Chapter 147

"Get up."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva waved his right hand lightly, a golden light flashed, helped the three of them up, and asked: "Have you ever received the decree of the Supreme Taoist?"

"Received! Received!" The three of Immortal Huli nodded repeatedly, unable to hide their joy.

From the beginning of their practice, they have been offering sacrifices to the Taoist ancestors of the Sanqing, chanting scriptures day and night, devoutly paying respects, and only wishing to be rewarded with some golden elixir and holy water.

However, Sanqing still failed to get a response.

To this day, they were chanting scriptures in the Sanqing Palace as usual, and suddenly they saw the purple air rising in the majestic light, and it was actually the Taishang Taoist who passed down the decree.

Immortal Huli said: "Taishang Daozu said that the three religions are originally one (Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism), and we should respect each other. Let us advise the king of Chechi Kingdom to respect Taoism and Buddha, and to cultivate talents, so as to protect the country. forever."

Immortal Lu Li followed up and said: "Chechi, the country is in good weather, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and the three of us brothers can also earn a share of merit from it."

Immortal Yangli added: "I also gave a bottle of elixir and a book of Daoist scriptures, so that the three of my brothers will devote themselves to cultivation, and they will surely achieve positive results in the future and be ranked among the immortals."

When it comes to "Cultivation is a positive result, ranking among the immortals", the three brothers all puffed up their chests, and their faces were full of joy and complacency.

"Buddha, don't worry."

Immortal Huli patted his chest and promised: "We will restore those demolished temples and Buddha statues as soon as possible, and it will never be a single cent worse than before. In the future, in Chechi Kingdom, the three religions will be united into one, and there will be no difference. points."

"Good." Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva nodded slightly, and said, "Then I have three troubles."

"The Bodhisattva made me wait!" Huli Daxian and the three were frightened, and hurriedly said: "It was my three brothers who did not understand the true meaning of the Taoist scriptures before, so we did such absurd things. We should ask the Bodhisattva Apology is."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said lightly: "This is the number of kalpas determined by heaven, and it cannot be changed by manpower."

Immortal Huli breathed a sigh of relief, and said repeatedly: "Bodhisattva is merciful!"

With a few words between the two sides, Che Chiguo's 20-year Buddhist and Taoist dispute was revealed.

"You wait and take a step forward."

Avalokitesvara summoned the monks from Chechi Kingdom to come forward, folded his hands together, and silently recited the Dharma formula.

A stream of Buddha lights flew out from behind and merged into the bodies of the monks.

The eyes of the monks were in a trance for a while, and they only felt that there was something more in their minds.

Before they went to check, they heard Guanyin say again: "The art of summoning the wind and calling the rain, there is a Taoist sect, so you don't need to worry about it. I will pass on this method of exorcising evil and curing diseases to you. I hope you will be able to practice and promote my Buddhism Supernatural powers, relieve the people from hanging upside down."

The monks were both surprised and happy, and knelt down on the ground one after another: "The Bodhisattva is merciful, we will do our best to live up to the kindness of the Bodhisattva."

Guanyin looked at the monkey again and asked, "Wukong, what do you think?"

The monkey quickly flattered him: "The Bodhisattva is just, and my disciples admire him."

Avalokitesvara nodded slightly, without saying anything more, a piece of auspicious cloud rose under her feet, and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

However, she did not go back to Mount Luojia in the South Sea, but flew directly to Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan.

As soon as he arrived at the top of the Daleiyin Temple, he saw Kasyapa Ananda standing outside the door and looking around.

As soon as Kasyapa saw Avalokitesvara, a look of joy appeared on his face, and he greeted him: "Bodhisattva, the World Honored One has been waiting for a long time, please follow me."

"It's time for you, my lord."

Avalokitesvara followed behind Kassapa, her face was calm, but she was secretly surprised.

Her visit to Lingshan today was entirely on a whim, and she never thought that the Tathagata would have known about it and sent Venerable Kasyapa to wait here in advance.

I just don't know if Tathagata figured it out by pinching his fingers, or if he has been paying attention to the process of learning scriptures from the Western Paradise, and saw her coming to Lingshan.

However, no matter which one it is, one can see how powerful Tathagata is!
"I don't know how far the World Honored One is from becoming a saint?" Guanyin thought to himself.

When Daoist Duobao just turned Hu into a Buddha, although there was a gap between them, it was not too big.

At least she can see where she is missing and how much she is missing.

But now, she can't see through Tathagata's cultivation base at all, and only has a small sense of awe from facing the abyss and looking at the sea.

She had only felt this feeling from a saint!
Jiaye led Avalokitesvara all the way to the apse of Daleiyin Temple.

Both sides are full of stamens, pearls, treasures, pavilions, precious buildings, Huang Sensen, golden tiles and mandarin ducks, bright and bright tiles paved with agate, rosy rays, purple flames, Zen light and auspicious mist, which end up being the holy land of Buddhism in the West.

Soon, the two came to a bamboo forest.

The bamboos are crystal clear, like jasper carvings, emitting a faint blue light, making people forget all the troubles in the world of mortals. They are the six pure bamboos with innate spiritual roots left by the saints.

Venerable Kasyapa stopped in his tracks and said, "Bodhisattva, the World Honored One is waiting for you in front of you."

Guanyin nodded slightly, and continued along the bamboo forest path, turned a corner, and suddenly saw a lotus pond in front of him.

This lotus pond is built with gold, silver, crystal, lazuli, coral, amber, and giant clam. It is named "Seven Treasures Pond".

And because the water in the pool is Bading water, there are eight kinds of free merit, eight kinds of happy merit and eight subtle and inconceivable merits, so it is also called "Eight Merits Pool".

The golden lotus in the pool is swaying, exuding colorful mist and dazzling brilliance. It is the golden lotus of the ninth grade of merit and virtue, the most precious treasure of Buddhism to suppress luck.

The ninth-grade golden lotus was originally the twelfth-grade, and it was only because when the gods were enshrined in the catastrophe, the sages had desires and wanted to forcibly save the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, so that "when the water is full, it overflows, and when the moon is full, it loses."

The blood-winged Black Mosquito, a monstrous monster suppressed by him in the package, took the opportunity to escape, and not only ate the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit into an empty shell, but also sucked the third-rank golden lotus with twelve merits, leaving only the ninth-rank golden lotus.

It is precisely because of this that the foundation of Western religion has been shaken, and it can only be transformed into a monk and renamed "Buddhism".

The golden lotus of the ninth grade of merit is connected with the luck of Buddhism, the more prosperous the luck, the brighter the golden lotus blooms.

Today, among the nine lotus flowers in the Eight Merit Ponds, five have fully bloomed, three are about to open, and one is still in bud.

Just like Buddhism has risen at this time, but it has not reached its peak and is completely prosperous.

When Avalokitesvara arrived, Tathagata was standing by the pool with deep eyes, as if watching the lotus in the pool, or looking at more things through the lotus.

Avalokitesvara stepped forward and saluted, "World Honored One."

Tathagata withdrew his gaze and said, "Your Majesty, you have worked hard."

Guanyin hurriedly said: "This is what disciples should do, not hard work."

Tathagata asked, "How is this trip?"

Avalokitesvara recounted what had happened in Che Chiguo, and said: "My disciple, watching Sun Wukong, does not have a firm heart towards the Buddha, and I am afraid that he will regret it."

Tathagata said: "That monkey has a rebellious mind and doesn't want to be controlled by others. Five hundred years under the Five Elements Mountain can only shock him for a while. His heart has not changed, his nature has not changed, and it is reasonable to have this thought."

Avalokitesvara was a little worried: "The matter of learning Buddhist scriptures from the west is related to the great prosperity of my Buddhism. If Monkey King gives up halfway, it will definitely ruin my Buddhist affairs."

Tathagata slightly nodded his head to express his agreement, and said: "Although the monkey has a heart of repentance, he may not give up halfway. He was raised by nature, has no father, mother, brother, or brother, but because of this, he values ​​love and kindness. Xuanzang He has the friendship of mentor and apprentice and the grace of getting out of trouble, and he will not give up easily."

Guanyin was a little hesitant: "World Honored One, is it inappropriate to tie the rise and fall of my Buddhism to a monster monkey?"

Tathagata said: "It is not unreasonable for the Venerable to be worried. I have other arrangements for this matter."

Seeing the questioning look on Guanyin's face, Tathagata put it off: "My lord, wait a moment."

Avalokitesvara stopped talking, and stood quietly aside, but she was wondering who it could be?
When she came, Kasyapa Ananda was waiting at the gate of the Great Leiyin Temple.

When she came in, only Kasyapa led the way.

Ananda still stayed at the door, apparently waiting for someone.

I just don't know who the Tathagata is waiting for?
After a while, he heard footsteps, and a middle-aged man with a short beard and half-bald hair walked in.

Ayia Nava? !
Guanyin was stunned.

The visitor is none other than Tathagata's great disciple, Ayinavar!

He is the disciple who has been with Tathagata for the longest time, and he is also the only disciple in Lingshan who has received the true instruction of Tathagata's art of refining weapons!

It's just that this Ayinavar's intentions are not righteous, and he is too smart. He only wants to take shortcuts, but after so many years, he has achieved nothing.

He has been with the Tathagata for the longest time, but his cultivation is the worst among all the disciples, and now he is only about to break through to the realm of celestial beings, and he has only obtained the status of Arhat.

He complained deeply about this, and often complained to others that the World Honored One was biased and treated him unfairly.

After a long time, no one dared to associate with him, and his temperament became more extreme and withdrawn, and he rarely came to Lingshan.

I never thought that the other person summoned by Tathagata today was actually him.

"Disciple Ayinava pays homage to the World Honored One."

Ayinavar walked up to him and bowed to the Buddha three times with a respectful and humble attitude.

Tathagata asked: "Ayinaval, what I ask you to do, can you do it?"

Ayinaval nodded, waved his right hand, a golden light flashed, and a figure in a black robe and a black hood appeared in front of the three of them.

Ayinavar waved his hand again, and the black robe and black hood disappeared, revealing the man's true face.

Guanyin's pupils shrank suddenly, and she was taken aback.

I saw that man with Lei Gongzui, Guguai face, piercing eyes, yellow hair and gold hoops, a whole body of yellow hair, and two red strands. He was actually a monkey who looked exactly like Monkey King!

"Disciple Sun Wukong pays homage to Buddha and Bodhisattva!" False Wukong scratched his ears and cheeks, took two steps forward, and saluted Tathagata Guanyin.

The voice, movement, and demeanor are all the same as the real Wukong.

Guanyin instantly understood Tathagata's thoughts and was a little worried.

The matter of learning Buddhist scriptures from the Western Paradise has attracted the attention of the gods and Buddhas of the Three Realms!
If this fake Wukong is seen through, it will be over!
Ayinaval noticed Guanyin's expression and snorted coldly, making no effort to hide his dissatisfaction.

Guanyin just pretended not to see it.

Because he is only an Arhat, he is cynical and contemptuous of the Bodhisattva and Buddha on Lingshan.

That is to say, he is the great disciple of the World Honored One, otherwise he would have been expelled from Lingshan long ago.

Seeing that Avalokitesvara regarded him as air, Ayinawa felt a little bit of jealousy and anger in his heart.

However, he also knew that in front of the Tathagata, he didn't show it. He just squinted at Guanyin and said, "World Honored One, this Monkey King was copied by his disciples using mechanism techniques. Everything is exactly the same as the real Monkey King! It's the Sky Eye!" , The demon mirror can’t tell the truth from the fake!”

The Tathagata saw all this in his eyes, but he didn't mean to reprimand Ayinavar at all. He only looked up and down the fake monkey in front of him, and said to Guanyin: "My lord, you have the most contact with that Monkey King, you can go forward and give it a try." Debate the truth."

Before Avalokitesvara opened his mouth, Ayinavar rushed to talk: "World Honored One, don't worry! My organ technique is the best in the Three Realms, and no one can see any flaws!"

Tathagata ignored it, and only slightly nodded towards Guanyin, signaling Guanyin to come forward and give it a try.

"I obey." Guanyin saluted Tathagata and walked forward.

She first observed it with the naked eye.

Could not see any flaws.

From head to toe, even a strand of monkey hair, this fake Wukong is exactly like the real Wukong.

Then sweep with divine sense.

Still no flaws.

The breath is the same as the real one, and the spirit, energy and spirit are also integrated, as if this fake Wukong has also practiced the nine-turn Xuangong!
The Buddha's light surged in Guanyin's eyes, and he opened his wisdom eyes directly, observing the fake Wukong in front of him again from head to toe.

The more she watched, the more surprised she became.

She herself can change the art, but she has never seen such a subtle change.

If she didn't know that the Monkey King in front of her was a fake, she would only take him as real!

"How?" Ayinavar asked triumphantly.

"It's so lifelike, it's hard to tell the truth from the fake." Avalokitesvara exclaimed.

She used to only think that Ayinavar's cultivation was not good, but she didn't expect to have such a method, but it made her look a little different.

"However, these are only external after all. As a Dharma protector, Sun Wukong is a Taiyi Golden Immortal, so what about him?"

Ayinavar winked at the fake Wukong.

Assuming Wukong understood, he swung his body, and a bright golden light lit up.

After a while, the golden light faded.

He has changed.

Purple golden crown with phoenix tail, golden armor with locks, lotus root silk cloud shoes!
It is the outfit that Monkey King snatched from the Dragon Palace!
Immediately afterwards, he pulled his hand into his ear and took out a golden cudgel.

"Eat my grandson!"

The fake Wukong yelled, jumped up, and hit Guanyin on the head.

Avalokitesvara's expression remained unchanged, she just put her palms together, and a circle of Buddha's light appeared behind her head, turning into a golden mask, covering her below.

The golden cudgel hit the mask, making a loud noise, but the mask only rippled slightly, showing no sign of breaking at all.

The aftermath of mana surged in all directions.

In an instant, it disappeared again.


Tathagata moved his finger forward slightly.

The void is like the surface of water, the Buddha's light is shining, and there are ripples.

The fake Wukong was like a worm falling into the glue, and was fixed in mid-air, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move.

Tathagata asked Avalokitesvara: "How?"

Guanyin said: "The disciple is not talented, and he failed to find any flaws."

Tathagata said: "That's good. Take him back to Mount Luojia, and don't let others see him. If Sun Wukong doesn't change his original intention, he is still willing to escort Xuanzang to learn the scriptures, then let him go. If not, let him take his place."

(End of this chapter)

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