed, so he was still so resistant!
He forcefully knocked the sap seven times before it fell to the ground.

Li Anran threw the iron back into the cell, and urged the token to lock it again with an iron chain.

Yang Jian watched quietly from the side, a little curious: "Is this all right?"

"Well, it's ok! Thank you, Second Master!"

Li Anran nodded repeatedly, the ecstasy in his heart was almost uncontrollable.

In his field of vision, on the invisible punishment book next to him.

The information of bared iron has appeared.

[Prisoner: The Great Sage of the Ancient Monster Race, Bark Iron]

[Sin Point: Four Stars]

[Cultivation level: Da Luo Jinxian [-]nd level]

[Status: in custody]

[Catch participation rate: 30%]

[Revenue: 14 billion experience points/day]

14 billion points! ! !

Looking at the exaggerated data, Li Anran's heart trembled.

If he hadn't practiced good energy-raising skills over the years, he probably couldn't help laughing wildly at this moment!
The two continued to walk in.

The same operation was repeated five times.

The whole process was extremely smooth.

These great sages of the monster race have the strength of the Great Luo Jinxian, but after so many years of detention, they have degenerated to the extreme in all aspects from energy, vigilance, and even IQ.

What's more, they felt that they were in a desperate situation, and they never expected that someone would do this to them!
There is no reason and no need!

In just half a day, Li Anran registered all the seven great sages of the ancient demon clan in the punishment book.

The seven great sages of the monster clan can provide him with 93 billion experience points every day!
Moreover, these ancient monster clan great sages have been imprisoned here for countless years, no one cares about them at all, and will not let them out!
These six leeks are far more reliable than green cow essence!
"Second Master, thank you so much!" Li Anran couldn't hold back the smile on the corner of her mouth, she kept thanking Yang Jian.

Just as he was talking, he suddenly noticed that Yang Jian was looking into the depths of the dungeon, motionless.

Li Anran asked: "Second Master? Second Master? What's wrong with you?"

Yang Jian came back to his senses, and said in a deep voice, "I feel like something is calling me over there."

(End of this chapter)

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