Chapter 209 Red Sperm

Heavenly Prison Palace, quiet room.

Li Anran sat cross-legged, browsing the life of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and choosing the preaching of the saint he wanted to hear.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit had worshiped under the Master Tongtian from the time when she was not sanctified in the Sanqing period, until she died in the catastrophe of conferring gods, and a wisp of her soul was listed on the list of conferring gods.

Among them, the number of times the saint preached was 780 times!

Among them, Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun have a total of 120 seven times, until the separation of the three clearings.

The master of Tongtian preached 650 times nine times, and it was not over until the eve of the catastrophe of conferring the gods.

This gave Li Anran the qualification to pick and choose the content of the saint's sermons.

Although he has listened to the same sermon many times, it is not as rewarding as the first time he listened to it, but he learns something new by reviewing the past, and he will always gain something new every time he listens to the sermon.

I don't know how many times better it is than him going to comprehend the Dao by himself.

At this moment, the voice of the priest came from outside the door: "My lord, the judicial god escorted a prisoner to the gate of the prison, and you need to receive it yourself."

"I'll go over here."

Li Anran was a little surprised, what prisoner should be escorted by Yang Jian himself?
He didn't dare to delay, got up and left the quiet room, and walked towards the door of the prison.

Soon, I saw Yang Jian leading several grass-headed gods, and escorting a Taoist man in Taoist robes with a yin and yang face standing at the gate of the prison.

"Second brother, what did he do? You actually need to escort him personally?" Li Anran was a little curious.

Yang Jian didn't answer in a hurry, but waved his hands, signaling all the heavenly soldiers and generals to retreat, and then sealed off the surroundings from the outside world with magic power, then said mysteriously: "Brother Li Anran, I am ordered by the Jade Emperor I went to investigate the change of the stars, and found that it was related to Jujiao."

"They didn't know how to find Donghuang Taiyi's Chaos Clock, brought it back to the Three Realms, and accidentally triggered a change in the stars."

"This person is the person sent by Our Lady of Wudang to look for the Chaos Clock. His name is Yin Yang Taoist, and he is also a disciple of the Section Sect. I captured him when he was not prepared, sealed the magic power of the soul, and escorted him back here."

"I still have some urgent matters to deal with here, and I can't get away. After you put him in the prison, you can interrogate him first, but you must not be careless, lest he find a chance to escape."

Li Anran stared at the Yin-Yang Taoist, and couldn't help muttering to himself: "Second brother, what the hell are you doing?"

He was the one who told Yang Jian about the Chaos Clock!

Yang Jian's mysterious look was obviously for the Taoist in front of him!

Li Anran didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Yang Jian's gourd, but he said very cooperatively: "Second brother, don't worry, with me here, he will definitely not be able to get out of the dungeon."

"En." Yang Jian nodded, and immediately led a group of grass-headed gods to leave in a hurry.

Li Anran escorted Taoist Yin Yang and walked towards the prison.

The moment he stepped into the dungeon, there were two more pages in the punishment book.

On the left is a portrait, in which stands a group of people, wearing gossip purple ribbon clothes, holding a yin and yang mirror.

On the right is his detailed information.

[Prisoner: Chi Jingzi, Yunxiao Cave, Taihua Mountain]

[Sin Point: Two Stars]

[Cultivation level: Da Luo Jinxian triple]

【Status: Escorting】

[Catch participation rate: 1%]

[Revenue: 2 million experience points/day]

He is red sperm? ? ? ! ! !

Li Anran was taken aback, trying to maintain an indifferent and calm expression on his face, not showing the slightest expression, his mind was full of thoughts.

"Second brother just reminded me on purpose! I'm afraid this Chi Jingzi came from a bad person!"

Li Anran glanced at Chi Jingzi's cultivation——

Da Luo Jinxian triple!

The cultivation realm of the system is only Da Luo Jinxian and Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, and there is no intermediate quasi-sage!

The first to third stages of Daluo Jinxian belong to the early stage, the fourth to sixth stage are the middle stage, and the seventh to ninth stage are the late stages.

For monks who follow the route of beheading three corpses to become holy, they don't behead corpses in the early stage, one corpse is beheaded in the middle stage, and two corpses are beheaded in the later stage.

If you want to break through to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and become a saint, you need to kill the last corpse.

Chi Jingzi obviously encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation and failed to kill the corpse.

Li Anran didn't guess here and there, and directly opened up Chi Jingzi's life.

Elaboration and teaching pay attention to doing things in accordance with the sky and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.

Yuanshi Tianzun has always chosen his disciples based on his footsteps, aptitude, comprehension, and luck!

Chi sperm is no exception!
He is the first pottery to be born between heaven and earth. Its body belongs to earth, and it was born when it encountered fire. It was born surrounded by seven-colored haze and purple air. Needless to say, the aptitude of the foot and the feet are among the second-generation disciples of Chanjiao. It is also second only to cloud neutrons.

Like most of the Twelve Golden Immortals, Chi Jingzi also fled to the Kunlun Mountains to avoid the disaster of swords and soldiers when the Eastern Emperor Taiyi established the Heavenly Court to conquer the Quartet.

As a result, when I met Sanqing preaching, I was addicted to it and never left.

When Sanqing Lijiao was sanctified and began to accept disciples, Chi Jingzi became a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun and became the third senior brother among the Twelve Golden Immortals.

Chi Jingzi's life is simpler than that of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

Before going to Kunlun Mountain, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was already a Taiyi Golden Immortal, so she wanted to go to Zixiao Palace to listen to the Tao.

Chi Jingzi was born later than the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and has a lower level of cultivation. The companion spirit treasure is the gossip purple ribbon fairy clothes transformed from purple gas and haze at birth.

In addition, he has a peaceful mind and doesn't like to fight with others. He has stayed in the cave to practice since he was born, and he didn't want to travel around in the past.

Until a great sage from heaven came to his door and wanted to take him under his command.

Chi Jingzi refused, and fled overnight, and heard that Kunlun Mountain was surrounded by a pure land, so he went to Kunlun Mountain to seek refuge.

After he became a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, he stayed in Yuxu Palace even more and never left.

It was not until Xuanyuan Huangdi came to power that Chijingzi and Guangchengzi went down the mountain together by the order of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Guang Chengzi became the emperor's teacher, and Chi Jingzi served as Tao Zheng of the Yellow Emperor, and passed on the method of refining pottery to the human race.


Li Anran was eager to know why Chi Jingzi came to the prison pretending to be a disciple of Jiejiao, and looked all the way down, even putting the saint's preaching aside for the time being.

However, just reading this hastily gave Li Anran a general understanding of Chi Jingzi.

good man!
And he's a very nice guy!
Don't look at Chi Jingzi who only concentrates on practicing sitting and reciting Huang Ting on weekdays and is too lazy to travel down the mountain, but as long as he goes down the mountain, he will take care of the injustices, and heal the injured people or creatures——

This is also the reason why Yuanshi Tianzun gave him the Yin-Yang Mirror!
The yin and yang sides of the yin and yang mirror, the yin side is white, and the yang side is red, red is life, white is death, and the person who is illuminated can be killed or survived.

It is in line with the character of Chi Jingzi!
And the reason why it is said that Chi Jingzi has a good temper.

Firstly, it is because he treats the second-generation disciples of Interpretation and Education with humility and friendliness, and treats the third-generation disciples in an approachable way.

During the catastrophe of Conferring Gods, he was forced to retreat by his apprentice Yin Hong with the yin and yang mirror, and had to use the vertical golden light method to escape back to Xiqi.

Those three generations of Chanjiao disciples who were spoiled by him dared to say to him: "Teacher Chi, you are too weak. There is no reason for disciples and masters to oppose each other!"

And Chi Jingzi was just speechless, puzzled.

Secondly, it was about dealing with Yin Hong.

He saved Yin Hong's life on the execution ground, and accepted him as an apprentice, and brought him back to Yunxiao Cave to train him carefully.

But after Yin Hong went down the mountain, he was instigated by Shen Gongbao, so he ungratefully broke his oath, and dealt with him with a yin and yang mirror, making him lose face.

But, even so, when Yin Hong was trapped in the Taiji Diagram, he still relented and wanted to give him another chance.

After being forced to kill Yin Hong by words from Cihangdao people, he even burst into tears: "There is no one in Taihua Mountain to cultivate Taoism, and it is distressing to see that my general's disciples are like this."

This is absolutely unique in the interpretation and teaching!

"Chi Jingzi has not been able to kill the corpse, it should be because of Yin Hong's matter, he felt guilty and failed to investigate."

Li Anran couldn't help feeling secretly that Yuanshi Tianzun really implemented the meaning of explaining teachings to teach students in accordance with their aptitude to the extreme.

Except for the fact that these second-generation disciples of Chanjiao are the same in terms of excellent aptitude and profound fortune, they are completely different in other respects!

There are both unreasonable and extremely protective people like Taiyi Tianzun, and there are also second-generation disciples like Chi Jingzi who are compassionate and even have the heart of a saint!

As for Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao, they can only be regarded as temporary tool people hired by Yuanshi Tianzun to deal with the catastrophe of the Conferred Gods, not real disciples.

Knowing Chi Jingzi's character, Li Anran's heart was half relieved.

But when he saw that Taiyi Tianzun actually summoned a group of second-generation disciples to explain and teach, and wanted to pass on the Four Swords of Zhuxian to him!
Li Anran lost his composure in an instant!

Those are the Four Swords of Zhu Xian!

Used alone, it is a top-grade innate spirit treasure, a rare killing weapon in the world!
Cooperating with his already full-level Zhuxian Formation, he has the guts to fight Yunxiao's Hunyuan Jindou!

"Sure enough! It's bullshit to teach people to teach Western religion! It's the most delicious thing to teach!"

Li Anran shouted in his heart.

He found that he still underestimated the explanation!

Not only Yuanshi Tianzun has thoroughly implemented the concept of elucidating teachings and elucidating and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, but Taiyi Tianzun, the successor, is no exception!

Taiyi Tianzun was willing to pass the Four Swords of Zhuxian to him instead of asking him for the formation of Zhuxian!
This layout is really big!
As for Chi Jingzi's worries and trials, Li Anran even raised his hands to welcome them!
Not to mention that he just tried it once, even if he tried it a hundred times, a thousand times, or ten thousand times, Li Anran was willing to do it!
Li Anran performed the Acacia Kungfu to control her emotions.

This scene only needs to be acted... Bah!

In this test, he must show his inner beauty!

This is related to the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, but nothing can go wrong!
"Stand back now! This person is of great importance, and I want to interrogate him personally!"

Without further ado, Li Anran directly brought Chi Jingzi to the interrogation room, waved away a group of heavenly soldiers and generals, and cast a spell to isolate the interrogation room from the outside world.

The former shows that he is serious about doing things, and he takes the matter of explaining teachings to heart and does not procrastinate.

The latter is to show that he is cautious and trustworthy in doing things.

Chi Jingzi didn't know that Yang Jian had reported to Li Anran in front of him, and he didn't know that Li Anran had already known his intention of coming.

Along the way, seeing that the prison is heavily guarded, and the heavenly soldiers and generals order and prohibit, I already have a bit of praise for Li Anran.

Although it was Chi Jingzi's first visit to Heavenly Prison, he still knew very well what was going on in Heavenly Court before.

Li Anran was able to train these celestial soldiers and generals to look like this, which shows that Li Anran not only has a very high talent for cultivation, but also has a talent for winning people's hearts!
He saw the shadow of Yang Jian in Li Anran!
And Yang Jian has long been regarded by them as the future and hope of Xuanmen!
"No wonder Nephew Yang Jian is willing to vouch for him, they should be the same kind of people." Chi Jingzi loves Wu and Wu, and trusts Li Anran a little more.

However, you have to try everything to know!

Back then, Yin Hong in Yinjiao was not...

Chi Jingzi clenched his right hand into a ball in his sleeve, forcefully put away these thoughts.

Stop it!
It's been so many years, what do you still want to do!
Now he has got his wish, so why should I trouble myself!
After Yin Hong's death, he was listed on the list of gods, and was named the star king of Doubu Wugu.

But the master-student friendship between them has ceased to exist after Chi Jingzi personally turned Yin Hong into fly ashes with the Taiji diagram!

Although Chi Jingzi often thought of this incident, his heart ached unbearably. Since he became a god, he has never had a disciple, but he has never seen Yin Hong again.

And when the list of Conferred Gods was broken, Yin Hong didn't want to reincarnate and rebuild, but only wanted to continue to be the star king of the five grains, which completely cut off the possibility of their master and apprentice continuing their relationship.

Li Anran knocked on the table in front of him with his fingers, interrupting Chi Jingzi's thoughts, and said lightly: "Tell me, how did you find the Chaos Clock?"

"I have nothing to say."

Chi Jingzi closed his eyes, as if resisting to the end.

Apparently, Chi Jingzi was worried that Li Anran would see his flaws if he acted too impatiently, and planned to take things slowly.

Li Anran was not in a hurry either.

After he knew everything, the test of chi sperm had become a joke!
All his temptations are no longer temptations, but traps that can be seen through at a glance!

Get into the trap and get nothing!
If you reject the trap, you can get the Four Swords of Zhu Xian!

Li Anran knew how to choose without using his brain.

Regarding the Four Swords of Jade Immortal, Li Anran didn't mind spending more time with Chi Jingzi to perform the scene well.

Besides, Li Anran really wanted Chi Jingzi to stay in the dungeon for a while longer.

In the life of Chi Jingzi, in addition to the content repeated with the Holy Mother of Jinling, the content that the Sanqing took turns preaching in Kunlun Mountains, there is also the content of the sermons that Yuanshi Tianzun gave to the disciples of Chanjiao after the separation of the three Qings!

Although the value of these contents is not comparable to the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, it is by no means inferior to any top-grade innate spirit treasure!
"This Chi Jingzi is really a good person!"

Li Anran praised Chi Jingzi in his heart.

If it wasn't for Chi Jingzi who wanted to test him, if he wanted to get these, he could only hope that Yang Jian could find all the evidence and hit Guanyin with convincing evidence!
However, the possibility of success in this matter is too low!

And even if it is successful, it may not be able to put Guanyin in the prison!

After all, this is Avalokitesvara, the three great masters of the Buddhist sect, and the number one warrior under Tathagata!

"Since you don't want to take the initiative to say it, then I will ask myself."

Acting is to be full.

Li Anran took out the questioning heart bead from his bosom, and said lightly: "This treasure is called the questioning heart bead, which has the effect of spying on people's hearts. Even if you don't say a word, I can still know what I want to know."

(End of this chapter)

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