I am guarding the sky prison in Journey to the West

Chapter 269 The real first person in the three worlds

"No wonder no one can find the Hongmeng Purple Qi! He actually hid the Hongmeng Purple Qi in the snake demon! This operation is really a stroke of genius!"

While Li Anran was amazed, he also looked at Patriarch Hongyun with a little more disdain.

Although Patriarch Hongyun has various flaws in his character, his on-the-spot reaction ability is really extraordinary, and he is also decisive in doing things.

Not to mention Kunpeng, even he never expected that Ancestor Hongyun would hide such a treasure as the Hongmeng Purple Qi in a snake demon that he had hastily enlightened.

"No wonder Patriarch Hongyun always takes his disciples Snake and Scorpion with him wherever he goes!"

Li Anran thought again about the extra information about the snake and scorpion demons in the punishment book when he brought Patriarch Hongyun into the prison.

He didn't think much about it at the time, he just thought that Patriarch Hongyun brought his disciples with him for their safety and to facilitate their training.

Only now do we know that Patriarch Hongyun brought not only disciples, but also Hongmeng Purple Qi!
The scenes in the Book of Punishment are still moving forward.

After Patriarch Hongyun enlightened the two demons of snake and scorpion, he not only taught them the cultivation techniques, but also left them a bag of treasures and the Ruyi Jade, and ordered them to set off immediately to Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain.

After that, Ancestor Hongyun hurried to the underworld, hoping to find Zhen Yuanzi for help.

As a result, because it was his first time to go to the underworld, and he was worried that Kunpeng would find out that he had been deceived and catch up with him, he lost his way in a hurry and floated near the Sea of ​​Blood, where he was discovered by the Ancestor of the Styx River.

Ancestor Styx naturally wanted to get the Hongmeng Purple Qi, so he arrested the soul of Hongyun Ancestor on the spot and began to interrogate him about the whereabouts of the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Ancestor Hongyun secretly attacked Kunpeng. In desperation, he threw the Hongmeng Purple Qi into the chaos outside the sky and told Kunpeng away.

Patriarch Styx was dubious about this, and after some thought, he decided to turn Patriarch Hongyun directly into Asura.

The Asura clan is a race he created. As long as Patriarch Hongyun becomes an Asura, he can directly peer into Patriarch Hongyun's heart and determine whether what Patriarch Hongyun is telling is the truth or a lie.

If Ancestor Hongyun is telling a lie and Hongmeng Purple Qi is still in Ancestor Hongyun’s hands, he can snatch it away immediately.

If the Hongyun Ancestor is telling the truth, Kunpeng has already taken away the Hongmeng Purple Qi. By turning the Hongyun Ancestor into an Asura, he can justifiably ask Kunpeng for the Hongmeng Purple Qi under the banner of the Hongyun Ancestor.

Moreover, although Patriarch Hongyun's physical body was destroyed, his soul was still at the level of Daluo Jinxian.

If Ancestor Hongyun transforms into an Asura, his potential and strength will far exceed those of his Asuras, and he will directly become the number one general under his command.

Ancestor Ming He was planning very loudly, but he had just taken action. Zhen Yuanzi and Hou Tu Ancestor Wu...

No, it should be said that Empress Pingxin appeared above the sea of ​​blood.

After Hou Tuzu Witch transformed into reincarnation, there was no Hou Tuzu Witch in the world, only Empress Pingxin remained!
However, at this point in time, none of the great masters, including the Witch Clan, the Monster Clan, and the Hongyun Ancestor, believed in this. They still regarded Empress Pingxin as a member of the Witch Clan, and she would be treated as a Tuzu Witch from now on.

There are even many people who believe that Hou Tuzu Wu incarnated reincarnation in order to create heaven under Emperor Jundong and Huang Taiyi, in order to occupy the Netherworld and confront the demon clan tit for tat.

The so-called "for the sake of all sentient beings" is just a lie to cover up the public's ears.

Ancestor Styx is one of them.

The reason why Patriarch Minghe discovered the soul of Patriarch Hongyun so quickly was because he had been staring at the movements of Empress Pingxin, gnashing his teeth with hatred, but fearing the power of the Wu clan, he did not dare to stop her.

While Zhen Yuanzi was using the land book to help Empress Pingxin complete the underworld, he had been feeling uneasy and had a premonition that something had happened. He also guessed that the person who had the trouble was probably the Hongyun ancestor.

Therefore, Zhen Yuanzi used the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror to investigate the whereabouts of Ancestor Hongyun, and found that the body of Ancestor Hongyun had been destroyed, leaving only a wisp of soul, and was detained by Ancestor Minghe.

Zhen Yuanzi was horrified and immediately said goodbye to Empress Pingxin and came to rescue Patriarch Hongyun.

Empress Pingxin knew that Zhen Yuanzi and Ancestor Hongyun were close friends, and she also understood that something happened to Ancestor Hongyun, which had something to do with her asking Zhen Yuanzi to come to Netherworld to help, so she rushed over with Zhen Yuanzi.

Patriarch Styx was naturally unwilling to hand over Patriarch Hongyun, and even vowed that it would be the best choice for Patriarch Hongyun to turn into Asura.

Zhen Yuanzi was furious and took action, but was blocked by Patriarch Minghe's twelfth-grade karma red lotus.

Ancestor Minghe's cultivation level is slightly inferior to that of Zhen Yuanzi, but the twelfth-grade innate spiritual treasure in his hands, the Fire Red Lotus of Industry, and the Two Swords of Yuantu Abi are far more suitable for fighting than Zhen Yuanzi's Ginseng Fruit Tree and Heaven and Earth Treasure Book.

Coupled with the fact that this is the Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood, he has every advantage of the location.

The result of the fight between the two was that Ancestor Styx had the upper hand.

Yuantu's two swords of Abi forced Zhen Yuanzi to dodge in embarrassment, and even the whisk in his hand was chopped into two pieces.


Empress Pingxin has made a move!
Li Anran had seen the scenes of the Saints of the Killing Immortal Formation and the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation fighting each other in the lives of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and the Red Jingjing. With every move, the heaven and the earth changed, and the great road manifested, forcibly breaking the entire ancient land into four. Most continents.

But at this moment, the power of Empress Pingxin when she takes action is no worse than that of the saint!
She only used one move!
Very simply and crudely, he grabbed his hand forward and directly grasped Yuantu's Abi sword in his hand!
Ancestor Minghe's expression changed drastically, and he quickly activated Yuan Tu's two swords, Abi, to shoot out countless bloody sword lights.

However, these sword lights had no effect at all on Empress Pingxin's hand!

In an instant, it shattered.

Not to mention hurting Empress Pingxin, she didn't even leave a white mark.

However, with just a slight exertion of the palm of Empress Pingxin's hand, the two swords of Yuantu Abi let out a series of mournful screams, and the luster on them dimmed a bit.Ancestor Minghe once again activated the red lotus of the twelfth-grade karma fire to release the monstrous karma fire, but was also caught and extinguished by Empress Pingxin.

Ancestor Minghe and Zhen Yuanzi were dumbfounded. Li Anran also took a breath and said with great certainty: "Empress Pingxin definitely has the strength of a saint!"

Suddenly, Li Anran thought of something.

"Taoist Hongjun and the Six Saints have now left the Three Realms, so isn't the number one in the Three Realms now Queen Pingxin?"

As Li Anran's thoughts turned around, Patriarch Minghe, who was among Patriarch Hongyun in his life, had decisively chosen to follow his heart, rolled down the slope along the steps given by Empress Pingxin, and handed over the soul of Patriarch Hongyun.

However, Ancestor Hongyun's soul had been mostly polluted by the sea of ​​blood, and he had fallen into madness.

Even Empress Pingxin could only help him suppress his anger and briefly regain his consciousness.

Empress Pingxin suggested that Patriarch Hongyun be reincarnated and rebuild her cultivation, but Patriarch Hongyun refused without hesitation.

What is lost during reincarnation is not only the cultivation in this life, but also the cause and effect on the body will be weakened, until after ten lives, it will completely cease to exist.

It is also for this reason that the Tathagata will set the Buddhist scriptures from the west to Tang Monk, the tenth reincarnation of Jin Chanzi.

Ancestor Hongyun was worried that the causal thread on his body would become weak, which would prevent him from retrieving the Hongmeng Purple Qi from the snakes and scorpions, so he chose to forcibly cut off those souls that were contaminated by the sea of ​​blood.

Ancestor Hongyun almost lost his soul because of this, but was saved by the Three Light Divine Water that Zhen Yuanzi begged from Yuanshi Tianzun.

Li Anran clicked his tongue when he saw it.

In addition to lamenting that Patriarch Hongyun was so cruel to him, he also admired what Zhen Yuanzi had done!
Ancestor Hongyun is a good person, while Zhen Yuanzi is truly righteous. He is very rare in the world for being able to do this for his friends!
After that, Zhen Yuanzi brought the remnant soul of Ancestor Hongyun back to Wuzhuang Temple.

The two demons of snake and scorpion also came to Wanshou Mountain according to the instructions of Patriarch Hongyun.

However, because the remnant soul of Hongyun Ancestor was too damaged and fell into a deep sleep, they failed to find Wuzhuang Temple and had to stay at the foot of Wanshou Mountain.

After waiting until 3000 years later, Hongyun Ancestor briefly regained consciousness, begged Zhen Yuanzi for two ginseng fruits, secretly made the snake and scorpion demons take them, and sealed the snake and scorpion demons in Calabash Mountain for causing harm.

It wasn't until the Journey to the West era that Ancestor Hongyun's soul returned to its original state, and he released the two demons again. With the help of the Calabash Baby, he reshaped his body and accepted the two demons as his disciples.

The two demons of Snake and Scorpion thought that they had been suppressed under Calabash Mountain for ten thousand years, but in fact it was far longer than ten thousand years.

"Qiongqi was only half right. It was not only Kunpeng, but also Ancestor Styx who completely changed Hongyun's mind and moved him from one extreme to another!"

Li Anran observed the life experience of Patriarch Hongyun from the perspective of a bystander, and gained a new understanding of Patriarch Hongyun.

Ancestor Hongyun's character had completely changed after being attacked by Kunpeng and detained and tortured by Ancestor Styx.

However, he always pretended to be his original self in front of his old friend Zhen Yuanzi.

Hmm...can't say it's disguise.

Perhaps Ancestor Hongyun didn’t even see himself clearly, and thought he was still the same self as before!
But in fact, he is completely different from the nice guy who easily trusted others!
He no longer trusts anyone, including Zhen Yuanzi who desperately saves him!
After surviving in Wuzhuang Temple and Hulu Mountain for so many years, Patriarch Hongyun never leaked the news about Hongmeng Ziqi!

After Kunpeng told him that Hongmeng Ziqi was still on him, he immediately chose to separate from Zhen Yuanzi.

On the surface, the reason is that he doesn't want to drag Zhen Yuanzi down anymore, but in fact, he is wary of Zhen Yuanzi!

This can be seen from the fact that after he separated from Zhen Yuanzi, he immediately returned to Hulu Mountain and took the two demons of snake and scorpion with him instead of entrusting the two demons of snake and scorpion to Zhen Yuanzi!
Li Anran also noticed these emotions from Ancestor Hongyun.

Li Anran was curious: "Has Zhen Yuanzi realized this?"

But he was just curious, and these had little to do with him.

What he really cares about is what is going on with Empress Pingxin now!
This is truly No. 1 in the three realms!
If she wants to do something, no one can stop her!
"I will definitely ask my second brother when I see him next time."

Li Anran did not check the life of the snake and scorpion demons.

Two poor and lucky tool demons, not worth his time!
He opened the life story of Patriarch Hongyun again and listened to the sermons of Patriarch Dao.

No matter how the Three Realms change, strength is the most important thing!
At the same time, the Temple of Justice.

Yang Jian was sitting in front of the desk, holding a file in one hand and a red pen in the other, but he couldn't read a single word.

After sitting blankly for a long time, he finally gathered his mind and finished reading the file.

When the ink pen came down, what was written was the sixteen words "There are laws to abide by, laws must be followed, law enforcement must be strict, and violations must be prosecuted."

Yang Jian suddenly came back to his senses, and he wanted to cross them out when he picked up the pen, but stopped the moment he put down the pen.

He can't bear it!

"That's great! If the Three Realms can really do this, so what if I lose my soul!"

Yang Jian murmured to himself, his eyes gradually firming up. (End of chapter)

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