I am guarding the sky prison in Journey to the West

Chapter 129 Emperor?emperor?plaything!

Chapter 129 Emperor?emperor?plaything!

"Sun, do you recognize me?"

"Why don't I recognize you! You are the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Nanwu Guanshiyin Bodhisattva on the Putuo Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea! The Tathagata coaxed me and kept me pressed on this mountain for more than [-] years. Wanwang Bodhisattva has one or two expedient methods to save me from old age. Save Sun Yi!"

"This guy has a lot of crimes. I rescued you. I'm afraid you will be in trouble again. It's not beautiful."

"I already know I was wrong, but I hope that the great mercy will point out the way, and I am willing to practice."


Guanyin Bodhisattva stood on the head of the cloud, looking at the monkeys at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain.

Compared with 500 years ago, the monkeys at this time have completely lost their ferocity, wildness and rebelliousness. They are full of flattery and flattery, just hoping to escape from the foot of the Five Elements Mountain.

"What's so special about Sun Wukong? Can the Buddha point out that he must be the disciple of the Buddhist scriptures?"

Avalokitesvara was so puzzled, but he said: "Since you have such a heart, when I go to the Tang Dynasty in the east, I will find a person who learns Buddhist scriptures and teach him to save you. You can become an apprentice with him, and he will teach and bless you. Enter my Buddhist gate. How about rectifying the fruit again?"

The monkey was overjoyed and shouted repeatedly: "Willing to go! Willing to go! Thank you Bodhisattva for your kindness and compassion for saving the suffering!"

Avalokitesvara was very satisfied when he saw the monkey being so knowledgeable: "Since that's the case, I won't say anything more. Just wait here for the Buddhist scriptures. I'm going."

After all, Guanyin took Mu Zha and flew towards Nanzhan Buzhou Dongtu Datang.

However, when the monkey was out of sight, Guanyin slowed down the speed of the cloud.

At Yuntou not far away, a group of heavenly soldiers and generals have been waiting for a long time.

The leader is a tall and mighty man with a handsome face and wearing a silver armor, it is Li Anran!

Among the apprentices selected by Guanyin, except for Zhu Bajie who was released after serving his sentence, the other monks, little white dragons, and monkeys are all criminals imprisoned in the lower realm by the heavenly court.

If Lingshan wanted to wash them off, he not only needed the Jade Emperor to nod his approval, but also had to tell Li Anran, the prison god, to do it.

Seeing Avalokitesvara flying in, Li Anran asked knowingly, "Bodhisattva, is this Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, the last one?"

Avalokitesvara nodded slightly, and thanked: "You Lao Si Prison God has gone through this."

"The Bodhisattva's words are serious, and the responsibility lies, as it should be."

Li Anran said a few words politely, then took his leave and left.

After returning to the Heavenly Court, he went to the Judicial Temple and reported the matter to Yang Jian.

The power of Yang Jian, the judicial god, was not affected in the slightest by Yao Ji's incident.

On the contrary, after more than a hundred years of precipitation, he can be said to be under one immortal and above ten thousand immortals in the heavenly court. He is a real minister of power and can manage almost all matters in the three realms.

"Monkey King, Zhu Ganglie, General Rolling Curtain, Ao Lie..."

Yang Jian frowned slightly, chewing these four names over and over again, thinking about what was special about them, and why Tathagata chose them to be Jin Chanzi's Dharma protectors.

However, after thinking for a long time, Yang Jian failed to come up with a reasonable explanation.

Among these four people, only Monkey Heel has deep mana and high strength, Tathagata has a reason to choose, the other three, especially General Shulin, have nothing special at all.

Yang Jian looked up at Li Anran, and asked, "Brother Li, why do you think the Tathagata Buddha chose these four people to be the guardians of the Buddhist scriptures?"

Li Anran did not answer directly, but asked: "Second Master, are there any restrictions on this gambling? How is winning or losing calculated?"

Yang Jian said: "There are four restrictions. First, those who learn the scriptures must reach the Lingshan Mountain by themselves, and cannot use means such as flying clouds and fog to make their way."

"Secondly, both parties can make arrangements, but they are not allowed to tell the gods or monsters who directly participated in the gambling fight about the content of the gambling fight. In order to prevent someone from disregarding their lives for the sake of the teacher, and making things out of control."

"Third, there are four Dharma protectors for the Buddhist scriptures, and they make up the number of five elements with the Buddhist scriptures. The upper limit of disasters on the road to the Buddhist scriptures is ninety-nine, that is, the maximum is 81 disasters.

"Once the Buddhist learners have survived the nine-nine-eight-one disaster or reached Lingshan, it will be considered that Lingshan wins."

"If Jin Chanzi's reincarnated body moves Fan Nian and breaks his pure Yang body or dies halfway, it will be regarded as the Taoist victory."

Hearing this, Li Anran confirmed a certain guess in his heart, thought for a while, and decided to tell Yang Jian: "Second Master, I have an idea, I don't know if it's right."

Yang Jian's eyes lit up, he just asked casually, he didn't expect Li Anran to have an answer, he urged: "Brother Li, don't be modest! Say it!"

Li Anran said: "There is no need to say more about Sun Wukong. It took him less than a thousand years to cultivate from a monkey to the realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal. It is very appropriate and reasonable to be the disciple of the Buddhist scriptures and enroll him in the Buddhist sect by the way."

Yang Jian nodded in agreement, and only corrected Li Anran one point: "Then Sun Wukong is not just as simple as the Taiyi Golden Immortal. He was suppressed by the Tathagata under the Five Elements Mountain. The Tathagata chose him as the disciple of the Buddhist scriptures, it should be planned for a long time."

Li Anran continued: "Except for Monkey King, the remaining Zhu Ganglie, Ao Lie, and General Rolling Curtain, their cultivation bases can only be considered average, but they all have a common characteristic."

Yang Jian asked, "What?"

Li Anran said: "The background is profound! The network is extensive!"

After speaking, Li Anran started talking about the three of them one by one.

"Zhu Ganglie is the apprentice of Emperor Donghua, and Emperor Donghua himself has a high prestige and is the head of the male immortals in the three realms. Zhu Ganglie has become the protector of Buddhist scriptures, and many people will sell him."

"Ao Lie is the third prince of the Dragon Clan of the West Sea. Although the Dragon Clan has declined now, the emaciated camels are bigger than horses. From ancient times to the present, they should have formed a lot of good relationships. With Ao Lie, these people will also follow Be merciful and sell the scriptures to save face."

"As for General Rolling Curtain...he belongs to the Jade Emperor!"

When Yang Jian heard the content of Zhu Ganglie and Ao Lie, he was already nodding secretly, and suddenly he was surprised when he heard that the rolling shutter general turned out to be the Jade Emperor.

This rolling curtain general was banished to the Liusha River by the Jade Emperor because he accidentally dropped the glass cup. He suffered from thousands of swords piercing his heart every day. He is good if he doesn't resent the Jade Emperor. How can he be a Jade Emperor?
"Second Lord, this rolling shutter general is not easy."

Li Anran immediately told the story of Drifting eating Jin Chanzi's first nine lives, stringing their heads into skull beads, and wearing them around his neck.

"The eight-hundred-mile quicksand river has no feathers, and there are countless people passing by every day, but this rolling shutter general can eat the reincarnation of the golden cicada every few decades and leave the skull behind. Like a coincidence."

Yang Jian's face suddenly became serious.

It is impossible for Li Anran to lie to him, which means that the Jade Emperor has reached a certain agreement with Lingshan.

This means that Heavenly Court is on the side of Buddhism in this battle between Buddhism and Taoism.

It also means that in order not to offend the Jade Emperor, many gods in the heaven will show some kindness to the Buddhist scriptures!
Donghua Emperor, Ancient Dragon Clan, Heavenly Jade Emperor!
The favor of these three people almost included all the gods in the Three Realms!
"Tathagata's method is really powerful!"

Yang Jian took a deep breath, terrified in his heart.

Both he and Taiyi Zhenren believed that the Tathagata would choose his own powerful monsters or evil spirits to act as the guardians of the Buddhist scriptures.

I also guessed that there will be Monkey King among them.

However, they never expected that the Tathagata would start from the disaster!
Among the four guardians selected, only Sun Wukong is the real guardian!
The other three are all related households with average strength but deep background!

However, it is these three related households who can minimize the force that hinders the study of scriptures in the West.

In this way, the probability of success in learning from the Western Paradise will naturally increase greatly!

Yang Jian soon figured out the purpose of General Rolling Curtain's leaving the skull: "Eight hundred li Liusha River is not long or short, and they want Jin Chanzi to use his reincarnated skull to cross the river." Shahe?"

In this way, it can be considered that the Buddhist scriptures have crossed the Liusha River by themselves, and they have not violated the agreement between Lingshan and Xuanmen.

Li Anran nodded and said, "It should be like this."

"Brother Li, this matter is of great importance, I need to tell Uncle Taiyi immediately, just wait here."

The more Yang Jian thought about it, the more he felt that what Li Anran said was the truth, he couldn't sit still right now, he got up and wanted to ride the cloud to the Golden Light Cave of Qianyuan Mountain, and tell Master Taiyi about these things.

However, as soon as he reached the door, he stopped again, and his expression changed.

Li Anran was a little strange, and called out, "Second Lord?"

Yang Jian came back to his senses and said, "Brother Li, don't tell anyone what you said to me just now."

Li Anran was taken aback, not quite understanding what Yang Jian meant.

Yang Jian explained: "The revival of Buddhism was a matter set by the sage at the beginning. It's just that the sage didn't set a specific time, so it will be delayed until now. Even if I tell Master Taiyi about this, it's just the time for the revival of Buddhism. 500 years later."

"After 500 years, this kind of gambling fight will have to be played again. Since it is destined to be irreversible, why should I waste this energy? It's better to let this matter be settled quickly and end sooner, and save these gods and Buddhas from tossing about in the lower realm Creature."

But in Yang Jian's heart, the creatures of the Three Realms are more important than Daoxing Daotong.

After Yang Jian said that, Li Anran naturally nodded in agreement, then left and went back to the dungeon, burying these things in his heart.

But in the mortal world, the matter of learning Buddhist scriptures from the west is still going on without any haste.

After Guanyin left Wuxing Mountain, he went to Nanzhan Buzhou Dongtu Datang, and began to implement the plan of learning Buddhist scriptures from the West in Lingshan.

Everything is as recorded in Journey to the West.

Chen Guangrui went to the office to face disasters, Tang Xuanzang's revenge report, Wei Zheng's dream of killing the dragon king, Jinghe ghost dragon haunted the palace, Emperor Taizong's visit to the underworld to revive his soul, frightened and held a water and land meeting...

Li Anran saw all this in his eyes, but he was filled with embarrassment and emotion.

Compared with the ancient times, although the human race is still the protagonist of the Heavenly Dao, the status of the Human Emperor is very different!
In ancient times, the Heavenly Court could only rule the Three Realms in name, and it was difficult for the Jade Emperor to intervene in the human world, especially the affairs of the human race!

Especially in the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the luck of the human race reached its peak.

A group of Jiejiao disciples would rather hold official positions in the Yin Shang Dynasty than go to heaven to be the Jade Emperor's servants.

It can be seen.

But at this time, the Conferred God catastrophe began.

Since then, the emperor has become history, and only the emperor is left in the world.

Actually, it was fine back then.

Zhou Tianzi is also the Son of Heaven, although his status is below Haotian, he is above Mantian Gods and Buddhas. When offering sacrifices, he only needs to sacrifice heaven and earth, and he also has the power to canonize mortal gods.

But now, there is only one title left for the Son of Heaven, and the Human Emperor is just the emperor of mortals.

Tang Taizong, as the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, was haunted by the ghost of a mere Jinghe Dragon King so that he couldn't sleep at night.

And Wei Zheng, an important minister under his command, could kill the Dragon King in his dream and send a letter to the judge of the underworld, but at this time, he was powerless against a mere dragon soul, forcing Emperor Taizong to let Yuchi Gong and Qin Qiong guard the gate.

With the help of their killing spirit, they barely blocked the Jinghe Dragon King's soul.

But because of being eroded by Yin Qi, he became terminally ill, his soul left his body, and entered the underworld.

Then, another good show began.

As the son of heaven, Tang Taizong's status is higher than that of Yama, the ten temples of the underworld.

Yama of the Tenth Palace was also very polite on this point, bowed his back, lowered his ranks to greet him, and did everything in place.

But, that's all!

They didn't want to leave any excuses for others, so they left everything to Judge Cui, and asked him to cooperate with Lingshan to stage a big show.

First, he extended Tang Taizong's life by 20 years and promised to bring him back to the mortal world.

But on the road to revive the soul, he intentionally released the resentful souls of the 72nd road against the king to frighten him, and forced Taizong to visit the eighteen hells, which only frightened Tang Taizong into trembling, and completely lost the air of an emperor.

After that, he half-forced Tang Taizong to agree to return to his soul, and immediately held a water and land meeting, and then let him go.

After this operation, Emperor Taizong of Tang, who had fought for many years on the battlefield, was scared out of his wits, and he was full of reverence for gods and Buddhas.

The goal of Lingshan was achieved, but the face of the human race was thrown on the ground and stepped on countless times!
After that, everything continued to move forward according to the script of Lingshan, or Mantian Shenfo.

The tenth reincarnation of Jin Chanzi stood out at the Water and Land Conference.

Guanyin Bodhisattva sent a cassock and a Zen staff, and performed a miracle in public, and advertised Mahayana Buddhism. The foolish King Tang and Tang Monk made up their minds to go to Lingshan to learn scriptures.

At the beginning, Li Anran had been paying attention to the matter of learning scriptures from the Western Paradise, as if he was watching a live broadcast of Journey to the West.

But, when he realized all this——

Whether Tang Seng encountered danger in Liangjie Mountain, was eaten by tiger spirit and bison spirit, was rescued by Zhenshan Taibao Liu Boqin, released monkeys in Wuxing Mountain, and accepted Xiaobailong as a mount...

After all the scripts arranged by Lingshan, it suddenly felt dull.

After that, Li Anran no longer cared about the matter of the quartet of Buddhist scriptures from the West.

Three years passed in a flash.

this day.

Li Anran was cultivating in the heavenly prison, when suddenly a heavenly soldier came to report, saying that Yang Jian, the judicial god, ordered his subordinate Caotou God to send two evil spirits who came down to earth without permission.

Li Anran went out to see that these two evil spirits were the two Taoist boys of Taishang Laojun, King Jinjiao and King Yinjiao.

(End of this chapter)

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