I am guarding the sky prison in Journey to the West

Chapter 144 Did you violate the rules of heaven?

Chapter 144 Did you violate the rules of heaven?
... I shouldn't have said anything to him about the rules of heaven in the first place!
Li Anran was speechless, only thinking that the world is unpredictable, and the butterfly effect is too great.

At the beginning, he only casually said a few official remarks related to the rules and regulations of heaven, but he didn't expect that the monkey would firmly remember them in his heart.

The most unruly person 500 years ago is now full of rules and regulations, but he is more serious and professional than the gods in the sky!

However, Li Anran did not want to participate in the matter of entering Che Chiguo.

Immortal Hu Li and his three brothers are not ranked among the monsters on Xitian Road, and their abilities are also mediocre.

The fight between the monkeys and them is more like monkeys showing off their skills and bullying children.

But behind this incident is the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism. It is the question of the four monks, master and apprentice, especially the three monkey brothers.

Are you standing in Taoism or Buddhism?

What is your attitude towards the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism?

Li Anran wasn't sure if Monkey saw the trick behind this, but Zhu Bajie and Drifting definitely knew it!
In the original time and space, the answers given by the three brothers were all Buddhist, and their attitude was very firm!

The three brothers not only ate the tribute from the Temple of Sanqing, but also threw the statue of Sanqing into the cesspit, and pretended to be Sanqing and used urine as holy water, playing tricks on the three brothers Hu Li Yang Li Lu Li.

Later, through fighting skills, all three Hu Li brothers were killed.

It can be said that he pressed the face of Xuanmen to the ground and rubbed it!
Li Anran reckoned that Tathagata Guanyin and the others didn't expect Monkey and his three brothers to go too far, otherwise they would definitely stop it.

As a result of this incident, the Taishang Laojun became angry from embarrassment, and directly let the Qingniu Jing take the King Kong Zhuo and descend to the mortal world.

Diamond cutting is the magic weapon used by the Taishang Laojun to smash the monkey, and its reputation is so famous that it is known in the three worlds.

Taishang Laojun's move has almost torn his face.

Because of this, in the difficulty of Qingniujing.

The monkey invited all the gods in the sky, but none of them dared to reveal the origin of the green bull essence and the diamond cut, so they accompanied the monkey to act there.

The monkey had no choice but to go to Lingshan to ask the Tathagata for help.

Tathagata knows the reason of all these things, and understands that Taishang Laojun is venting his anger.

He was afraid that Buddhism and Taoism would tear their faces apart because of this matter, making the fakes come true, and upgrading the gambling fight between Buddhism and Taoism into a death fight, so he didn't dare to point it out directly.

Instead, let the eighteen arhats go to open the treasure house to get eighteen grains of "gold cinnabar".

On the surface, this golden cinnabar was used to help the monkey deal with the Qingniu Jing, but in fact it was used to make amends to the Supreme Lord.

——The Tathagata knows that Vajra Cutting is powerful, so there is no reason to beat a dog with a meat bun.

Until Qingniu Jing accepted the golden cinnabar with diamond cutting, it showed that the old man in the sky had calmed down and was willing to reconcile with Buddhism.

Only then did Arhat tell the monkey the origin of the green bull essence, and let the monkey go to Tushita Palace to ask the Taishang Laojun to go down to the earth to take away the green bull essence, which can be regarded as dispelling the anger of both parties.

However, in this world, because of his existence.

Everything has become different from the original time and space.

After the monkey found out that the three brothers, Huli, Luli, and Yangli, had attained the true Tao and were not monsters who became spirits, they did not choose to do it themselves, but chose to believe in the rules of heaven and the rules of heaven, and went to him directly!

"The Judicial God is in charge of the rules and regulations. You should go to the Temple of the Judicial God."

Li Anran was born as a casual cultivator, so he is not worthy to be called a Taoist disciple, nor is he a Buddhist, so he does not want to get involved in the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism.

"Brother Li, don't try to deceive me! Before my old grandson went to heaven, I found out clearly that you, the prison god, also has the duty to descend to the earth to capture evil spirits!"

The monkey is unwilling to go to the Temple of Justice.

Losing at the hands of Yang Jian is a little bit embarrassing, but the point is that he still owes Yang Jian a great favor.

At the beginning, he ate flat peaches, made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, and led all the monsters in Huaguo Mountain to raise their banners to rebel.

For such a crime, it stands to reason that all monsters and even all living beings on Huaguo Mountain will be slaughtered, or thrown into the eighteenth level of hell, or thrown into the reincarnation tunnel.

However, after Yang Jian captured him back to the Heavenly Court, he only set fire to Huaguo Mountain, and spared the monkey monster hiding under the iron bridge in the well.

This is also the reason why the monkey met Yang Jian in Bibotan later, and took a "brother" one at a time.

Monkey could have the cheek to ask Li Anran for help, but he was too embarrassed to bother Yang Jian.

"My grandson, no matter what judicial god, I will recognize you! If you don't follow me down to earth and arrest those three national teachers who violated the rules of heaven, my grandson... my grandson will not go away! Don't go away Already!"

Regardless of whether it was under the watchful eyes of everyone, the monkey yelled loudly, for fear that others would not hear it.

Being suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain for 500 years, apart from learning to occupy the peak of morality with Li Anran, he opened his mouth and kept his mouth shut.

I also learned the eight-character rule of "people are shameless and invincible" that they understood in the original time and space!

It doesn't work in some places and in front of some people.

But in Journey to the West, where the moral value is generally high and the skin is generally thin, combining the former is definitely a nuclear weapon!

Even Li Anran felt a little headache facing his move.

He doesn't care about face, but his external personality doesn't allow him to sit idly by!
"Sun Wukong, don't play and roll here! The sky and the earth are heavy, and you are not allowed to be reckless!"

Li Anran put on a serious face, and said in a cold voice: "You said that the three national teachers of Che Chiguo violated the rules of heaven, do you have evidence? Slandering others is also a serious crime of violating the rules of heaven!"

The monkey said anxiously: "It is the duty of the dragon king to spread the clouds and rain. They cast spells to make rain, disturbing the sky..."

"How do you know it's not the Dragon King who moves the clouds and spreads the rain?"

Li Anran directly interrupted the monkey, and said: "Since you have seen that they are all true, can't they use the five thunders method to upload a message, ask for His Majesty's grace, and rain to resolve disasters in the world?"

Li Anran's words were not just random words, in the original time and space, Immortal Hu Li did just like this!

Che Chiguo, the first battle between Monkey and Immortal Huli.

Immortal Huli said that the monkey took advantage of him and took credit for his work, which is actually true.

He went through the formal process, using the five thunder method, issued documents, burned the talisman, struck the token, and begged the Jade Emperor for rain.

Monkey completely relied on his own face to forcibly stop the Dragon King of Rain, Thunder, Lightning and others, and postponed the rain until he came to the stage to practice.

Delaying the timing of the rain breaks the rules and regulations of the sky, and the dragon king and the others dare not do it.

However, because Che Chiguo's rain was a temporary favor from the Jade Emperor, there was no specific raining time and time, and they were afraid that the monkey would make trouble for them, so they obeyed the monkey's words.

"This..." The monkey was a little unwilling, and argued forcefully: "If this is the case, then why can't the monks of the Chechi Kingdom ask for rain?"

Li Anran said: "You have to ask the monks and the Jade Emperor of Che Chi Kingdom. I am just the prison god, and the matter of rain is not within the scope of my duties."

Seeing Li Anran's evasion, the monkey could only say: "Okay! Then my old grandson will go to the Lingxiao Palace and ask the Jade Emperor what's going on!"

Afterwards, he flew towards Lingxiao Palace.

Li Anran watched the monkey fly away, thoughtful in his heart: "It seems that he didn't see the mystery behind Che Chiguo, he came to Heaven only when he instinctively sensed something was wrong."

Li Anran waited for a while, and seeing that the monkey did not come back, he went back to the quiet room and continued to practice.

On the other side, the monkey flew all the way to the Lingxiao Palace, just in time for the Heavenly Court Meeting.

As soon as he approached, Ge Tianshi, who was guarding the Xuande Hall, rushed up to meet him, blocked his way, and said, "Great Sage, wait a minute. Today is the court meeting of the Heavenly Court, and His Majesty is summoning all the officials in the Lingxiao Palace. You If you don’t guarantee that your master will go to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures, what are you doing here?”

"That's just right!" The monkey's eyes lit up, and he said, "Old Heavenly Master, my grandson has something to ask the Jade Emperor, please report it for me!"

Ge Tianshi hesitated for a while, but still agreed: "Great Sage, please wait here for a while, and then I will report this matter to His Majesty."

"Excuse me! Excuse me!" Monkey cupped his hands indiscriminately as a way of expressing his gratitude.

After a while, Ge Tianshi came out again and said, "Great Sage, Your Majesty ordered me to take you in."

He wanted to tell the monkey to pay attention to etiquette, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

It is better to persuade the Jade Emperor to relax his heart than to let the monkey observe the etiquette.

Sure enough, after entering the Lingxiao Palace, the monkey bowed, which was regarded as a salute.

The Jade Emperor didn't care about these, and asked: "Sun Wukong, what do you need to see me?"

"It's like this..." Monkey told the story of Che Chiguo.

In the Lingxiao Palace, the expressions of all the civil and military immortals changed drastically, and their faces were full of shock and unbelievable.

Among the Three Realms, there are many people who don't know that Xuanmen and Lingshan borrowed the Western Paradise to learn from the scriptures, but there are very few people who don't know about the battle between Buddhism and Taoism!

Even, it can be said that there is no!
Even mortals can see that the tit-for-tat confrontation between Buddhism and Taoism is surging!

However, everyone knows what everyone knows, and this kind of thing can't be put on the table!

Not to mention, in the Lingxiao Palace, at the Heavenly Court Meeting!
But now, the monkey broke the window paper directly in front of all the civil and military officials, and in front of the Jade Emperor.

What he was talking about was only what happened in a small country in the mortal world, but the vortex hidden behind it was enough to stir up the entire Three Realms!
All of a sudden, all the civil and military officials in Lingxiao Palace looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Sitting high on the throne, the Jade Emperor had a panoramic view of all this, with a playful smile on his face, and looked at the Taishang Laojun.

Taishang Laojun lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, his eyes were half-opened and half-closed, as if he was asleep, and he didn't respond to anything outside.

However, the Jade Emperor is very sure that he cares more about the reactions of these civil and military immortals in the Lingxiao Palace than anyone else!

The monkey sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere, but he didn't realize what the problem was, and asked, "Jade Emperor, my old grandson just wanted to ask, did the state teacher of the Chechi Kingdom violate the rules of heaven when it rained?"

(End of this chapter)

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