Chapter 248 Liu Yanchang

33 days away, in endless chaos.

This place is far away from the Three Realms. There is no sun, moon and stars, and naturally there is no light at all. The surroundings are pitch black.

Only occasionally, a few chaotic divine thunders flashed through, illuminating a radius of thousands of miles, and one could see endless turbulent winds raging, tearing open huge cracks in the void.

The terrifying suction pulls in everything around it and tears it apart in an instant.

This kind of place is full of dangers for many Da Luo Jinxian.

However, for Li Anran, it was like walking on flat ground.

Gangfeng and thunder are all things he is extremely good at, and space cracks can't even hurt his hair.

The only thing that could be dangerous for him is getting lost!
However, this kind of thing cannot happen!

He has learned from Kunpeng's life how to determine his position in the chaos and avoid getting lost!
There are no sun, moon or stars as reference objects in chaos, but there is the Three Realms themselves!

He only needs to use the Three Realms as coordinates to determine his position, so he doesn't have to worry about getting lost in the endless chaos.

Those guests in the Zixiao Palace who were hiding in the chaos also used this method to determine their position, and then used their great supernatural powers to build a small world as their own dojo.

Kunpeng knew their location because Kunpeng had traveled to the farthest reaches of the chaos in order to find the Hongmeng Purple Qi thrown into the chaos by Hongyun Ancestor.

This is also the reason why Kunpeng was finally convinced that the Hongmeng Purple Qi was still in Hongyun Ancestor.

Li Anran used the art of transforming into a rainbow and flew for more than half an hour according to the position he saw in Kunpeng's life before slowing down.

"This should be it!"

With a thought in his mind, Li Anran opened his heavenly eye on his forehead, shooting out a golden light, scanning in all directions, and finally stopped at a crack in space.

This space crack does not look much different from the space cracks naturally formed in chaos, but if you look carefully, you can find that although it is constantly arising and dying, its position and shape have never changed.

Obviously, it was fixed here using great magic as the entrance to the Small Thousand Worlds.

Li Anran performed an invisibility trick, restrained his breath, and flew over cautiously.

He just wanted to capture a former guest of Zixiao Palace and put him in a prison to serve as his tool to listen to Taoist ancestors' sermons.

The target chosen is naturally the weaker the better.

However, the guests of Zixiao Palace who can survive to this era will not be much weaker no matter how weak they are.

For example, the Zi Lei Ancestor he chose.

The last time Kunpeng saw him was 3000 years ago. At that time, the ancestor of Zi Lei had already broken through the Great Luo Jinxian, and his strength was close to that of the Golden Spirit Holy Mother who did not use magic weapons.

Now that 7 years have passed, it’s hard to say what the situation of Zi Lei Ancestor is!

Li Anran came this time not to take action directly, but to inquire about the situation first.

The moment he entered the space rift, he felt a sense of time and space traveling, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The endless darkness no longer exists, replaced by dazzling white light and deafening thunder!

In ancient times, most names were directly based on one's own body to highlight a reality.

Ancestor Zi Lei is no exception.

He was the first thunderbolt in the world, and when he transformed, sand and dust happened to blow by, so he turned into a golden lion.

The small world he created is naturally the most suitable place for him to live, and it is full of all kinds of lightning and thunder.

The worse ones include Yin Thunder, Yang Thunder, Fire Thunder, and Wind Thunder, while the more powerful ones include Heavenly Thunder, Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and even Chaos Divine Thunder.

The Chaos Divine Thunder is concentrated on a huge high platform in the center of Xiaoqian World.

The ancestor of Zi Lei did not turn into a human form, but lay on it in the form of a real lion, with his eyes half open and half closed, and he didn't know whether he was meditating or dozing off.

Under the high platform, there are countless lions kneeling, of all kinds.

But compared with ordinary lions, these lions have sharp fur, shaped like lightning, and there are countless tiny lightning flashes around their bodies.

Nuwa, the empress, became a saint by creating human beings. Many guests in the Zixiao Palace imitated her example and wanted to become a saint.

The most famous among them is the ancestor of Styx, who created the Blood Sea Asura clan.

Ancestor Zi Lei also learned from Nuwa Empress and used himself as a reference to create the Thunder Lion clan.

However, this only gained him some merit.

Let alone attaining enlightenment and becoming a saint, it is not even enough to make up for the price he paid!

Wisps of tiny golden thunder and lightning emerged from the heads of these thunder lions, converging into a golden river, and the vast water poured into the body of the ancestor of Zi Lei.

Behind the head of Patriarch Zi Lei, a golden divine ring is particularly conspicuous, just like the one behind the head of the Buddhist Bodhisattva Arhat.

Obviously, this is the way to lead Zhunti to become a saint through incense and great ambition.

However, the ancestor of Zi Lei was impatient and directly regarded his lion grandsons as consumables, forcibly extracting them for worship.

When they are drained, the souls of these lions and grandsons will be gone.

"The Taoist ancestors worked so hard to train them in vain!" Li Anran shook his head.

Hongjun Daozu carefully selected so many innate beings with extraordinary qualifications and different qualifications, and taught them the Three Thousand Great Dao, but he did not give them the Hongmeng Purple Qi or teach them the method of killing three corpses.

Nothing more than two possibilities.

First, because there is an upper limit to the position of a saint in the ancient world, Hongjun Taoist ancestors followed his disciples closely.

This possibility exists, but in Li Anran's opinion it is not a big deal.

Taoist Hongjun can use his body and Tao to teach all sentient beings in the wild, so the pattern should not be so small!
Second, and what Li Anran thinks is the most likely -

Taoist Hongjun would like to see these guests in Zixiao Palace embark on their own path to enlightenment!
This also explains why Patriarch Hongjun took over the position of Haotian Jade Emperor with his own hands after the ancient Demon Court was destroyed.

He wanted the Jade Emperor to continue the path that Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun had not finished!
However, these guests in Zixiao Palace obviously did not realize this, they only stared at the Six Saints and imitated them, and in the end they all imitated the Four Saints!
Ancestor Zi Lei is like this, Kunpeng is like this, Ancestor Styx is like this, and so are the other guests in Zixiao Palace!

This is probably the reason why the eighth saint has not appeared for so many years!
Li Anran hid in the dark and observed for a while, and soon confirmed that the ancestor of Zi Lei had only improved his cultivation in the past 7 years, and had not made any substantial breakthroughs.

If its strength reaches its limit, it will be on par with Zhao Gongming. If it really fights hard, it may not be able to match Zhao Gongming who has the treasure and money in hand.

"I'm not afraid of his thunder skills. It shouldn't be difficult to defeat him. But if he just wants to escape, I won't be able to stop him alone. I have to go back and call my second brother and Nezha together, and there should be no problem."

Just as Li Anran was thinking about it, something suddenly hit his mind. It was his avatar in the prison who saw the message sandalwood lit by Long Si.

"Something happened over there with Third Sister." Li Anran was not surprised.

Since Yao Ji was rescued by Yang Jian, the Three Holy Mothers have become Yang Jian's only weakness.

Someone wanted to use the Three Holy Mothers to deal with Yang Jian, which he had expected!

That's why he told San Shengsheng and Long Si again that they must tell him and Yang Jian if there is anything. "This time, will it be Liu Yanchang?" A sneer appeared at the corner of Li Anran's mouth.

In the original time and space, the story of the Lotus Lantern took place after Monkey became the Victorious Buddha and before Wutian subverted the Three Realms.

Roughly speaking, that is the current time period.

However, because of his appearance, this world is completely different from the original time and space!
If the same thing as in the original time and space still occurs under such circumstances, then someone must be causing trouble secretly!cloth
"Let's deal with the third sister's matter first. Now that we have no worries, I'll bring my second brother Nezha together to deal with this lion!"

Li Anran quickly made a decision, used the art of transforming into a rainbow, and flew to Huashan Mountain.

On the other side, after Long Si lit the message sandalwood, he was still worried about the Third Holy Mother.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Li Anran never showed up, Long Si became a little anxious and flew to the Huashan Garden on a cloud.

Huashan Villa is not too far away from the San Sheng Sheng Temple.

That is, two mountains away.

The biggest difference between the two is that everyone can go to the Temple of the Three Holy Mothers, while the Huashan Villa is covered by Yang Jian's magic, and ordinary mortal monks cannot find it even if they pass by.

"Third sister?"

Long Si had just flown halfway when he suddenly saw an auspicious cloud flying towards him in the distance. He looked closely and saw that the person riding the cloud was none other than the Three Holy Mothers.

It's just that the Third Holy Mother is no longer wearing colorful phoenix feather clothes, but ordinary clothes.

"Did Third Sister go back to Bieyuan to change clothes just now?" Long Si was stunned.

At this moment, the Third Holy Mother suddenly jumped down from the cloud and flew rapidly downwards.

Long Si looked in the direction where the Three Holy Mothers fell and saw a man dressed as a scholar who slipped and fell down on the cliff of Huashan Mountain due to the rain and slippery road.

Huashan Mountain is steep and the mountain road is difficult to navigate. Believers or tourists who go up the mountain to worship often slip and fall.

Both San Sheng Sheng and Long Si have done this kind of thing many times.

"Am I really too worried? There's nothing wrong with Third Sister?"

Long Si regretted that he had not figured out the situation, so he hurriedly lit sandalwood and asked Li Anran for help.

Long Si didn't have time to think too much when he saw the Third Sister flying towards Huashan Villa with the scholar in her arms. She hurriedly chased after him and shouted: "Third Sister!"

Then he saw that the scholar's face was covered with blood and he was unconscious. It seemed that he had hit his head while falling.

"Fourth Sister, you came just in time." Third Holy Mother's face was filled with joy and she said: "This scholar has a big hole in his head, and the injury... hmm? Brother Li? Why are you here?"

As the Third Holy Mother was speaking, she saw a golden light flying from the sky. It was Li Anran who had rushed back from the chaos.

Seeing Li Anran walking in a hurry, Long Si felt a little ashamed and blamed himself. Just as he was about to apologize, Li Anran's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Fourth Princess, thanks to you this time. Something is wrong with Third Sister. Don't tell Third Sister what happened until I find out who is behind it."

what! ?

Long Si was shocked. He never expected that something happened to the Third Holy Mother!
While transmitting the message, Li Anran said: "During this period, there are often monsters making trouble in the mortal world. Your second brother's side is short of manpower, and I happen to have nothing to do, so I came down to the mortal world to stretch my muscles. Passing by this Huashan Mountain, come here Look at you."

Then he pointed to the scholar in the arms of the Third Holy Mother and asked, "What's going on?"

The Third Holy Mother said: "He must be a scholar who went up to the mountain to play, and accidentally fell down from the mountain. I happened to pass by and saved him. Second brother, let's not talk about this now. He was seriously injured. Let's go back first." Bieyuan, find some medicine for him."

"Don't be so troublesome."

Li Anran stretched out his hand, and a golden light swept the scholar and landed on a nearby hill.

As soon as he landed, the scholar's injuries had recovered and he slowly opened his eyes.

"You, you are gods? Did you save me?"

The scholar looked at the three people standing at the top of the cloud, and his reaction was normal. He was startled at first, and then he knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Liu Yanchang thanks the three gods for saving his life."

It’s really Liu Yanchang!

A cold light flashed across Li Anran's eyes, and murderous intent surged.

——Anyone’s big cabbage will be eaten by Huang Mao, and the parents will be eager to kill Huang Mao!

He just happens to be able to do it!
Liu Yanchang was completely unaware. When his eyes fell on the Third Holy Mother, he was obviously startled, with a flash of surprise and admiration in his eyes.

"Can the three gods tell Yanchang the names of the three gods? Yanchang will set up a temple for the three gods at home and worship them day and night." When Liu Yanchang said this, his eyes were fixed on the Three Holy Mothers, and Sima Zhao's heart was obvious.

Not to mention Li Anran, even Long Si had already seen it.

Third sister just saved your life, how dare you have such blasphemous intentions!
Really hateful!
Anger suddenly rose in Long Si's heart.

She has been assisting the Three Holy Mothers in Huashan for many years and has met many different kinds of people, but Liu Yanchang is so lustful just after escaping from death, and he still treats the immortal who saved him!
This is the first time I’ve seen Long Sihai!
If she hadn't thought about what Li Anran had just told her not to act rashly, she would have already taken action to teach this ignorant dog a lesson!

At this moment, the Third Holy Mother snorted coldly and said, "You scholar, you just came out of my temple, but you don't recognize me?"

"Third Sister!" Long Si looked at the Third Holy Mother in disbelief.

The Third Holy Mother seemed to be angry and annoyed, but she answered Liu Yanchang's question. Not only did she reveal her identity, she even revealed the dojo!
"Fourth sister, what's wrong?" Third Holy Mother looked confused.

"'s nothing." Long Si was sure that something was really wrong with the Third Holy Mother, and it was probably related to Liu Yanchang in front of him.

Liu Yanchang said: "It turns out that it is the Third Holy Mother Goddess and the Fourth Goddess Long who are facing each other! The stone statues in the temple are really inferior to the two empresses! Yanchang didn't recognize them just now, so he asked the two empresses to forgive me!"

This evil!
Long Si's face was livid, and he had the desire to kill.

Liu Yanchang's words were very frivolous and rude not only to these two gods, but also to ordinary mortal women.

However, the Third Holy Mother didn't seem to be aware of this at all, and was still a little happy. She smiled and said: "You can talk! I will spare you this time!"

Liu Yanchang got even more excited and said: "Not only is the empress as beautiful as a fairy, no, the empress is originally..."

Before he finished speaking, he collapsed to the ground with a plop, a look of horror on his face, and feces and urine flowing out.

"Brother Li, what are you doing?"

The Third Holy Mother was stunned for a moment, then realized what was going on and glared at Li Anran with an annoyed look on her face: "He is just a mortal! How could you do this to him!"

Li Anran didn't explain anything, just said: "Third sister, it's time for us to leave."

"Brother Li!"

The Third Holy Mother wanted to say something more, but after seeing Li Anran's unquestionable gaze, she did not dare to speak again, so she could only snort angrily, and flew directly to Huashan Villa without waiting for Li Anran and Long Si.

When he left, he looked back at Liu Yanchang, feeling unbearable.

But Long Si still felt puzzled: "Prison God, are we going to let him go like this?"

Li Anran sent a message: "This Liu Yanchang is just a chess piece. Even if we kill him today, there will be Li Yanchang and Wang Yanchang tomorrow. Finding out the people behind this matter is the key. If you want to teach him a lesson, there will be many opportunities in the future. "

(End of this chapter)

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