chapter 166

"Li Anran! What are you talking about!"

The monkey became anxious, stretched his face in front of Li Anran, and shouted loudly: "Open your eyes and look carefully, I am the real one! I am the real one!"

Before Li Anran could open his mouth, the macaque king over there had already called out: "Evil animal, it's already at this time, and you're still pretending here! You really don't know what to do! Brother Li, help me untie this demon-binding cable!" Come on, let's work together to get rid of this evil beast!"

The monkey panicked immediately.

He is no match for a single macaque king, if Li Anran is added, then he is really in danger!
"No! This Li Anran is a fool, my old grandson can't stay here any longer, let's escape first!"

The monkey didn't bother to prove his identity any longer, and stretched his arms outwards, trying to break free from the chains that bound his body.

But the demon-binding rope on him and the Macaque King is not the kind of demon-binding rope used by ordinary heavenly soldiers and generals, but Li Anran refined it with reference to spider webs using a treasure kit!

The power is not much worse than the gold rope refined by Taishang Laojun!
The more the monkey struggled, the tighter the demon-binding rope became.

The monkey became even more anxious, and hurriedly twirled a formula, shouting: "Change!"

A burst of green smoke rose, his body suddenly shrunk, and he became like an ant.

It is the wishful supernatural power of that size!
However, when he became smaller, the demon-binding rope also shrunk, and it was still tightly wrapped around his body, preventing him from moving.

"Change!" The monkey yelled again, and its body began to grow rapidly as if it was inflated.

However, it is still useless!
The demon-binding rope also became thicker and bigger with him, not only did the bondage not break free, but it became even tighter!

The macaque king looked at the monkey's embarrassment, smiled very happily, and said triumphantly: "Monster, you have today too! Brother Li, quickly untie the chains that bind me, let me beat this monster to death with a stick! "

The monkey gritted his teeth angrily, his face flushed red with anxiety, and he shouted at Li Anran: "Li Anran! Don't be fooled by this monster! I am the real Monkey King!"

Li Anran ignored him, and said to the Monkey King: "Sun Wukong, this monster trespassed in the Heavenly Palace and violated the rules of heaven. It will be dealt with by the Temple of Justice, and it is not your turn to do it."

The macaque king was displeased, and shouted: "He pretended to be my grandson and injured my master, why has nothing to do with me? Why don't you let me beat him to death!"

Li Anran said: "What you said is a personal enmity between you, and has nothing to do with the rules and regulations of heaven. If you want to seek revenge from him, you can, but not here, not at this time. Wait for him to be punished after being tried by the Temple of Justice." After him, no one cares about you, whatever you like to do."

The macaque king glared at Li Anran angrily for a while, and then said angrily: "Okay! I'll just listen to you, and I'll settle the score with him later! Untie it for me!"

Li Anran pinched a formula, lightly clicked, a golden light fell, and the demon-binding rope on the Macaque King's body was automatically untied, and flew back into his hands.

At the same time, the macaque king's eyes suddenly changed, his face was full of ferocity, and he stretched out his hand to grab his ear, and the iron soldier suddenly appeared in his hand.

Even though the Buddha and the Bodhisattva agreed to let him replace the monkey, Li Anran, the Prison God, also took him as real.

As long as this Monkey King is still alive, it is a hidden danger!
More importantly, he is not convinced!

Why should I just settle for the next best thing?

Why can I only live under the name of Monkey King in the future?
Why is this damn Monkey King abandoning me like a shoe when I can't expect a positive result?
He is disrespectful to Buddha, he is my life and death enemy!

I'm going to kill him!

The golden light surged on the hard-core soldiers of XIXIN, and with the envy and anger of the macaque king, he slammed down on the monkey's head.

The monkey's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly dodged to the side, but his movements were restricted by the demon-binding rope, so he was more than half slower than usual, and he couldn't dodge at all.

I can only watch helplessly as the hardcore Xunxin soldiers continue to zoom in in their field of vision.

"Is this what those monsters saw when they were beaten by my old grandson?"

Such a thought suddenly flashed in the monkey's head. There was no panic or panic in his heart, but he felt absurd, aggrieved and regretful.

My old grandson shouldn't trust anyone!

What Taibai Xingjun!
What seven saints!

What Tathagata Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva!
And that old monk and this prison god!
Shouldn't even believe it!
The strong wind was howling, sharp as a knife, and the monkey couldn't help but close his eyes, turned sideways to avoid his head, and prepared to fight with his shoulders.

A loud noise made people's eardrums itch, but the expected pain did not appear.

what happened?

The monkey opened his eyes.

A silver-white long spear was placed in front of him.

The Prison God turned his back to him, stretched the spear towards him with one hand, and caught the stick that the counterfeit hit in the head.

However, the counterfeit was obviously unwilling to let it go. He turned around and jumped over the Prison God from the top of his head, and hit him again with a backhand.

The counterfeit's fighting style was exactly the same as his, relying on his own agility, moving around in a small area, looking for the opponent's flaws, and continuously launching attacks from various tricky angles.

Looking at him is like looking at another self!
And the Prison God looked calm, as if he was strolling in the garden, stabbing the spear in his hand, looking ordinary, but he could always turn decay into magic, stopping all the attacks of counterfeit goods.

"How come this marksmanship is a bit like Yang Jian, and it also has a taste of Nezha... Well, it's more like Yang Jian!" Monkey couldn't help muttering in his heart.

There is no one who practices body training methods such as Bajiuxuangong and Jiuzhuanyuangong who is not a fighter!
Even people with Li Anran's personality are inevitably affected, let alone monkeys!

His attention was quickly attracted by Li Anran's marksmanship, and he even began to think about what he would do if he switched places with that fake!
Cultivation is half a catty and half two, the strength itself is obviously inferior, and the body and martial arts do not have any advantage...

Soon, the monkey thought of a way——

Incarnate outside!

Before he could settle his thoughts, he saw the counterfeit secretly pulling out the monkey hair, turning into the real one, waving the stick, attracting Li Anran's attention, and the real body quietly jumped behind Li Anran's head.

"Brother Li, little..."

The monkey was about to open his mouth to remind him, when he saw Li Anran's head, which seemed to have long eyes, swept away thousands of troops, and the spear hit the macaque king heavily.

The Macaque King didn't expect that Li Anran would be able to see through the method of incarnation outside his body, and hastily blocked the hard-core soldiers with his heart to his side, but the force in his haste couldn't compare to Li Anran's full blow!
The macaque king was thrown flying by Li Anran even with his stick, and hit the iron railing hard, knocking the iron railing a little bit.

"Li Anran!"

The macaque king stood up and stared at Li Anran viciously, gnashing his teeth, his voice full of anger and annoyance.

Golden flames lingered around his body, and a terrifying murderous intent shot up into the sky. It seemed that the outline of a Buddha could be seen vaguely, but this Buddha was twisted and ferocious, revealing a heart-pounding venom!

However, in just an instant, the distorted Buddha image disappeared, as if it was just an illusion, leaving only the angry eyes of the Buddha's karma.

Li Anran said lightly: "Sun Wukong! This is a prison in the sky, not a place where you can run wild! How to deal with this monster is determined by the heavenly rules and the judicial gods. If you dare to mess around again, then stay with this monster. Let's go to jail together!"


The macaque king's eyes were full of ferocity, but the fight just now also let him know that he is not Li Anran's opponent, suppressing his anger and killing intent, he said: "Brother Li, he is just a monster, if he dies, he will die. Do you really want to make trouble with my old grandson for him?"

Li Anran ignored him and started counting: "1, 2..."

As soon as Li Anran uttered the word "2", the macaque king gave him a hard look, turned into a golden light and left the prison, leaving only a cruel sentence in the distance: "Li Anran, what happened today, my old grandson will write it down." Yes! In the future, don’t regret it!”

Without the life of a monkey, how dare you learn the disease of a monkey!

Sooner or later, he will kill himself!
Li Anran has already sentenced the macaque king to death in his heart.

You know, even monkeys with great luck have suffered 500 years of suffering, cured most of the diseases of lawlessness, and learned to recognize counsel, follow the rules and understand current affairs. This macaque king dares to imitate the monkeys back then. Is courting death!
Seeing Li Anran looking at him, the monkey was full of grievances: "Brother Li, I'm really not a monster, I'm really Monkey King! Do you remember when..."

"Enough!" Li Anran interrupted the monkey, looked into the monkey's eyes, and said, "Whether you are true or not, I don't know yet!"


The monkey reacted instantly, opened his eyes wide, and was dumbfounded: "You, you are..."

"What are you!" Li Anran interrupted the monkey again, and deliberately reprimanded: "You monster is really bold, you can just pretend to be the Monkey King, and dare to trespass into the Heavenly Palace with him! He is still the Monkey King! ,And you?"

Some things, even if everyone can see it, must never admit it!
For example, the matter of real and fake monkeys!
Li Anran deliberately turned a deer into a horse, not all because of his own bad taste, but also to contribute to Taoism.

Compared with the macaque king, the monkey is much better than the monkey king in all aspects such as foot quality and heart.

Letting the macaque king replace the monkey to go to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures and achieve positive results is equivalent to weakening the strength of Buddhism.

In case there is a problem with the study of the scriptures in the Western Paradise, that would be even better!

And the price he needs to pay is almost zero!

As long as he doesn't admit it, no one can find anything wrong with him!

After all, this fake monkey looks exactly the same as the real monkey, even Guanyin Bodhisattva couldn't recognize it, it's normal that he can't be recognized by a little prison god!
Monkey didn't know this, and when he heard what Li Anran said, his expression suddenly became dazed again.

Did I think wrong just now?
Immediately afterwards, he heard Li Anran continue to say: "However, you don't have to worry too much. Although you trespassed on the Heavenly Palace, it did not cause too much harm. At most, you will be imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison for a few years. When the time comes , you can go where you want, do whatever you want, no one will restrain you."

Li Anran didn't give the monkey another chance to speak, and directly threw him into the cell, and flew to the Judicial Temple.

Only the monkey was left alone in the cell, with a tangled face: "Does he know that I am real?"

In the temple of justice.

Yang Jian was dressed in black, sitting in front of the copywriting, holding a vermilion pen to correct the copywriting.

This scene seems to have been frozen, and it has not changed for hundreds of years.

When Li Anran walked into the inner hall, Yang Jian stopped writing, got up and asked, "Brother Li, are you here for the real and fake Monkey King?"

The true and false Monkey King made a fuss in the Heavenly Court looking for Li Anran to distinguish the true from the false, and Yang Jian naturally heard about it.

Other gods sneered at Li Anran's method of distinguishing true from false through details——

This is what Li Anran did on purpose.

Everyone thinks so, he made a mistake, so no one will think there is a problem, they will just take it for granted.

However, Yang Jian knew some of Li Anran's secrets, and knew that this was just an excuse to cover up the real reason.

"Well. The real Wukong has already gone down to earth to escort Tang Monk to the west to learn scriptures, and I have imprisoned the false Wukong. Although he trespassed on the heavenly court and violated the rules of heaven, he did not cause too much harm..."

Li Anran was worried that the macaque king was eavesdropping, so he spoke official words, and secretly used his spiritual thoughts to tell Yang Jian all about the origin of the macaque king's heel and his deliberate mistakes.

Yang Jian nodded, and echoed: "Just as the prison god said, lock that monster in the sky prison for five years, and let him go down to earth after he realizes his mistakes and truly repents."

Secretly, he said via voice transmission: "Then Sun Wukong was considered a hero for a while, and his martial arts skills are not inferior to mine. It is indeed a pity to become a monk who eats vegetarian food and recites scriptures. Take this as your mistake. If Lingshan comes to you , you return the person to him, if you don’t come, then you will make a mistake.”

The crime of trespassing on the heavenly court is not big or small, the key is to see what happens to him.

As soon as the monkey and the macaque king came to the heaven, they came directly to Li Anran's place, and they fought outside the prison without breaking into the prison.

Sentencing a monkey to a prison for five years is not considered light.

The two reached a consensus here.

Yang Jian wrote an approval document and handed it over to Li Anran.

Even if the matter is settled.

Just waiting for Lingshan's response.

On the other side, after the macaque king left the Heavenly Court, he flew directly to Mount Luojia in the South China Sea.

Guanyin has been waiting for a long time.

She also heard about what happened in Heavenly Court.

But, don't worry.

After Ayinavar brought the monkey king to Lingshan, Tathagata made the monkey king swear to the heaven, not to tell anyone about the true and false Monkey King.

Once violated, it will be wiped out immediately.

"The disciple pays homage to the Bodhisattva."

The macaque king was full of resentment for Guanyin not choosing him but the monkey, but on the surface he was very respectful, kneeling down to salute as soon as the cloud head lowered.

Seeing the situation, Guanyin knew who it was who came back, and said, "Tell me what happened in the past few days."

"Students obey." The Macaque King immediately told them about Li Anran giving them beads and spying on them one by one.

He was quite proud that he had cheated Li Anran, and he beamed with joy when he spoke.

However, some doubts arose in Guanyin's heart.

No matter how much the macaque king pretends to be, he can only make the fake come true, it is impossible to make the real fake!

Why did the Prison God believe that the real Monkey King is a fake?


(End of this chapter)

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