I am guarding the sky prison in Journey to the West

Chapter 235 Please turn around, baby

Chapter 235 Please turn around, baby

Seeing Kunpeng disappear from sight in an instant, Li Anran and others were dumbfounded.

You are the demon master Kunpeng!

The number three figure in the ancient demon court!
The leader of the Demon Master Mansion!

One of the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace!

As a result, he showed his true form in such a powerful way, and ran away with his men without even making a single move?
"Old thief Kunpeng! Stop leaving!" Ancestor Hongyun was the first to come to his senses, roared angrily, turned into a red light and chased after him.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he was unwilling to miss it!

Zhao Gongming and Jinling Holy Mother came to their senses and followed closely behind.

"Fellow Daoist Hongyun, be careful!" Zhen Yuanzi was worried that something might happen to Ancestor Hongyun, so he hurriedly followed him in the clouds.

Li Anran and Yang Jian looked at each other and saw the same meaning on each other's faces -

There must be something wrong with interception!
Their agreement with Lu Ya must be related to the Demon Master's Mansion!

"Emperor, I'll leave the Beitianmen side to you. Let's go over and have a look." Yang Jian said and chased after him with Li Anran.

Emperor Zhenwu was seriously injured and did not try to show off his strength. He immediately lowered his head and began to reorganize his troops and horses, just in case Kunpeng was trying to divert the tiger away from the mountain and suddenly killed someone with a carbine.

Although, this is unlikely!

"Demon, Master Demon Master, why do we have to leave?"

"That's right! Sir, that Haotian is aggressive and goes to extremes! We must teach him a lesson this time!"

"Sir, why don't we take this opportunity to attack the Heavenly Palace? With the Demon Master here, they are definitely no match for us!"


In the palm of Kunpeng's hand, a group of demon saints came to their senses and started shouting, full of doubts and dissatisfaction with Kunpeng's sudden departure.

"Shut up!" Kunpeng had a dark face and wanted to crush these idiots to death.

The Jade Emperor even invited Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun Patriarch, which shows that the Jade Emperor not only wants to eradicate his demon master's mansion this time, but also wants to kill him and eradicate him!

If he doesn't leave as soon as possible, he might end up here!

Haotian has tolerated the Demon Master's Mansion for so many years, why did he suddenly want to kill the Demon Master's Mansion?
Isn't he afraid that they will make a fuss and die?

Also, why does Jiejiao work so hard?

Aren't these Jie Jiao disciples who came from the authentic Sanqing sect of Xuanxuanmen and ignored Haotian, and regarded Haotian as one of the main culprits in the Conferred God War and the decline of Jie Jiao?
Why would they do their best to cooperate with the Jade Emperor in attacking the Demon Master's Mansion this time?
Kunpeng's mind was full of thoughts and doubts.

At this moment, a feeling of extreme danger suddenly arose in his heart.

Danger lies ahead!
Kunpeng looked forward and saw a golden flame suddenly appearing directly in front of him.

When this flame first appeared, it was only the size of a soybean, the light was weak, and the coverage range was less than a few feet away.

But soon, it grew bigger and brighter at an indescribable speed, bigger and brighter.

Correspondingly, the world gradually dimmed.

This dimness is not an illusion caused by contrast, but it is really dark. All the light is like hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea, pouring into that big fire!
In just a blink of an eye, the golden flames were boundless, filling the space between heaven and earth, blocking his way!
The flame is dark inside and bright outside, blooming with intense golden light, just like another sun!
Kunpeng's pupils shrank suddenly.

He was very familiar with the flame before him,
Because he had lived under this flame for tens of millions of years.

He hated the fire.

Because the flames were so bright and dazzling, he was dressed in gorgeous golden feathers, but people often thought it was because of the flames!
At the same time, he was also very afraid of the flame.

Even after thousands of years passed, his first reaction when he saw this flame was to stop immediately. When the golden flame expanded and spread outward, he instinctively stepped back and got out of the way.

"It's the true fire of the sun!" A monster called out its name.

next second.

The group of monsters who trembled under his scolding and did not dare to make a sound instantly became excited, and the adoration in their eyes was like a blazing flame.

But they were extremely quiet, and they just knelt down, bowed to the ground, and worshiped.

Only a group of Demon Saints were still standing there, but there were also many expressions of excitement on their faces.

The golden flame shone brightly, and a huge black shadow gradually appeared within it.

It looks like a crow, standing on three legs. It is as black as ink and covered with red light. It is a three-legged golden crow!
Immediately afterwards, the three-legged golden crow gradually disappeared and was replaced by a human figure.

The man was short in stature, with a fishtail crown on his head, wearing a big red robe, a long beard with a different appearance, a double bun, and a hydrating robe. His appearance was not outstanding, but he had a noble temperament, as if he was born to be a superior.

"Sixth Prince, you are finally willing to see us! How wonderful!" A demon saint was overjoyed.

Some demon saints also filed a complaint: "Then Haotian relies on our demon clan to be leaderless and unscrupulous! If you don't show up, my demon clan may even be robbed of their final resting place!"

A flash of anger flashed in Kunpeng's eyes, and his claws trembled slightly, wanting to pinch it, but he held it back.

If he wants to attain enlightenment, he still needs these brainless losers, and he can't kill them yet!
With a thought in his mind, Kunpeng used his spiritual consciousness to condense the appearance of his transformed human body, and saluted the man: "The Sixth Prince."

"There is no such thing as a sixth prince in this world, there is only one casual cultivator, Lu Ya." Lu Ya said calmly.

The monsters kneeling on the ground raised their heads one after another, with doubts and confusion on their faces.

The expressions of all the demon saints also changed.They had heard Lu Ya's words countless times, but before they had heard it from others, but this time they heard it from Lu Ya's mouth with their own ears!

"Sixth Prince, what do you mean by this?" A demon saint asked dissatisfied.

Lu Ya said: "What Pindao said is very clear."

The Demon Saint said: "Sixth Prince, you are His Majesty's only heir and the last three-legged Golden Crow in the world. No matter how much you deny it, you can't change this fact."

Lu Ya raised his head and looked at Kunpeng, but he was too lazy to pay attention to the Demon Saint.

Such a disregardful attitude directly angered the demon saint, and his tone became less respectful and more angry.

"Sixth Prince, your majesties built the Heavenly Palace from scratch and united all races into the demon race. What a bold and heroic strategy this is!"

The Demon Saint became more and more excited as he spoke, pointing at the black mass of monsters who were prostrate on the ground, and said: "Look at them! Although the two majesties have fallen for so many years, the demon clan in the world is still grateful for their kindness. They just saw it. If the sun is really hot, you will worship it and be willing to follow it to the death!"

"As the only surviving descendant of their two majesties, you are the last bloodline of the Golden Crow clan! Have you never thought about leading the demon clan in the world to complete their unfinished ambitions for your two majesties?"

Lu Ya said: "Pindao is just Lu Ya."

Just six words, but full of decisiveness and indifference!

Pindao is just Lu Ya!

How the demon clan has nothing to do with me!

How come the Golden Crow clan has nothing to do with me!
My father and uncle’s ambitions have nothing to do with me!

You have nothing to do with me!
The faces of all the demon saints suddenly changed and they glared angrily.

There was a demon saint who wanted to scold him sharply, but was stopped by Kunpeng.

Kunpeng said coldly: "Lu Ya, since you don't want to have anything to do with us lost dogs, what are you going to do here today? Are you going to use this true sun fire to help the Heavenly Court encircle and suppress us?"

As soon as these words came out, the demon saints looked at Lu Ya differently.

They worshiped Emperor Jundong and Huang Taiyi, missed the great power of the demon clan in the past, and were willing to assist Lu Ya, the sixth prince of the Golden Crow, but if Lu Ya wanted their lives, that was another matter!

Lu Ya said: "I am here just for you. Kunpeng, back then you deliberately told my brother the secrets of the ancient times and lured ten of my brothers out of the valley to play. As a result, the sky was empty for ten days and all life was in ruins..."

All the demon saints were shocked. They all looked at Lu Ya in disbelief, and then suddenly turned their heads to look at Kunpeng.

Ten days in the sky is the trigger for the decisive battle between the lich!
This is also the beginning of the decline of the demon clan!
Is all this related to Kunpeng?

"Lu Ya, don't talk nonsense!"

Kunpeng shouted sternly: "It was your Majesty who taught me how to be a king to your brothers and told you about the conditions of the various tribes in the ancient times. You were playful and ignored His Majesty's prohibition. You left Tanggu all together and angered the great witch of the Wu clan. Kuafu and the great witch Houyi. Now you want to put the blame on me, which is really ridiculous!"

Kunpeng's retort was loud, but Lu Ya was not affected by him and continued talking unhurriedly.

"...The resentment is overwhelming. The fate of the demon clan has been greatly damaged as a result. All nine of my brothers have died, leaving me alone. My father and uncle killed Hou Yi in order to avenge us. Everyone in the tribe triggered the last war between the Lich and Lich clans."

"Before this, my father was worried about my safety and asked my mother to send me to the Wa Palace of Empress Nuwa, asking Empress Nuwa to accept me as a registered disciple. Since then, I have been staying in the Wa Palace. Practice until the eve of the decisive battle between the lich and the lich."

Everyone has a tendency to gossip, especially gossip related to the secrets of these big shots.

Both the demon saints and the monsters pricked up their ears.

Between heaven and earth, it was extremely quiet, with only Lu Ya's voice echoing.

"At that time, Houtu, the ancestral witch of earth among the twelve ancestral witches, had transformed into the Tunnel of Reincarnation, and the formation of the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods had become a defective product. Pangu's true body could no longer be summoned, only Pangu's phantom. .”

"But the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation is intact. Logically speaking, this battle should be a complete victory for the demon clan, but in the end, both sides suffered losses. My father and uncle both died in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. among."

"Because, someone has secretly tampered with the Zhoutian Star Formation. Of the 360 ​​five star flags, 36 have been replaced with fake ones, which will break when touched."

"And after the decisive battle, all the famous demon saints were killed and injured, but only one person was safe and sound, and he also obtained two top-quality innate magic weapons that did not belong to him."

Lu Ya didn't name him, but everyone knew he was talking about Kunpeng.

The magic weapon is naturally Hetu Luoshu.

Kunpeng sneered and said: "Lu Ya, this is the first time I have discovered that your ability to confuse black and white and make up stories is really good! You have said so much, what evidence is there?"

All the demon saints looked at Lu Ya in unison.

Lu Ya reached out and touched his arms.

But what was brought out was not evidence, but a gourd.

It is the size of a palm, with a ray of light inside, and is more than three feet high. An object appears on it, seven inches long, with eyebrows and eyes, and two white lights in its eyes.

Lu Ya held the gourd in his hand and bowed three times.

"Turn around, baby!"

Not far away, a glow surged.

Ancestor Hongyun and others are already chasing from behind.

His purpose of stalling for time had been achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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