Chapter 228 The Battle Begins

The battle between the Bull Demon King and the Flood Demon King did not last long.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, the Jiao Demon King was knocked to the ground by the Bull Demon King's stick, and fled back to the cave in a hurry.

The Bull Demon King didn't chase after him, but only ordered his heavenly soldiers and generals to take strict precautions not to let the Jiao Demon King escape.

The purpose of their trip is the Demon Master's Mansion, and the Demon King is just a bait to lure the Demon Master's Mansion to take the bait!

He asked the heavenly soldiers and generals to lay out eighteen heavenly nets and create such a huge momentum, just because he was afraid that the Demon Master's Mansion wouldn't discover it!

Now, just wait for the fish to take the bait!

The Demon King didn't know this.

He originally thought that it only took him more than 500 years to break through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal and deal with the Bull Demon King, the lackey of heaven, with ease.

In the end, he was unilaterally beaten by the Bull Demon King.

After the Jiao Demon King returned to his cave, he felt panicked and uneasy. After thinking about it, he decided that saving his life was the most important thing.

He said, "I was defeated by the Bull Demon King by luck because I drank too much during the day. I can kill the Bull Demon King when I regain my energy." He appeased his wives, concubines, children, demon soldiers and generals, and asked them to stay to attract the attention of the heavenly soldiers and generals.

While taking the opportunity to rest in the back cave, he secretly transformed into a water snake and got into the deep pool of the back cave, trying to escape through the waterway at the bottom of the pool.

However, before he could swim far, a golden light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

next second.

A white jade hand filled his field of vision, grabbed him, and threw him back into the sea cave like garbage.

The Jiao Demon King was terrified, and only then realized that it was not simple for the Bull Demon King to conquer him at the order of the Jade Emperor.

What Tianting really wants to deal with is probably the Demon Master's Mansion behind him!
But at this time, he could do nothing!
A piece of golden light fell, forming an inverted light shield, covering the sea-covering cave below.

The Flood Demon King is going to inform the demon master's mansion, even if he wants to take a step out of the cave mansion, it is impossible!
On the other side, in the Demon Master's Mansion.

Kunpeng also learned from his subordinates that the Bull Demon King was ordered by the Jade Emperor to go down to earth to destroy the Jiao Demon King.

Kunpeng wanted to use his spiritual sense to inspect it, but found a vast aura covering the sky above the demon master's mansion, preventing his spiritual sense from spreading out smoothly.

"This damn evil obstacle!"

Kunpeng was a little annoyed, but he didn't take it to heart.

Heavenly Court has always regarded the Demon Master's Mansion as a thorn in its side, and has stationed most of its troops at the Beitian Gate to guard against the Demon Master's Mansion.

Especially after he showed up at Hulu Mountain in Hezhou, Xiniu.

The Jade Emperor asked Emperor Zhenwu to seal Beiju Luzhou with the Zhenwu Zaodiao Banner, not allowing the monsters from the Demon Master's Mansion to go out, and not letting the monsters outside come in.

The Demon Master's Mansion claims to be orthodox in the heaven, so it is naturally not acceptable.

As a result, many conflicts broke out between the two sides, with both sides suffering casualties.

It's just that both sides have concerns, they are very restrained, and they didn't make things big.

And every time a conflict breaks out between the two sides, Emperor Zhenwu will use the Zhenwu soap-carved flag to cover the demon master's mansion for thousands of miles.

Kunpeng initially thought that Heavenly Court was going to take action against the Demon Master's Mansion. Later, when he found out that Emperor Zhenwu was just on guard against him taking action, he was secretly relieved and at the same time a little bit irritated!
This Zhenwu kid also looks down on people!
What kind of person is he, Kunpeng, how could he do such a thing of bullying the small and disregarding face?

"Sooner or later, the old man will let you know how powerful you are!" Kunpeng said through gritted teeth.

He didn't know the true origin of the Bull Demon King, seeing this situation, he just thought that the Bull Demon King was ordered by the Jade Emperor to conquer the Jiao Demon King, and it was the daily troubles of the Heavenly Court for the Demon Master's Mansion, so he didn't take it to heart.

His disciples also thought so.

A monster with yellow-red eyes and a giant mouth came forward and said loudly: "Master, Haotian boy is really trying his best! I will catch this Bull Demon King and make some food for you, Master!"

"Why does Second Senior Brother need to personally take action for such a trivial matter? It's enough for me to go!" Another monster stood up.

"Junior brother, what you said is wrong! I heard from junior brother Jiao that this Bull Demon King is very powerful. It's better for me to go and be on the safe side myself!"

"Brother, what do you mean by this? Do you think that I am not the opponent of the Bull Demon King?"

"That's hard to say! If, junior brother, you make a mistake and are defeated by him, then people in our Demon Master's Mansion will be laughing at you!"

"Red-eyed old monster! I call you senior brother. It's because you got started earlier than me, but it's not that you are better than me!"


Kunpeng has always been clear about rewards and punishments, so the two demons regarded this matter as an easy achievement, and they were so angry that they were about to fight.

The rest of the monsters watched the excitement from the sidelines, and there was even a black-haired bird demon with a sharp beak, who set fire to it strangely, wishing they could kill one of them.

"That's enough!" Kunpeng shouted to stop the two demons, but he was not angry. On the contrary, he was very satisfied with their active fighting attitude.

What the Yaozu believe in is the law of the jungle, the strong are respected, the fittest survive, and brothers and sisters are all nonsense!

Kunpeng has recruited no less than [-] disciples since the Lich catastrophe, but only nine of them became his disciples in the end.

Some of the rest died in the hands of heavenly soldiers and generals, and some died in the hands of their own people.

But Kunpeng didn't care!
Those who survived were his apprentices.

What is dead is also dead!

Even these nine remaining disciples are no exception!

For example, nine-headed worm!

The Nine-Headed Insect is the most special among Kunpeng's disciples. He is the son of Ghost Che, the great sage of the ancient monster clan, and has a deep connection with Kunpeng.

However, after Nine-Headed Insect was imprisoned by Li Anran, Kunpeng never thought of going to Heaven to save him.

In Kunpeng's eyes, these disciples are relatively easy tools to use, and they can be cared about but don't need to care too much.

Flood Demon King, he will send someone to rescue him.

But like the Nine-Headed Insect, who was imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison, he would never risk being ambushed by the Heavenly Court to rescue him.

Kunpeng glanced at the two monsters, and said, "Red Eye, since you know the Bull Demon King well, let you go this time. Remember, don't fall into the prestige of my Demon Master's Mansion."

"Disciple obeys."

The red-eyed old monster squinted complacently at his junior brother who had just competed with him for credit, and immediately put on his armor and helmet, ordered his soldiers and horses, and rushed towards the sea-covering cave of the Jiao Demon King.

This red-eyed old monster is actually a Taotie. Although he is not an innate creature, he still has extraordinary blood. Not long after the Lich Catastrophe ended, he followed Kunpeng and became Kunpeng's second disciple.

After so many years, his cultivation has reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and his strength ranks among the top three among Kunpeng's nine disciples.

Using him to deal with the younger generation, the Bull Demon King, can be said to be killing a chicken with a bull's knife.

However, not long after the red-eyed old monster left, Kunpeng suddenly felt uneasy, as if something had been ignored by him.

Kunpeng turned to look at the eldest disciple beside him and asked: "Qingluan, is there any movement over at Zhenwu?"

Qingluan shook his head, and said: "The disciple has already sent someone to look at it. As usual, Zhenwu Xiaoer is guarding outside the Beitian Gate. The second turtle and snake general under him and Wang He (Wang Lingguan) are also in their respective camps. Middle. Master, but what's wrong?"

Kunpeng said in a deep voice: "I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen over there with Hongyan'er."

With that said, Kunpeng took out Hetu Luoshu.

Now that the catastrophe is approaching and the secrets of the sky are chaotic, but with the two superb innate spirit treasures of Hetu and Luoshu, Kunpeng can still deduce some things about the people around him.

But before Kunpeng started to deduce, he had already noticed what happened.

"Not good!" Kunpeng's expression changed, he stood up suddenly and looked in the direction of Fuhai Cave.

The demons were startled, and hurriedly asked, "Master, what happened?"

Kunpeng didn't speak, but his face became more solemn, with a look of surprise and disbelief.

The monsters had never seen Kunpeng showing such an expression before, and they all panicked for a while, looking at each other, not knowing what happened.

"Master, what's going on?" Qingluan took advantage of the fact that he was the most favored by Kunpeng, so he plucked up the courage to ask.

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed a familiar breath approaching quickly.

Junior Brother Red Eyes!

he is injured!

Qingluan's eyes widened, countless thoughts flashed through his head, and he cried out: "Heavenly Court is going to war with us?"

The rest of the monsters were stunned for a moment, and before they realized what was going on, they heard the red-eyed old monster calling for help: "Master! Help me!"


Kunpeng's face was gloomy, and he took the next step, and his body was already outside the cave.

The rest of the monsters followed quickly.

In mid-air, the red-eyed old monster looked panic-stricken. His body had been cut in two, the incision was smooth and flat, and wisps of evil spirit lingered outside, making his flesh and blood unable to heal.

The hot blood continued to flow out, falling on the ground and turning into a maple forest. The red leaves were like blood, bright red and dazzling.

"Master, save me!"

The red-eyed old monster looked at the ancestor Kunpeng who appeared in his field of vision, as if a drowning man saw a life-saving straw, and regardless of the seriousness of the injury, he forcibly accelerated a few minutes.

But, at this moment, two golden dragons chased him from behind.

The red-eyed old monster seemed to have noticed something, and looked back subconsciously, and the panic on his face instantly magnified.

He tried desperately to dodge, but it was too late!


The two golden dragons folded straight up and down, their heads intertwined like scissors, and their tails intertwined like strands.

The red-eyed old monster's body, which was harder than the magic weapon, was cut into two pieces like tofu.

"Master, save..."

A translucent soul floated out from the corpse.

Only halfway through his cry for help, two golden dragons pounced on him again.

"Stop!" Kunpeng's face was ashen, he shouted angrily, and sacrificed Hetu.

He doesn't care about the life and death of these apprentices, but he cares about his own face!

The dark sky, which was originally blocked by the Zhenwu soap-carved flag, suddenly lit up with countless stars, illuminating the heaven and earth, echoing the river map.

The river map glowed with blue light, and ripples appeared in the surrounding void.

As if it had traveled through time and space, it suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already in front of the soul of the red-eyed monster.

However, it still failed to save the red-eyed monster!
Because, at the same time that Hetu appeared beside the red-eyed old monster, a palm-sized golden bucket suddenly appeared, blocking it!
It was that Hunyuan Jindou!
Hunyuan Jindou uttered a soft cry, and began to spin, the heaven, earth, and human beings inside circulated, and shot a golden light towards the river map.

If it were other magic weapons, even most of the innate magic weapons would not be able to resist Hunyuan Jindou.

However, Hetu is different!

The word "he" in the river map is the river of the galaxy, which contains all phenomena in the universe, which is infinitely mysterious.

More importantly, the Emperor Fuxi used it to deduce the gossip of the Book of Changes and spread it widely in the world, and it has a lot of human merits.

The blue light and the golden light collided together, each occupying half of the sky, forming a clear boundary.

The avenue of heaven and earth represented by the two turned into real rays of light, colliding and shattering constantly, and the void was wrinkled like kraft paper wet with water.

Various strange phenomena appear continuously, countless lines are crisscrossed, and a terrifying aura permeates the air, making people tremble with fear.

And at the moment when the two were in a stalemate, the golden scissors had already landed on the remnant soul of the red-eyed old monster.

Once they had sex, the red-eyed old monster was instantly shaken out of his wits!
"Second senior brother!" "Red eyes!"...

The demons were terrified and trembling all over.

Even Qingluan, who has broken through to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, is no exception!

Relying on their strong strength and the protection of Kunpeng, they ran rampant in Luzhou, Beiju, and even the Heavenly Court did not look down upon them!

Today, I saw with my own eyes that my senior brother was beaten to death in front of his master!

The impact this has on them is indescribable!
And at the same time, countless heavenly soldiers and generals appeared in the void.


The leader is wearing a Taoist robe, disheveled hair, holding a magic sword in his right hand, and a carved flag of Zhenwu Zao in his left hand. He is the Emperor Zhenwu!

On his left and right sides, the turtle and snake generals were majestic in armor.

Afterwards, there are Wang Xi Wang Lingguan and a group of heavenly generals and priests under the command of Emperor Zhenwu!


The leader looked to be in his sixties, with gray hair and a vertical eye on his forehead. Just standing there gave people a sense of majesty and inviolability. He was in charge of the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Universal Transformation Tianzun in charge of the Thunder Department of Heaven. Wen Zhong!
Behind him were a group of gods from the Thunder Department, including former disciples of the Jie Cult, but more of them were new faces!

However, the strength of these new faces is not weak, and they are even stronger than the 36 generals of Leibu who used to be uneven!

And in the direction where the red-eyed old monster came, there was also an auspicious cloud floating over.

Standing at the head of the cloud are the Sanxiao sisters, Jinling Holy Mother, Zhao Gongming, Yu Hua and other second-generation disciples.

After Jin Jiaojian killed the red-eyed old monster, he flew back to Bi Xiao's hands.

And Yunxiao is controlling the Hunyuan Jindou, and is in a stalemate with Hetu!
Seeing this situation, Kunpeng Ancestor's expression changed drastically. He didn't care about fighting Yunxiao anymore, so he hurriedly took Hetu back and covered his head with Luo Shu.

"Zhenwu boy, is Haotian going to start a war with my Demon Master Mansion?" Kunpeng Patriarch asked sharply.

Almost at the same time as his voice sounded, dozens of demonic aura shot up into the sky, mighty and mighty!
The great sages of the ancient demon tribe scattered all over Luzhou in Beiju also sensed that something was wrong this time, and each led their demon soldiers and generals to move closer to the demon master's mansion.

They may not all obey Kunpeng, but they all understand the truth behind it!

All these years, he has been advancing and retreating with the Demon Master's Mansion!

Emperor Zhenwu didn't stop them either, allowing them to merge with Kunpeng.

The two sides are at each other's throats, and the war is about to break out!
And this time.


A piece of singing and dancing.

The Danyuan Conference is about to begin.

 I usually post it first and then correct it, so everyone can just refresh it... How about asking a reader to correct the error? If I make a mistake, I can send a small red envelope to the person who corrected it in the group?
(End of this chapter)

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