Chapter 278 What if it doesn’t work?
Li Anran did not hesitate to put the blame on Li Jing.

Tathagata also cooperated and showed a bit of surprise: "Is there such a thing?"

He only believed [-]% of Li Anran's words.

He believed that Li Anran and Nezha went to Mengjie for Li Jing.

However, it is absolutely impossible for Li Anran and Nezha to prove Li Jing's innocence. They can only find evidence of Li Jing's crime.

And based on Li Anran's understanding of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, it was impossible for the Mengjie to be destroyed inadvertently. Li Anran must have seen the flaws in the formation.

However, Tathagata doesn't care!
All he wanted was a step he could climb down and——

An opportunity to negotiate terms with Taiyi Tianzun!

Tathagata's eyes narrowed slightly, and he thought to himself: "If I can use this opportunity to get Taiyi Tianzun to agree to my bet with Wutian, it would be worthwhile."

After Wutian refined the Soul Black Lotus, the best way to kill him completely was to let Wutian self-destruct!
This is also the reason why Tathagata is determined to fight with Wutian!
However, compared with him, Wutian occupies an absolute disadvantage in the Three Realms!
If he wants Wutian to accept the gambling battle, he must set up a stage that is absolutely beneficial to Wutian!
That is to say, in the sequel to Journey to the West, the Three Realms were overthrown by the Tathagata's reincarnation, gods and Buddhas became prisoners, and Wutian ruled the Three Realms for 33 years.

To set up such a stage, it is not enough for Tathagata to be willing. It also requires the consent and cooperation of Heavenly Court, Xuanmen, Jiejiao and even big forces such as Wuzhuangguan.

This kind of thing would have been impossible before.

But now, with the Yellow Turban Uprising, the Buddhist Scriptures from the West, the Eight Immortals gathering for justice, and the annihilation of the Demon Master's Mansion, the effect of eliminating karma is obvious. The Tathagata uses the elimination of karma as an excuse to postpone the great catastrophe, and it can be regarded as turning the impossible into a possibility.

However, it is only possible!

It is also not easy for him to convince all parties!

Tathagata set his gambling fight with Wu Tian after a period of one month in order to give himself time to persuade, or to be more precise, to exchange interests with all parties.

Among these forces, Xuanmen is undoubtedly the most difficult to convince!

But the current situation in the world has given him a chance!
"How dare I speak nonsense in front of the Buddha!"

Li Anran looked sincere.

They plotted against the Buddha who suppressed the world and destroyed the Mongolian world.

It is said that when they were secretly investigating Li Jing's matter, they saw that the Meng Realm was full of souls, so they wanted to help reduce the pressure on the Meng Realm and sent these innocent souls into the Netherworld, but in the end, the Meng Realm was destroyed.

Finally, he made a conclusion: "This is all purely coincidental! Nezha and I did not intend to offend! Please ask the Buddha for advice!"

Nezha: "!!!"

Nezha stared dumbfoundedly at Li Anran telling lies in a serious manner.

What made him even more unbelievable was that Tathagata nodded slightly, with an expression of belief in Li Anran, clasped his hands together, and said: "I see, the old monk has misunderstood you." With a wave of his right hand, a Buddha's light flashed, He actually collected the lotus sea all over the sky.

Nezha: "???" Tathagata believes it now?

Nezha was completely confused.

Tathagata looked furious just now, why did he believe Li Anran's words so easily?
This must be a heavenly oath, right?
But, not at all!

Tathagata seemed to have completely believed Li Anran and asked: "What are the results of your investigation?"

Seeing Tathagata's cooperation, Li Anran knew that Tathagata had agreed to turn the page, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

If he sets up the Immortal Killing Formation, he may not be able to stop Tathagata, but it may not be able to stop him either.

It's just that there is no need to fight to the death with Tathagata here!
not worth it!

"King Li Tian... alas!"

Li Anran let out a long sigh, with an expression on his face that he couldn't bear to continue: "The rules of heaven cannot be violated. Although King Li is Nezha's father, but he did such a thing, Nezha and I have no choice but to terminate our relationship out of justice."

Seeing that Nezha was still standing there like a wooden man, Li Anran touched Nezha with his arm.

Nezha suddenly came back to his senses and wanted to imitate Li Anran's expression of grief, but his acting skills were not good enough at all, so he only nodded hard: "Yes! Li Anran is right! We want to exterminate our relatives for justice!"

Li Anran: "..." Although Tathagata doesn't care about our acting skills, your gnashing teeth expression is too fake!

Li Anran continued: "I have collected the witnesses and evidence. After returning to the Heavenly Court, they will be handed over to the Judiciary Temple. However, the King Kong in Lingshan..."

The Tathagata said: "Don't worry about the prison god. Our Buddhism is a pure place, and we will never allow people who do such things. I have already passed down the decree before, and the people in Lingshan must not violate the law of heaven. He does not respect my decree. If he violates the rules of heaven, the prison god will just ask the Jade Emperor to issue an order, and I will send him to heaven."

Li Anran was startled. He didn't know what Tathagata was planning. Seeing that Tathagata was so easy to talk to, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he still said, "Thank you, Lord Buddha."

"I, a Buddhist disciple, have done evil things and caused King Li Tian to commit the crime of covering up. It is the fault of a poor monk and he does not deserve the thanks of the prison god. It's just..."

The Tathagata changed the subject, let out a long sigh, and said, "The Mongolian Realm was the shelter I opened for those who were wrongfully killed. It is such a pity that it has been destroyed now!"

Li Anran was relieved when he heard this.

He was not afraid that Tathagata would make conditions, but that Tathagata would not make conditions. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Tathagata say again: "Prisoner God, Third Prince, we have been away from the Three Realms for some time, and Taiyi Tianzun is probably impatient. We Let’s go back to the Three Realms first and then talk about it.”

As he spoke, Tathagata clasped his hands together, and the Buddha's light filled his body, instantly engulfing the three of them.

Nezha felt his eyes blurred. When he looked around again, they had returned to the junction of Xiniu Hezhou and Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Li Anran was prepared this time. He had been feeling the changing process of the space. He was thoughtful and felt some clues.

But before he could think about it, he saw an auspicious cloud floating in the distance. On top of the cloud stood a Taoist wearing a Tai Chi Taoist uniform, a double bun, a wide robe with long sleeves, and silk and hemp shoes!
It is Taiyi Tianzun!

Li Anran was worried about an accident, so as soon as he left Lingjiu Cave, he reported the matter to Taiyi Tianzun using the method of passing a message from a crane.

Feihe's speed was naturally incomparable to his Rainbow Transformation Technique.Not to mention, Li Anran was worried that Feihe would be stopped and even let him take a detour.

When Taiyi Tianzun received the letter from Feihe, Li Anran and Nezha had already been taken into the chaos outside the sky by Tathagata, and they were defeated.

It was not until just now that he felt the auras of Li Anran and Nezha again, and hurried over.

"Disciple Li Anran (Nezha) pays homage to Master." Li Anran and Nezha stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

Taiyi Tianzun pretended to glance at the two of them casually, but secretly looked at Li Anran carefully from top to bottom. Seeing that Li Anran was safe and sound, he breathed a sigh of relief and glared at Nezha fiercely. He was so frightened. He shivered and his face turned a little pale.

In front of Tathagata, Taiyi Tianzun said nothing more and just waved his hand to let the two of them get up.

Taiyi Tianzun looked at Li Anran very covertly, but Tathagata's attention had always been focused on Li Anran, so he was still keenly aware of it.

This made Tathagata more and more certain that Li Anran had mastered the Immortal Killing Formation.

Otherwise, Etai Yi Tianzun’s temperament would never be so nervous!

Taiyi Tianzun bowed slightly towards the Tathagata with an apologetic face and said: "The two children are messing around and ruining the enlightenment realm of the Tathagata Buddha. After the poor Taoist returns, he will be severely punished."

Buddhism and Taoism have very similar attitudes towards their erring disciples——

Take him back and punish him severely!
However, it’s hard to say whether he will be severely punished or punished with three drinks of wine after he is brought back!

Taiyi Tianzun took out a crystal-clear blue orb the size of a fist from his arms and said: "This bead is called Tianshui Bead. It is an innate spiritual treasure born in Hongmeng when the world first opened. It contains a The Small Thousand Worlds can be used as a substitute for the Mongolian Realm. You can also inform Pindao of the materials needed to build the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda, and Pindao will send people to Lingshan as soon as possible."

Nezha felt unwilling and said: "Master, the Mongolian Realm..."

Before he finished speaking, Taiyi Tianzun had already glared over.

Nezha's voice was stagnant. Even if he had more to say, he could only swallow it.

Tathagata spoke at this time: "Tianzun, I have learned about this incident from the prison god and the third prince. I can't blame them for this matter. It was the poor monks who were not strict in their discipline and caused the disciples to violate the rules of heaven, which led to this incident. All kinds of troubles.”

"Now that the catastrophe is approaching, the destruction of the Mongolian Realm is due to the fate of heaven. The prison god and the third prince just bumped into each other by chance. Heaven does not want to let it exist, and the poor monk can't do anything against nature anymore, so he let it happen. Let it go."

Taiyi Tianzun frowned slightly, with a bit more solemnity on his face, and said: "Tathagata Buddha can ignore it, but poor Taoists cannot treat it as nothing happened. Since Tathagata Buddha is not planning to rebuild the Mongolian Realm, does he have other plans?"

On the surface, Tathagata is trying to take over, but he actually wants something else!
But he couldn't refuse this time!
Li Anran noticed that Tathagata specifically mentioned the word "catastrophe", and his heart moved, and he immediately guessed what Tathagata wanted to say.

Sure enough, Tathagata said: "The poor monk originally created the Mongolian Realm to accommodate the souls of those who were wrongfully killed in the world. His original intention was to resolve the karma between heaven and earth and delay the coming of the catastrophe. Now, the poor monk has found a more powerful one. A good way to resolve karma is just..."

Taiyi Tianzun also guessed what Tathagata was going to say at this time, and asked knowingly: "But what?"

Tathagata sighed and said: "But this requires the concerted efforts of gods and Buddhas from the three realms..."

Later, Tathagata told Wu Tian's story and said: "If Wu Tian and his demons can be killed, the cause and effect between heaven and earth will be resolved, and the coming catastrophe will be postponed for more than a thousand years. "

"It's just that Wutian is cunning and wants to compete with me for the position of the World Honored One in the Buddhist world. He also knows that the righteous path of the three realms is prosperous and evil, and if he wants to lure him into taking the bait, he needs the cooperation of the gods and Buddhas of the three realms to put on a good show with him. He thought he had the upper hand, but in fact he was already in trouble."

Taiyi Tianzun asked: "Has Tathagata Buddha already figured out how to lure him into the urn?"

The Tathagata nodded and said: "Sakyamuni in black, leads and governs the three realms. His true nature and spirit have joined the Sakyamuni family."

Taiyi Tianzun's pupils shrank suddenly.

Even though he had experienced various things, he was also shocked when he heard Tathagata's words.

"Sakyamuni in black" undoubtedly refers to Wutian, and "leading and governing the three realms" means that Wutian will rule the three realms.

"True spiritual transformation, entering the Shifan family" must be the Tathagata, who will be reincarnated as a mortal.

The Tathagata wants Wutian to become the master of the three realms, and he will be reincarnated as a mortal!
Although the master of the three realms cannot be real, the most the Tathagata can do is to let the gods and Buddhas of the three realms cooperate with them to perform a play, temporarily hand over the three realms to the rule of Wutian, and let them use the three realms as a chessboard to engage in a life-and-death gambling game. .

However, this gesture is already unprecedentedly large!
Not to mention the previous Yellow Turban Uprising, Seeking Buddhist Scriptures from the West, and the Gathering of the Eight Immortals.

Even in the past catastrophe of Conferring Gods, the Three Religions and Six Saints only used the Yin Shang and Xiqi of the human race as a battlefield to confront each other.

With this opening, Tathagata will use the entire Three Realms as a chessboard, and will also give up the entire Three Realms to Wutian!
This is simply incredible!
What is even more difficult to understand is that Tathagata is so confident that he has given up the entire Three Realms. How can he still win?

The stakes in this gambling battle are that the losing party will dissipate and be annihilated!
Compared with Wutian, Tathagata is superior in terms of cultivation and power!
Especially the latter, if the gods and Buddhas of the three realms join forces, let alone Wutian who only refined the twelfth-grade World-Destroying Black Lotus into the Yuanshen Black Lotus, he will be able to crush him even if he is the twelfth-grade World-Destroying Black Lotus. Turn to ashes!
But now, Tathagata did not ask him to help deal with Wutian. Instead, he gave up all his advantages when he had an absolute advantage, and even put himself at an absolute disadvantage in reincarnation to have a fight with Wutian. Bet and fight!
Even if Tathagata is absolutely confident that he can win, this approach is really too stupid and too pretentious!
"Why?" Taiyi Tianzun asked.

He has been in charge of Taoism for so many years, and Tathagata has been in charge of Buddhism for so many years. He knows the power of Tathagata best. He doesn't believe that Tathagata can't understand this.

Tathagata said: "Tianzun is confused. I clearly have a better way to deal with Wutian, but in the end I chose this most thankless one?"

Taiyi Tianzun nodded.

Tathagata said: "Yes, I do have many ways to kill Wutian, but the battle between me and him is not a battle for magic power or supernatural powers, but a battle for Tao."

"Even if I have thousands of ways to kill him, it just proves that my cultivation is deeper and my magic power is stronger, which is of no use to the Tao."

"Only when the strengths and weaknesses are reversed and he has all the advantages, and I can still win, can I prove that my way is right and his way is wrong!"

"As for the risks involved, whether I can win..."

Tathagata paused and continued: "I believe that my way is right and his way is wrong. I will definitely be able to defeat him."

After listening for a long time, Nezha finally understood the meaning of Tathagata's sixteen words just now, and his face was filled with shock and disbelief.

At this time, when I heard Tathagata say this, I couldn't help but ask: "What if it can't be done?"

The Tathagata said calmly: "It is enough to hear the Tao in the morning and die in the evening!"

(End of this chapter)

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