Chapter 261 Lunar Star Monarch
More than five hundred years ago, the Cowherd was bewitched by the Cow Demon and stole the clothes of the Weaver Girl who was taking a bath, forcing the Weaver Girl to marry him.

The means can be said to be extremely despicable.

However, the Weaver Girl has a weak personality and has the feudal woman's concept of "if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog".

After marrying the Cowherd, he fulfilled his duties and not only weaved cloth to support the family, but also gave birth to a boy and a girl to the Cowherd.

It wasn't until their child fell ill that the Weaver Girl had to go secretly collect Yunzhi. Only then was the River God discovered and stabbed to the Judiciary Temple.

Yang Jian felt pity for the Weaver Girl because of Yao Ji's incident, and because the actions of the Cowherd and the Bull Demon were indeed despicable, he wanted to shift all the responsibility to the Cowherd and the Ox Demon, so that the Weaver Girl and her children would not be punished.

However, the Queen Mother was determined to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, so she forced Yang Jian to place the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl on both sides of the Tianhe River, allowing them to meet once a year.

Tianhe is where all the ruthless people in the world gather.

In just a few decades, the friendship between the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl and even their children had completely disappeared, leaving only resentment and hatred between them.

Since then, every meeting on the Magpie Bridge, which seems extremely romantic in the mortal world, has become a real human tragedy.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl and their children would kill each other every time they met on the Magpie Bridge to vent their resentment and hatred.

However, because the Queen Mother cast a spell to make them immortal.

After they kill each other, they will soon be resurrected, waiting repeatedly and numbly for the next meeting and the next time to kill each other.

Those scenes were extremely terrifying and shocked many gods.

Li Anran also witnessed it once, and felt a chill on his back and the hairs on his back stood up.

He clearly remembered that the four members of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl's family had been completely eroded by the unsympathetic and unrighteous atmosphere in Tianhe, and they had become cold and resentful. They only knew hatred and did not understand any emotions related to love.

But today, he noticed a slight mood swing from the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

Very faint, but it does exist!

Li Anran immediately used his spiritual consciousness to scan the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl's family of four, and found that the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl were no different from before, except that the pair of children were slightly different, with a faint emotion.

"It's Laurel."

Soon, Li Anran found the reason for the changes in the siblings.

Inside their bodies, each has a crystal clear bay leaf emitting a cool light.

Li Anran raised his head and looked in the direction of the lunar star, thoughtfully. .

In today's era, the most famous person on the Lunar Star is Chang'e, the Lord of the Lunar Star, who lives in Guanghan Palace.

Secondly, there are the jade rabbit raised by Chang'e and Wu Gang who cuts Gui.

However, none of them are the real masters of the Taiyin Star.

The real owner of the Taiyin Star, as well as the real owner of the ten innate spiritual root laurel trees, is Emperor Jun's wife, Empress Chang Xi, the Queen of the Demon Clan's Heavenly Court.

After the Lich Catastrophe, Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi fell, and Xihe retired to the Taiyin Star and did not care about worldly affairs.

Because Xihe himself was an innate being born on the Taiyin Star and had great merits.

After the Jade Emperor became the Emperor of Heaven, he did not dare to disrespect him and acquiesced that the Taiyin Star should be owned by Xihe.

Xihe also reciprocated the favor and had no connection at all with the demon master Kunpeng and other former great sages of the demon clan.

So much so that most people in the Three Realms thought she had disappeared and had no idea that she was on the Taiyin Planet where she had lived for countless years.

Li Anran knew this because he heard it from Taiyi Tianzun.

As for Chang'e, she was also an innate being born on the Lunar Star, but she successfully took on the spiritual form very late, after the establishment of the Sanqing Heavenly Palace.

Moreover, Chang'e's success in transformation was largely due to the help of Xi and Dingli, which was why she later became involved with Hou Yi.

During the Catastrophe of Conferring Gods, Hou Yi shot and killed nine Golden Crows, which became the trigger for the decisive battle between the two races.

However, he himself did not perish in this catastrophe, and even lived until the era of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors when the human race rose, and became the leader of the human race's Dongyi tribe.

Naturally, Xi He didn't want to see his murderer's enemy alive happily, so he used great magic power to help Chang'e transform into a child, and let Chang'e descend to earth to marry Hou Yi.

Chang'e, like Xihe, was transformed from the innate moon essence.

Hou Yi had a lot of solar energy in his body because he shot nine golden crows.

Yin and yang attract each other.

Hou Yi naturally fell in love with Chang'e. In order to make Chang'e, a "mortal", immortal, he went to the Queen Mother of the West in Kunlun Mountain to find the elixir, and then died in the hands of his apprentice Pengmeng.

No one knows what happened during this period and what Chang'e did in it.

The final result was that Chang'e returned to the Guanghan Palace of Taiyin Star alone and stayed behind closed doors.

Until Queen Mother Xi came to heaven and became the Queen Mother, Chang'e would occasionally go to Yaochi to participate in the peach party to celebrate Queen Mother Xi's birthday.

And because she rarely leaves the Taiyin Star Guanghan Palace, she has no way to prepare birthday gifts, so the way to celebrate her birthday is mostly dance choreographed by herself.

Later generations often wonder, is it too harsh for Marshal Zhu Bajie to be deprived of his divine status and cast down to the mortal world just for teasing Chang'e, the foreman?Or is there some conspiracy theory?
Not really!

You only need to think of Chang'e as a guest who came to Yaochi for the banquet like Zhu Bajie, and she was a guest who only went out to give the Queen Mother face. As a result, she was drunk and molested by Zhu Bajie, and you can understand why the Queen Mother was so angry!

Later, the list of gods was shattered, and the original Taiyin Star Lord, Queen Jiang, chose to be reincarnated.

In order to make up for Chang'e and to show goodwill to Xihe, the Queen Mother named Chang'e the new Taiyin Star Lord.

The Jade Rabbit will appear on the Xitian Road and become a calamity. It is also the Lingshan showing its goodwill to Xihe.

The reason why Wu Gang conquered Guangxi was that he broke into Guanghan Palace without permission and offended Xihe.

Defeating Gui is his punishment, and it also leaves him as a guard on the Taiyin Star to prevent people without eyes from wandering in again.

As one of the top ten innate spiritual roots, the laurel tree's greatest feature is its extremely strong recovery power. No matter how serious the injury is, it will recover instantly and remain intact.

Unless Xi He picked the bay leaf with his own hands, it would return to the laurel tree in an instant.

The only uncertainty is whether Xi He is temporarily soft-hearted or has another agenda.

Li Anran frowned slightly.

This matter had nothing to do with him and was unlikely to affect him.

However, there is not only Xihe on the Taiyin Star, but also Chang'e!
Chang'e and Xihe were both transformed by the moon essence. Although their cultivation levels were very different, they were actually sisters from the same origin.

A bit similar to Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

In the lotus lantern he saw in his previous life, Yang Jian liked Chang'e. Li Anran was a little worried that this matter would involve Chang'e and then affect Yang Jian. "Forget it! It's better to tell the second brother about this! If he really likes Chang'e, he will naturally investigate it. If he doesn't like it, we can let him think twice and be prepared!"

Li Anran was not sure what Yang Jian's attitude was towards Chang'e.

He had known Yang Jian for so many years, but he had never heard Yang Jian mention Chang'e, and he was too embarrassed to gossip.

Li Anran immediately changed direction and flew towards the Judiciary Temple, only to learn that Yang Jian had brought the roaring dog down to earth to investigate the pangolins and had not returned yet.

Li Anran left a message and returned to Tianlao.

Pangolins can only calculate and trick the Eight Immortals, but their methods are not very clever.

Yang Jian and Xiaotian Quan deduced the process from the results and conducted purposeful investigations. It was not difficult to find evidence.

Li Anran didn't interfere.

And things happened just as he expected. In just three days, Yang Jian collected conclusive evidence that pangolins broke into the eighteenth level of hell and pretended to be Lu Dongbin and burned down the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

Later, the Jade Emperor ordered the pangolin to be put on the demon-slaying platform, its head beheaded in public, and its soul dispersed, so that it would never be reincarnated.

It is said that when the pangolin was dying, he was still shouting that the Jade Emperor would protect the Eight Immortals and that he wanted to see He Xiangu.

Once this matter is over, the Eight Immortals have returned to their thrones, and Taishang Laojun's layout in Dongsheng China has been completed.

In order to express their gratitude, the Eight Immortals first went to Tushita Palace to thank the Supreme Lord, then went to Lingxiao Palace to kowtow to the Jade Emperor, and finally went to Tianlao in person to thank Li Anran.

"My lord has said that he is just acting according to the decree of Taiyi Tianzun. If you want to thank Tianzun, then go and thank Tianzun. He is busy with official duties and has no time to see guests."

Li Anran didn't even let them in, and directly asked his subordinates to send them away.

The Eight Immortals were naturally dissatisfied with this, but they owed Li Anran a favor and couldn't force their way in. They simply went to Dongji Miaoyan Palace to thank Taiyi Tianzun and put the karma they owed on Taiyi Tianzun.

"Brother Li Anran, I think Han Zhongli and He Xiangu are not broad-minded people. I'm afraid they will bear a grudge against you." Yang Jian witnessed all this and said.

"If you have a grudge, just bear it!" Li Anran didn't care, and was still in the mood to joke: "I just like others to look at me displeased and look at me as helpless."

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

Although Li Anran's words may sound a little arrogant, they are also true.

Although the Eight Immortals are disciples carefully selected by Taishang Laojun, each of their previous lives was not simple, but that's all!

They were able to break through to the level of Golden Immortal or even Taiyi Golden Immortal in such a short period of time entirely because of their past life experience and the calamities they experienced in this life.

Now that the pangolin is dead and their doom is over, that's the end of it for them.

Except for Lu Dongbin, the probability of the others breaking through to Daluo Jinxian within a thousand years is almost zero.

And Li Anran is already the Great Luo Jinxian now, and Yang Jian cannot predict where he will go after a thousand years.

The only thing that is certain is that whether the Eight Immortals hold grudges or are grateful, they are indeed too incapable to have any impact on Li Anran.

"Second brother, I competed with Nezha in Tianhe..."

Li Anran told Yang Jian what he found.

Yang Jian frowned slightly, showing a bit of worry: "When we usually meet on the magpie bridge, those two children are ignorant and only know hate but not love, so that's it. Now that they have returned to their normal minds, I am afraid they will not be able to bear the pain of father, son and mother." The pain of female cannibalism.”

Li Anran was startled, but he didn't expect that Yang Jian's concerns were completely different from his. He suddenly sighed in his heart: "Second brother has great love, and I am not as good as him in this regard!"

He grew up in modern society and is relatively indifferent to emotions.

After coming to this world, safety and interests come first.

That is to say, after getting along with Yang Jian Nezha for a long time, some real friendship developed.

But he is still very indifferent to outsiders.

The biggest difference between him and Mantian Gods and Buddhas is that Mantian Gods and Buddhas treat mortals as ants, while he treats all outsiders as ants.

The gods and Buddhas in the sky were condescending and looked down upon with contempt, while he just stayed out of the matter and ignored it.

In contrast, Yang Jian truly cares about all living beings and has compassion for all living beings.

"Rather than bothering to change the rules of heaven, my second brother might as well just become the Jade Emperor!"

Li Anran doesn't believe in human rule, but he believes in Yang Jian.

However, the Jade Emperor was supported and recognized by the Six Saints and Taoist Ancestors.

To overthrow the Jade Emperor is basically equivalent to confronting the entire Three Realms, but it is much more difficult than modifying the laws of heaven!

Yang Jian pondered for a moment and said: "Brother Li Anran, I know about this, and I will also check on the Taiyin Star. You said before that you wanted to arrest a powerful man who had listened to the Taoist sermons in Zixiao Palace and imprisoned him in the sky. Come on, I've found a suitable candidate for you."

As he spoke, Yang Jian waved his right hand, and the water flowed in front of him, revealing the figure of a ferocious beast.

The ferocious beast looks like a tiger, is as big as an ox, has a pair of wings, is very ugly, and is surrounded by a layer of black air, giving people a ferocious and evil feeling. .

"Qiongqi?" Li Anran recognized him at a glance.

Yang Jian nodded and said: "This Qiongqi is also an innate creature. He once listened to the sermon in Zixiao Palace. However, it has a bad temper, betrays trust and loyalty, advocates evil words, and takes pleasure in killing. It is despised by everyone. happiness."

"After Taozu's sermon ended, it did evil everywhere in the ancient world and forged countless karmic hatreds. However, because of its powerful magic power and tyrannical body, no one could deal with it. It was not until the Yellow Emperor came to power that it was seriously injured and expelled by the human race, and fled to the outer chaos. among."

Li Anran's eyes widened when he heard this. This Qiongqi has many friends and enemies, so he is indeed the best candidate. He asked: "Second brother, do you know its whereabouts?"

Yang Jian said "Yes" and said: "Qiongqi knew that he had too many enemies. After he was seriously injured, he hid in the chaos of the sky to recuperate and never dared to show his face."

"But some time ago, after the news that Ancestor Hongyun was pregnant with Hongmeng Purple Qi spread, it had the idea of ​​snatching Hongmeng Purple Qi and secretly sneaked into the Three Realms."

When Yang Jian said this, a cold light flashed across his eyes, with murderous intent.

Li Anran was startled at first, but soon guessed the reason.

It is recorded in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" that Qiongqi is cruel and cannibalistic.

Qiongqi has been driven out of the Three Realms for so many years, lingering in the chaos of the empty sky, and he may have been suffocated long ago.

When I return to the Three Realms, I will definitely eat a lot and make up for what I haven't eaten in these years.

Yang Jian must have discovered its traces through this.

Sure enough, Yang Jian continued: "It has eaten nearly a million people in these days, and it has not even left a soul. We went to catch it and imprison it in the heavenly prison. It is also to eliminate harm to the three realms, and it is natural."

(End of this chapter)

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