Chapter 283 Unforgivable Sins
"Master, when I arrived at Tianshui Mountain, Fairy Jincui had already changed Yuanze Cave into Cailing Cave. According to Master's instructions, I secretly inquired about the situation of the Black-armored Demon King from the mountain god lands around Tianshui Mountain."

"At first they were afraid of being retaliated by Mr. Li and wanted to lie to me. It wasn't until I took out the Heart-Questing Bead that they began to tell the truth. The black-armored demon king is an old turtle who has attained enlightenment. He likes to be quiet and does not like to move. He stays in his nest all year round. In my cave, I never caused trouble or bullied them."

"Fairy Jinxuan was interested in the old turtle's cave, and when she couldn't get her request, she deliberately turned the tables on right and wrong and reported the matter to the Heavenly Court. That idiot Li Laosi didn't investigate clearly, so he believed Fairy Jinxuan's words and killed him. Yuanze Cave is full of people.”

Heavenly Court, the Temple of Judicial Heaven.

Roaring Sky Dog knelt in the center of the hall, reporting the results of his investigation to Yang Jian, his face full of gloating.

Since Li Laosi and Zhi Jian betrayed Yang Jian and took refuge with the Queen Mother, a lot of gossip spread in the Three Realms.

It is said that the Meishan brothers were greedy for power and did not hesitate to betray Yang Jian and seek refuge with the Queen Mother.

Some people say that Yang Jian is mean, ungrateful, hypocritical, and even the Meishan brothers can't stand it and want to part ways with him.

It was said that Yang Jian was about to be removed from his position as the God of Justice. Li Laosi and Zhi Jian saw that the situation was not good and did not want to follow Yang Jian into misfortune.

Yang Jian didn't care about this. As long as he didn't say it in front of him, he would just pretend that he didn't know.

The Roaring Sky Dog couldn't bear it.

In the past six months, I have had many quarrels with others and even started physical fights.

Yang Jian punished Roaring Sky Dog for this.

However, Roaring Sky Dog couldn't change it.

Every time he heard someone say something bad about Yang Jian, he would rush forward without saying a word and try to be punished by Yang Jian. He also wanted to make those guys who chewed people's ears behind his back pay the price!

In the process, the friendship between Roaring Sky Dog and Li Laosi and Lao Liu became weaker and weaker, and their hatred became deeper and deeper.

Now seeing that Li Laosi had made such a big mistake and was going to be unlucky, Roaring Sky Dog was naturally very happy.

"Gullible? He clearly did it on purpose!"

Sun Wukong next to him snorted coldly and said: "How is the black-armored Taoist friend doing? You can tell it by just checking it. How can you make a mistake?"

Yang Jian didn't speak, his expression was as calm as ever, but he couldn't hide the disappointment and pain in his eyes.

Early this morning, Sun Wukong, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, suddenly came to the door and wanted to sue the gods in heaven for taking over the cave and destroying all the people in the cave.

Yang Jian naturally didn't believe this.

Although Naoken and his wife took refuge with the Queen Mother and moved further and further away from her, this was just a fight above the court. They would not do anything like seizing the cave and destroying the whole family.

It wasn't until the monkey mentioned Fairy Cuiyun, Tianshui Mountain, and Yuanze Cave that Yang Jian realized something was wrong.

Yang Jian has a photographic memory and remembers all the memorials and cases he has seen clearly.

Half a month ago, Fairy Jinzhu of Bainiao Si of Tianting Yuefu did indeed file a petition against the Black-armored Demon King of Yuanze Cave in Tianshui Mountain for bullying the weak, insulting the mountain god's land, and making remarks that offended Heaven. She asked Heaven to send troops to come down to earth to subjugate and eliminate demons.

Monsters oppressing the gods in the lower realms have happened since ancient times.

Far away, Nezha kills the Yaksha of the East China Sea and the Third Prince of the Dragon King. Nearby, there is the monkey who seizes the golden cudgel and the red boy who oppresses the land of the mountain god.

And after the emperor's fluid movement, Kunpeng's death, and the birth of a large number of powerful demons and monsters, this kind of thing became more common. From time to time, mountain gods or gods who happened to stumble upon this matter would file complaints.

Yang Jian didn't care and handed the matter over to the Demon Subduing Hall as usual.

——The Judiciary Temple also has the task of descending to earth to subjugate demons and eliminate demons, but only the great demons who have committed serious sins can get help from the Judiciary Temple.

This black-armored king was just insulting the Mountain God's land and offending the Heavenly Court with his words. Well, he was not killing a large number of the Mountain God's land. He was not worthy of the Judiciary Heavenly Temple sending troops to conquer.

After that, Yang Jian stopped paying attention to this trivial matter.

Unexpectedly, today, the monkey suddenly came to the door and pointed out everyone by name.

Monkey is now doing things around Wutian. Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to know such a trivial matter.

He could tell now that what might have really happened was that the monkey happened to hit him.

Yang Jian realized this and immediately sent Roaring Sky Dog down to earth to investigate the matter.

So, there is this scene.

Yang Jian regretted it very much.

If he had known that today's scene would happen, he would never have let Li Laosi and Zhi Laoliu leave his side.

With him watching from the side, Li Laosi and Zhi Laoliu would never make such a big mistake.

"Second brother Yang, I have already found out before my grandson came here. That green-haired beast is the sworn sister of Fairy Qingluan in front of the Queen Mother's throne! That fellow Li Laosi is indiscriminate just to please Fairy Qingluan. , destroyed all the black-armored Taoist friends in Yuanze Cave! You won’t ignore this matter, right?”

The monkey knew that Li Laosi had become the general to conquer the demons, but he did not know that the reason why Li Laosi became the general to conquer the demons was because he had taken refuge with the Queen Mother and had broken up with Yang Jian.

He has been running around recruiting troops for Wutian these years.

The Black-armored Demon King was one of the navy commanders he selected.

However, Monkey went to Yuanze Cave several times to recruit, but was politely rejected by the Black-armored Demon King because he concentrated on cultivating Taoism.

Some time ago, he heard that pangolins impersonating the Eight Immortals burned down the Crystal Palace of the East China Sea, causing heavy casualties among the Four Seas tribes. Thinking that he had a good relationship with the Dragon King of the Four Seas, especially the Dragon King of the East China Sea, his old neighbor, he went to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea.

Everyone in the Three Realms knows about countless things about the dragon clan treasures in the Four Seas.

I don’t know how many monsters covet the wealth of the Dragon Clan. Now that the Dragon Clan in the Four Seas has suffered heavy losses, it is even more fat.

It is inevitable that there will be monsters who are guilty, and they will not hesitate to offend the heaven, but also go to the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas to blackmail you.

Here goes the monkey.

One is to see if the Dragon King of East China Sea needs his help with anything.

The second one is also thinking about whether he can bring the Sihai Dragon Clan to Wutian's side.

Not to mention letting them send troops to help Wutian deal with Lingshan, it would also be good if they could remain neutral or secretly help Wutian like Xuanmen did.

As a result, when the monkey arrived at the East China Sea, he could not see the Dragon King of the East China Sea. He only saw a few shrimp soldiers and crab generals guarding him.

After asking, I found out that the day he came happened to be the day when the Dragon Queen, her sons, and her grandsons were buried.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea took the corpses of the Dragon Queen and his son and grandson to the Dragon Tomb.

The monkey thought that he had already come here and had to pay his respects, so he followed the breath of the Dragon King of the East China Sea and swam all the way to the Dragon Tomb.

By chance, he broke through the disguise of the outer fake dragon tomb, entered the real dragon tomb, and saw the half-dead body of the ancestor dragon.

Then, because Wutian learned about Tathagata's plan about gambling from Li Anran, he followed the projection of the World-Destroying Black Lotus to the monkey.

Dragon Tomb is the tomb where all dragons are buried, but it is not just a tomb.The dragon clan buries all the clansmen with the blood of the true dragon here. The most fundamental purpose is to nourish the body of the ancestral dragon with the dragon soul, dragon blood and dragon clan's destiny, just waiting for the ancestral dragon to wake up one day and lead the dragon clan again. Get to the top.

The Dragon Clan is so weak in the Three Realms, and both humans and ghosts can bully them. This is also because the strongest group of people among the Dragon Clan are guarding the ancestor dragon's body in the Dragon Tomb.

Even though these so-called strongest ones were only two Daluo Golden Immortals and more than a dozen Taiyi Golden Immortals, they couldn't even notice the monkeys sneaking in.

It wasn't until Wutian didn't understand the monkey's situation and used the World-Destroying Black Lotus to manifest his soul that the dragon souls noticed anything unusual.

However, as Wutian cast a spell to cover his aura, the dragon soul, which had little intelligence left, became quiet again, while those ancient dragon monks were completely clueless from beginning to end.

They are carefully training the younger generations carefully selected by the Dragon King of the Four Seas, such as Prince Longba of the East China Sea, Prince Moang of the West Sea, and so on.

Pangolins burned down the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, which completely destroyed the reputation of the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas. It also made the Dragon King of the Four Seas realize that if this continues, the Dragon Clan will be completely destroyed before the Ancestral Dragon wakes up.

After some deliberation, the Dragon King of the Four Seas took the risk of violating the ancestral precepts and exposing the existence of the ancestral dragon, opened the real dragon tomb, and sent his most outstanding descendants in, hoping to use the breath of the ancestral dragon and the people in the dragon tomb. Dragon blood and dragon soul to improve their heel qualifications and mana cultivation.

The monkey was able to discover the location of the real Dragon Tomb because the Dragon Tomb had just been opened not long ago.

After Wutian learned what happened from the monkey's mouth, he immediately took the monkey and left Longzhong.

The Dragon Clan is full of treasures, and the Ancestral Dragon is even more so!

If the monks of the Three Realms knew that Zulong had not left the Three Realms and entered the outer chaos as rumored, but was seriously injured and unconscious in the abyss of the four seas, they would probably swarm in and divide Zulong!

Even many ancient powers are no exception!

If Wutian hadn't been worried that Zulong Zang had some back-up plan that would affect his gambling fight with Tathagata because of the impending gambling fight with Tathagata, he might not be able to restrain his greed!

With the tyrannical power of the Ancestral Dragon's body, if its consciousness could be erased and refined into a magical weapon, its power would never be worse than the Fantian Seal refined from half of Buzhou Mountain. It might even be better and become the strongest in the day after tomorrow. magic weapon.

And if the other dragons find out that Monkey and he are here, they will definitely kill them here at all costs!

Although Wutian is not afraid, there is no need to cause this trouble.

Especially after the monkey expressed no interest in the body of the ancestor dragon.

After leaving the Dragon Tomb and returning to the Abyss of Darkness, Wutian prepared Tathagata to persuade a group of gods and Buddhas to temporarily give up the control of the Three Realms to engage in a gambling battle with him.

The monkey was shocked and overjoyed.

He didn't think that Tathagata could still defeat them under such conditions!

The specific content of the gambling fight is still unclear, and Monkey and Wutian are unable to make targeted arrangements. After some discussion, they decided to follow the original plan and penetrate the tentacles throughout the Three Realms step by step.

If Tathagata really wants to leave the Three Realms, they can take over in the shortest possible time.

The monsters under Wu Tian, ​​such as Black Robe, Ying Yao, Giant Scorpion, and Six Spirit Generals, are not good at water fighting, and Monkey himself is no exception.

Therefore, Monkey put his next focus on recruiting navy generals.

As a result, he found that the Black-armored Demon King whom he was very optimistic about was killed by the troops led by Li Laosi, and the cave was occupied by Fairy Jinxu, and was transformed into Cailing Cave.

It is common for heaven to kill demons and monsters, but those like the Black-armored Demon King who devote themselves to cultivation, do not cause trouble, and occasionally do some good deeds are not included in this list.

After some investigation by the monkey, he discovered that the root cause of all this turned out to be that Fairy Bai Niaosi Jinxuan took a fancy to the cave of the Black-armored Demon King, colluded with the newly promoted demon-conquering general, killed the Black-armored Demon King, and occupied his cave. .

The monkey was furious and wanted to seek justice from heaven, but he heard that the newly promoted demon-conquering general was actually Li Taiwei, the fourth of the Meishan brothers.

When the monkeys made trouble in the Heavenly Palace, although Yang Jian was ordered to capture him, he spared half of the monkeys and their descendants.

From this point of view, Monkey owes Yang Jian a favor.

After some thought, Monkey did not go directly to the Lingxiao Palace to complain, nor did he go to the Demon Subduing Palace. Instead, he suppressed his anger and went directly to the Judiciary Temple to find Yang Jian.

"Sun Wukong, this is the Temple of Justice! You should be polite when talking to my master!"

Before Yang Jian could speak, the Roaring Sky Dog had already bared his teeth and protected his master, shouting: "What does the traitor Li Laosi's evil deeds have to do with my master!"

"Roaring Sky Dog!" Yang Jian's eyes widened and he shouted sternly: "Roaring Sky Dog, back off! If you dare to talk too much, get the hell back to Guanjiangkou!"

Roaring Sky Dog trembled in fright, shrank to the side in aggrieved manner, and did not dare to speak any more.

The monkey couldn't help but ask: "Brother Yang, what does Roaring Sky Dog mean by traitor?"

Yang Jian did not want to say more on this issue and did not answer. He only said: "Sun Wukong, I already know about this matter. Don't worry, no matter who dares to violate the rules of heaven, I will definitely take care of it to the end. I will take care of this matter to the end." I will give you an explanation. Roaring Sky Dog!"

"Master." Roaring Sky Dog approached with a flattering look.

Yang Jian said: "You lead a hundred grass-headed gods down to earth and go to Tianshui Mountain to bring Fairy Jinxuan and the land of the mountain gods in Tianshui Mountain."

Roaring Sky Dog nodded and bowed: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely take care of things."

Yang Jian added: "The law enforcement priest."

"My subordinate is here." The law enforcement priest hurriedly stepped forward.

Yang Jian ordered, "Go to the underworld immediately and bring the soul of the Black-armored Demon King from Yuanze Cave in Tianshui Mountain."

The law enforcement priest took the token and hesitated to speak, but looking at Yang Jian's cold face, he finally did not have the courage to say it out. He said "yes" and left the Judiciary Temple and flew to the underworld.

Yang Jian looked at the backs of Roaring Sky Dog and the law enforcement priest as they left, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Fourth child, please don’t be confused!

If you really do something to destroy someone's soul, I...I...alas!

Yang Jian let out a long sigh in his heart, but in his mind, he couldn't help but flash back to the past when he met the Meishan brothers and knew each other and became brothers.

In fact, he had long seen that Li Laosi and Zhi Laoliu were the most thoughtful among the Meishan brothers and valued power more, but he did not expect that they would go so far for power!
Not long after, the law enforcement priest walked in from outside the temple door.

Yang Jian looked at the soul of the black-armored demon king in his hand and felt relieved. It's okay, it's okay.

The monkey saw all this in his eyes and suddenly said: "Second Brother Yang, I, Old Sun, just thought of something. Is it possible that the Demon-Conquering General trusted Fairy Qingluan and never thought that Fairy Qingluan's sister would lie to him?" Why did he misbelieve her words and kill the black-armored fellow Taoist?"

Yang Jian was slightly startled, and soon understood the monkey's intention. He was a little grateful but had a very firm attitude: "The facts will only be known after interrogation. Everything shall be based on evidence."

Monkey said nothing more, but he admired Yang Jian even more in his heart.


a day later.

Court meeting in heaven.

Yang Jian reported to the Jade Emperor that the demon-suppressing general bent the law for personal gain. In order to befriend Fairy Qingluan, who was under the Queen Mother's throne, he colluded with Fairy Qingluan's foster sister, Fairy Jinsu, to kill the demon cultivators in Yuanze Cave in Tianshui Mountain and seize their caves. Knowing the law and breaking the law is an unforgivable crime. Forgiveness, his cultivation should be abolished, thrown into reincarnation, and never hired.

(End of this chapter)

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